Glucose metabolism - Lab Flashcards
is a primary source of energy for humans
cannot concentrate or store carbohydrates
Nervous tissue
A group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects insulin secretion, insulin receptors or both
Diabetes mellitus
Fasting plasma glucose concentrations
more than or equal to 126mg/dL
occurs when the plasma glucose level exceeds
180 mg/dL (9.99 mmol/L) with normal renal function
develops in DM from excessive synthesis of acetyl-CoA
3 signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus
Polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria
Medical term for excessive thirst
a feeling of extreme hunger
Medical term for excessive urination
results from β-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency
Type 1 Diabetes
results from a progressive insulin secretory defect on the background of insulin resistance
Type 2 Diabetes
diagnosed during pregnancy
e.g., genetic defects in β-cell function,genetic defects in insulin action, diseases of the exocrine pancreas [e.g., cystic fibrosis], and drug or chemically induced
Type 1 DM is formerly known as:
- Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM)
- Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus
- Brittle Diabetes
- Ketosis-Prone Diabetes
It is a result of cellular-mediated autoimmune destruction of the β-cells of the pancreas
Type 1 DM
Type 1 constitutes how many percent of all
cases of diabetes
10% - 20%
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus formerly known as:
- Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
- Adult Type/Maturity Onset Diabetes Mellitus
- Stable Diabetes
- Ketosis-Resistant Diabetes
- Receptor Deficient Diabetes Mellitus
It is characterized by hyperglycemia due to an
individual’s resistance to insulin; there is relative
insulin deficiency
Type 2 DM
Frequency of type 1 DM
Frequency of type 2 DM
Age of onset of type 1 DM
Any but most common in children and young adults
Age of onset of type 2 DM
More common with advancing age, but can occur in children and adolescents
C-peptide levels of Type 1 DM
Very low / undetectable
C-peptide levels of Type 2 DM
It is a disorder characterized by impaired ability to metabolize carbohydrate usually caused by deficiency of insulin, metabolic or hormonal changes.
Gestational DM
Large % of patients develop DM within how many years
5-10 years
In GDM, Screening should be performed between __________ of gestation
24-28 weeks
It is requested during insulin shock, hyperglycemic ketonic coma
RBS - random blood sugar
NPO (Non-Per Orem) at least 8 hours before the test
FBS - Fasting Blood sugar
- multiple blood sugar test
- to determine how well the body metabolizes glucose over give time required
GTT - Glucose Tolerance Test
Diagnosis of DM
more than or equal to 126mg/dl
Diagnosis of DM
2-hour OGTT =
More than or equal to 200mg/dl
Diagnosis of DM
HbA1c =
More than or equal to 6.5%
has recommended that individuals with diabetes monitor their blood glucose levels in an effort to maintain levels as close to normal as possible.
For persons with type 1 diabetes, the recommendation self monitoring of blood glucose is
3-4 times/day
should be replaced by self-monitoring of blood glucose
Urine glucose testing
Current ADA guidelines recommend that an HbA1c test be performed at least __________ with patients who are meeting treatment goals and who have stable glycemic control
2 times a year
Glycosylated hemoglobin’s specimen
EDTA whole blood sample
Before analysis of HbA1c, a _______ must be prepared
Standard specimens
Fasting venous plasma
Whole blood glucose levels are _____% lower compared to plasma levels.
Glucose is metabolized at RT at a rate of
7mg/dl per hr
At 4c, glucose decreases by approximately
2mg/dl per hr
Evacuated tube used for glucose
Gray top
Glucose CSF levels _____ of plasma glucose
As little as 10% contamination with 5% dextrose will elevate glucose n a sample by
500 mg/dl or more
Keeps the glucose from dropping too low
Keep blood glucose from rising too high
It prevents the release of pancreatic hormones, including insulin and glucagon
Glucose in urine
Fasting hours for lipid profile
At least 12 hours
The breakdown of RBC
Uncontrolled DM should be checked every
3 months
Controlled DM should be checked at least every
6 months