Gluteal Muscles Flashcards
What is the mnemonic for the Gluteal muscles?
MMM….Tangy Fruity Luxury
(Glute Med, Min, Max + TFL)
List the Gluteal muscles
1.) Glute Max
2.) Glute Med
3.) Glute Min
4.) Tensor Fascia Lata
What are the origins and insertions for these muscles?
1.) Glute Max
O: Posterior gluteal Line+
Iliac crest + Sacrum + Coccyx + Sacrotuberous ligament
I: Gluteal tuberosity of femur + IT band
2.) Glute Med
O: Ilium + gluteal aponeurosis
I: Greater trochanter (posterior lateral surface)
3.) Glute Min
O: Ilium
I: Greater trochanter ( anterior surface)
4.) TFL
O: Iliac crest
I: IT band
What nerves innervate this region?
Superior gluteal N
Inferior gluteal N
What is the only muscle to be innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve?
Glute Max
All of these muscles are involved in hip movement, but what 2 muscles help with knee stabilization?
Glute max
*Since they insert into the IT band
What actions does Glute max do?
Hip Extension ( against resistance)
Assists in external rotation
Helps stabilize knee
What actions does Glute Med do?
Hip abduction, internal and external rotation
* may assist with flex/ex
What actions does glute min do?
Hip internal rotation
*may assist with abduction
What actions does TFL do?
Assists with hip flexion, abduction and medial rotation
Assists in stabilizing the knee