Gluteal Region Flashcards
Name muscles of gluteal region?
1.Gluteus maximus
2.Gluteus medius
3.Gluteus minimus
4.Tensor fascia latae
6. Piriformis
7. Obturator internus
8. Gamellus superior
9. Gamellus inferior
10. Quadratus femoris
Which is the largest muscle in human body?
Gluteus maximus
Origin and insertion of tensor fascia latae?
Ileac crest
Iliotibial tract
Innervation of tensor fascia latae?
Superior gluteal nerve
Superior gluteal nerve innervates?
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fascia latae
Which nerve innervates gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve
Origin and insertion of gluteal maximus?
Ileum (outer surface)
Sacrotuberous ligament
2 points of insertions:
1. Iliotibial tract
2. Gluteal tuberosity of femur
Which muscle lies between gluteus maximus and minimus?
Gluteus medius
Origin and insertion of gluteus medius and minimus?
They have common origin and insertion;
Outer surface of ileum
Greater trochanter of femur
Action of gluteus maximus, medius and minimus?
Maximus - extend and laterally rotate the knee joint and thigh at hip joint
Medius and minimus - abducts the thigh at hip joint
Origin and insertion of piriformis?
Anterior surface of sacrum
Greater trochanter of femur
Which muscle lies between gamellus superior and inferior?
Obturator internus
What is the difference in origin of gamellus superior and inferior?
Gamellus superior
From spine of ischeum
Gamellus inferior
From ischial tuberosity
Both insert on greater trochanter of femur
Origin of obturator internus?
Inner surface of obturator membrane
What is the common function of deep muscles of gluteal region
Laterally rotate the thight at hip joint
Obturator internus
Gamellus inferior
Gamellus superior
Quadratus femoris)
Origin and insertion of quadratus femoris?
Ischial tuberosity
Quadrate tubercle on the upper end of femur (on intertrochanteric crest)
The only deep muscle of gluteal region that doesnot inserts on greater trochanter of femur?
Quadratus femoris - inserts on quadrate tubercle on upper end of femur
Which 2 muscles of gluteal region originate from ischeal tuberosity?
1.Gamellus inferior
2. Quadratus femoris
The sciatic nerve passes _____ to piriformis muscle?
The notch from which piriformis muscle passes?
Greater sciatic notch
Obturator foramen is covered by which membrane? And ehat muscle originates from it?
Obturator membrane
Obturator internus originates from it
Innervation of piriformis muscle?
1st and 2nd sacral nerves
Sacral plexus innervates which muscles of gluteal region?
Obturator internus
Gamellus superior
Gamellus inferior
Quadratus femoris
(So all deep muscles of gluteal region except piriformis - 1st and 2nd sacral nerve)
Quadrate tubercle is present on which part of femur? And which muscle attaches to it?
On the intertrochanteric crest
And quadratus femoris attaches to it
The gluteal region muscles that insert on greater trochanter of femur?
Gluteal medius
Gluteal minimus
Obturator internus
Gamellus superior
Gamellus inferior
Function of superficial and deep muscles of gluteal region?
Superficial - extend and abduct
Deep - laterally rotate
The arterial supply to gluteal region is via??
Superior and inferior gluteal arteries - branches of internal iliac artery
What happens when superior gluteal nerve is damaged?
Paralysis if gluteus medius and gluteus minimus (which stabilize the pelvis) - so pelvis becomes unsteady when leg is raised.
Characteristic finding of gluteal muscle weakness is trendelenburg sign
If +ve ——- pelvic drop occurs (by observing level of ileac crests on both sides)
if left gluteal muscle – weak
And patient stands on left leg–
Right side of pelvis will drop
The most superior muscle of the deep muscles of gluteal region is?
The fibres of piriformis travel through?
Greater sciatic foramen
What is triceps coxae?
If obturator internus and gamelli muscles are considered as one
Obturator internus travels through which foramen?
Lesser sciatic foramen
The most inferior of the deep muscles of gluteal region is?
Quadratus femoris
The superior/inferior gluteal nerve is named so because it emerges superiorly/inferiorly to?
Sciatic nerve enters the gluteal region directly _____ to piriformis?
The nerve to obturator internus innervates?
Superior gamellus
Obturator internus
Which muscle of gluteal region is suitable for intermuscular injection and why? And where should the injection be given?
Gluteus maximus - great thickness.
Upper outer quadrant of the buttock - to avoid injury to underlying sciatic nerve
How poliomyelitis affects gluteus medius and minimus?
It affects lower lumbar and sacral segments of spinal cord
So paralysis of these muscle affect the ability of patient to tilt the pelvis when walking
Intramuscular injection to buttock is given to which quadrant?
Upper outer