GLP Sacrament Flashcards
Sacrament is an ordinance instituted by Christ by which the Christ and the benefits of the new covenant is represented, signified and applied to believers by the physical signs. Sacraments are given to (1) strengthen and increase the faith, (2) oblige our obedience, (3) testify the fellowship and communion of believers, and (4) distinguishing believers from those without.
Means of Grace
The outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicates to us the benefits of redemption. God’s word, sacraments, and prayer; are made effectual to the elect for salvation.d
What happens when a sacrament is administered?
Relationship between sign and what it signified takes place. Grace is conferred by the power of the Holy Spirit.
How do Old Testament and New Testament sacraments differ and how are they connected?
(1) NT sacraments are baptism and Lord’s supper.
(2) OT sacraments are Passover meal, circumcision, sacrifice, Levitical rituals.
(3) NT sacraments are fewer and more clear.
(4) Both are covenant markers for the people of God.
(5) Both NT and OT sacrament signify to the same reality.
(6) One looks forward to Christ and the other points back to him.
Why is foot washing or marriage or tithing not a sacrament?
It is not clear what they are signifying.
They are not covenant markers for the people of God.
Both baptism and Lord’s Supper of the OT are parallel to circumcision and Passover meal of the OT. Both points to Christ and his work on the cross.
How are the sacraments made efficacious to the saint?
The sacraments become effectual means of salvation, not from any virtue derived from the piety or intention of the one who administered the sacraments, but only by the blessing of Christ, and the work of His Spirit, which is to be received by faith.
How are sacraments to be rightly administered?
Baptism is rightly administered by washing with water in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Lord’s Supper is administered by bread and wine.
Explain the connection between circumcision and baptism
Circumcision is the sacrament of the OT that marks one’s admission in the covenant. Baptism is the sacrament of the NT that marks one’s admission in covenant (the visible church). Both are given to children of the covenant.
Explain the different conditions of an un-baptized child and a baptized child who dies in infancy. What would you say to believing parents who had a child die before it was baptized?
The efficacy of the baptism is tied to the moment when it is administered. Rather grace is conferred by the Holy Spirit to the individual according to God’s eternal plan and at his appointed time. The timing of baptism does not determine one’s salvation. God choose his people before the foundation of this world (Eph. 1). Therefore the believing parents should trust God’s sovereignty plan and his goodness.
WCF 28.5 states: “…it is a great sin to condemn or neglect…” speaking of infant baptism. How will you respond to those who wish to join the church but do not want to have their children baptized?
I would first remind them that although it is a great sin to neglect, it is not a grave sin. Baptism is not tied to their children’s salvation. One is saved by grace alone, thru faith alone, in Christ alone. But God still require us to be obedience. Obedience is a mean of grace for God to apply the benefits of redemption. I would encourage them to see infant baptism as a means of grace. Children of the believers are part of the visible church. It is important to acknowledge that reality
WCF 28.6 states:“The efficacy of Baptism is not tied to that moment of time wherein it is administered; yet, notwithstanding, by the right use of this ordinance, the grace promised is not only offered, but really exhibited, and conferred, by the Holy Ghost, to such (whether of age or infants) as that grace belongeth unto, according to the counsel of God’s own will, in his appointed time.” To what extent is there an organic connection between baptism and the grace conferred?
Baptism signifies not our faith, but is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace … the benefit of the baptism which is conferred by the Holy Spirit, according to God’s own will, which is to be received by faith.
Titus 3:5
In Titus 3:5, baptism signifies regeneration—and Christ is our regeneration: “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”
1 Peter 3:20-21
(1) “Baptism now saves”. Baptism does not save. In the immediate context, Peter compares it with the Ark that saved Noah. Ark is the means of grace ordained by God. It is the same with Baptism as an instrument of salvation.
(2) Both the ark and baptism identify us as being united to God and his people. God saves us through Christ. It is effective because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Acts 22:16
Repent and be baptized by calling on the name of the Lord.”
(1) Believers are baptized.
(2) Baptism with water is the sign of the washing away of our sin.
Acts 2:38
(1) Promises continue to be extended through parents to their children
(2) “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.… The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call”
Explain the meaning and need for infant baptism as you would to someone coming from an anti-infant baptism position. (Include Scripture references)
(1) The reason we do not see infant baptism explicitly in NT is most of the Christians were 1st generation believers. However, when one comes to faith, the whole house was baptized (Acts. 16).
(2) First century Christians do see the relationship between circumcision and baptism. Circumcision is the covenant marker of the OT and baptism is the sacrament of the NT. Paul draws this parallel by stating that that we are not circumcised with circumcision done by hands. Our whole sinful body is circumcised by the circumcision of Christ, for we buried with Christ in baptism (Col. 2).
How can the saint improve their own baptism?
