Endocrinology: Pituitary gland Flashcards
peptide hormones
- synthesised as prohormones (need processing like cleavage to activate)
- Stored in vesicles (regulatory secretion)
- Bind receptors on cell memb; use 2nd messenger syst
Steroid hormones
- Synthesised from cholesterol in multistep reaction
- Released immediately (constitutive secretion)
- Bind to intracellu. recep. to change gene expression directly
Where does pit gland sit
Sella turicica
Turkish saddle !
bony dish
Function of hypothalamic parvocellular neurons
Regulate ant pit function
short and End on median eminence
Release hypo releasing/inhib factors to capillary plexus in m.e.
These are carried by portal circulation to ant pit
Cause action eg hormone release
Ant pit (adenohypophysis) made up of 5 diff endocrine cells :
what is ant pit regulated by and how is it anatomically in relation to hypoth
- hypothalamic relea/inhib factors via hypophyseal - pituitary portal system
- Anatomically distinct from hypo
Hypothalamo-pit portal system - describe
- hypo neurosecretary cells release RHs and IHs into hypo pit portal system
- RHs and IHs go to ant pit
- These stimulate or inhib release of hormones from ant pit cells
- Ant pit hormones leave gland via blood
Example of hypothalamopit portal system - reg of thyroid hormone production
- Axon term of neurosecre cells release Thyrotophin releasing hormone (TRH) into hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system
- TRH travels to ant pit
- Stimulates release of thyroid stimulating hormone (thyrotrophin) from ant pit thyrotrophs
- TSH leaves gland via blood to go to thyroid gland to stimulate thyroid hormone release (thyroxine)
Chain of comand in thyroid system
Thyroid gland. msut be told what to do by ant pit so :
Ant pit cells and hormones
Somatotrophs : growth hormone (somatotrophin)
Lactotrophs : prolactin
Thyrotrophs : thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (thyrotrophin)
Gonadotrophs : Lutenising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Corticotrophs : Adenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH, corticotrophin)
Which RHs or IRs affect which hormones
- gRowth hormone releaasing hormone (RH) and Somatostain (IH) - growth hormone
- Dopamine (IH) - prolactin
- Thryotrophin releasing hormone (RH) - TSH
- Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (RH) - LH and FSh
- Corticotrophin releasing horm (RH) - ACTH
- dop is only one that causes inhib stimulus
ant pit hormones and therir main target cells
- Growth hormone : general body tissues (especially liver)
- Prolactin : breasts
- Thyrotophin : thyroid
- Gonadotrophins : Testes and ovaries
- Adenocorti.. : adrenal cortex
How is optic chiasm affected in tumour and what is name for visual field defect
- Tumour in one of ant pit cells - affects optic chiasm
- can cause bitemporal hemianopia - half of visual field cut off
- Because in optic chiasm fibres from nasal restinae cross at optic chiasm - compression of this by tumour prevents transmission of sensory info from lateral visual fields to occipital lobe
Neuroendocrine reflex arc
- stimulation of nipple activates afferent path
- Integrate signals in hypo and inhib dop release from dopaminergic neurones
- LEss dop in hypopit portal sys so less inhib of ant pit lactotrophs
- Increased plasma prolactin - increased milk secretion
Growth hormone mechanism and effects of too much growth hormone
- binds to liver
- Stimulates IGF-1 - main insulin like growth factor (Somatomedin) (IGF-2 mostly produced in foetus)
- Binds to own receptors on muscle and bone stimulating growth
- Too much growth horm before puberty: gigantism
- Too much after : acromegaly but no change in height