Glucose homeostasis Flashcards
why is glucose importabt and what happens in levels fall
important energy substrate
especially for Cns
If falls below norm (4-5 mmol/L ) - hypoglycaemia then cerebral function impaired
<2 mmol/L - unconsciousness, coma and death
what increases blood gluc
What decreases blood gluc
persistant hyperglycaemia =
diabetes mellitus
What is mody
Maturity-onset diabetes of the young
caused by mutation in single gene
pancreas gland is a ….. structure
+ diagram
what is pancreas made up of
most (98%) generates exocrine secretions via duct to small intestine: exocrne acinar cells
2% are islets of Langerhands
These cells secrete and inc/ dec gluc
alpha cells -
beta cells -
delta cells -
a - glucagon - inc
b - insulin - dec
d- somatostatin - inhibits insulin and glucagon via paracine action
paracrine communication
Gap junctions : allow small molecules to pass directly between cells
Tight junctions : create small intercellular spaces
Communication occurs across gap junctions and tight junctions
tells cells how much hormone they need to be producing
what are pp cells
pancreatic polypeptide cells
inhbit pancreatic secretion
secrete somatostatin
why is insulin important
Why is somatostatin important
stimulates growth and development (important for fetal growth and development)
Somato- keeps both ins and glucagon in balance ; -ve feedback hormone
What does and what doesn’t increase activity of beta cells and therefore production of insulin
- some aa
- some GI hormones
- alpha cells and glucagon
- SNS activity via beta cells
- PNs activity
Decreases :
- Somatostatin
- SNS activity via alpha cells
What does insulin do
increased aa transport and protein synthesis
Decreased lipolysis and increased lipogenesis
Increased glycogenesis so
Increased glycolysis
so Increased gluc transport into cells via GLUT-4
What does or doesn’t increase activity of alpha cells and therefore production of glucagon
- some aa
- some GI hormones
- blood glucose
- SNS activity via alpha cells
- PNS activity
Decreases :
- beta cells and insulin
- Somatostatin
What does glucagon do
- Increased aa transport into liver +
- Increased lipolysis
- so Increased glucongeogenesis
- Increased hepatic glycogenesis