The saints improve their own baptism by remember one’s baptism during the time of temptation and other’s baptism ceremony. We do not only remember our own baptism experience, but also what baptism points to and signifies: the sign and seal of the covenant of grace and one’s union with Christ. By remember what Christ accomplished on the cross on our behalf, saints do improve their own baptism.
Does the mode of baptism matter? What will be your practice as to the mode?
Mode of baptism does not matter. The most readily available mode will be the one I practice.
What is a valid baptism and would you re-baptize if requested?
A baptism that is done with water and is orthodox Trinitarian in nature. The validity of baptism is not tied to the intention or piety of the one who administered it. I would not rebaptize if the baptism was in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Does “baptizo” mean immerse? Why or why not? Where would you go in the Bible to show your conclusion?
Baptizo does not always mean immerse. The meaning of the word is never determined on its own. Context does determine the semantic meaning of a word. The Israelites were baptizo-ed, but not immersed in the Red Sea (1 Cor. 10).
Some argue that baptism confers grace in the sense that the recipient experiences a temporary engrafting into Christ (a temporary election, a temporary adoption, etc.) that must be confirmed through obedience and “covenant-keeping.” What is your response to this belief?
Baptism is sign of seal of the covenant of grace. It does not signify one’s faith nor the recipients’ experiences under the covenant of grace.
Baptism becomes effective by the blessing of Christ and the working of His Spirit in those who receive and enjoy the full benefit by faith.
When may a child take communion? What is necessary?
A child can take the communion when one professes faith publicly and is willing to obey Christ’s command. Only a baptized individual is able to take the communion.
What of a 25 year old covenant child that has not been admitted to the table, what should be done?
It is time to sit down with the guy makes sure he professing faith and the importance of the communion.
How is grace received by the communicant?
By faith.
How is Christ present at the table? How is he not present? (also explain RCC, Lutheran, and Memorial views)
RCC believes Christ is present at the table thru transubstantiation (Christ became the elements). Lutheran believes Christ is present at the able thru consubstantiation (Christ is around the elements). Zwingli believes that the Lord’s Supper is merely symbolic. It is for us to remember Christ’s death. The Reformed and Presbyterian believe that Christ is present at the table by the Holy Spirit.
Explain how the bread and wine are Christ’s body and blood.
When we receive the Lord’s supper in the right manner, we become partaker of Christ’s body and blood, not physically but by faith. Christ is spiritually present and we feed on his body and blood by faith to our nourishment through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Who may take of The Lord’s Table?
Anyone who has discerned the Lord’s body, whose faith feeds upon Christ, and has carefully examined his or her own heart may come to the Lord’s table.
At what age should children be admitted to the Lord’s Table?
Children should be admitted to the Table when they are old enough to profess faith enough and understand what it means to become partaker of the body and blood of Christ.
Please respond to this statement: “Children ought to be admitted to the Lord’s Table as soon as they are weaned.”
Receiving the bread and wine is not for the purpose of physical nourishment. Children receiving milk is not spiritual in nature. Feasting upon the Lord’s body and blood ought to be done by faith. One becomes a partaker of Christ’s body and blood, not physically, but by faith.
regeneration and baptism?
baptism is a sign and seal of our regeneration by the holy spirit
faith and baptism?
Baptism becomes effective by the blessing of Christ and the working of His Spirit in those who receive and enjoy the full benefit by faith.
sanctification and baptism?
baptism is a sign and seal of our remission of sins by Christ’s blood and our regeneration by the holy spirit
sanctification and communion?
When we partake the Lord’s supper in the right manner, not physically and but by faith, we feed upon Christ to our spiritual nourish and grow in grace.
justification and baptism?
Baptism is a sign of regeneration … is not the cause and prerequist for regeneration …it is symbolic seal and sign
When and by whom may the sacraments be administered?
Sacrament should be administered by the TE during the public worship.
What is intinction? Is that a permissible means to administer the Lord’s Supper?
Intinction is a way of partaking the Lord’s supper by dipping the bread in wine. It is not the permissible means to administer the Lord’s Supper according to the instruction given by Christ in Matt. 26, Mk. 14, Luke 22. It is unbiblical to mix the elements.
The Confession states that the sacraments are to be administered by a “lawfully called minister.” What does this mean with respect to a Baptist pastor? A Roman Catholic priest? A Mormon? A United Methodist minister? Please explain your reasoning and distinctions (if any).
First, the validity of sacraments does not rest upon the intention, piety and merit of the one who administered. Second, Sacraments are not ordinances of the PCA church. Ordinances are instituted by Christ for the church (those who acknowledge the triune God; that would include Baptists).
The Confession does acknowledge the Roman Catholic to be a church that is perverted. On the other hand, Machem, in his book Christianity and Liberalism, sees theological liberalism to be a whole new religion, despite the shared Christian vocabularies. Mormonism does not hold to orthodox Trinity.