GLP BOC Flashcards
In your own words summarize the 8 “Preliminary Principles” of the BCO?
God is the Lord of conscience.
Godliness is founded on truth.
Exercise forbearance when convictions differ.
Each church has the power to set the criteria for membership and officers.
Church’s power is ministerial and declarative.
Church has the power to elects its own officers.
Officers are called to preach, administer sacraments and exercise church discipline.
Church discipline is spiritual and moral in nature.
What care needs to be exercised in the application and use of the BCO?
BCO is not the word of God. It serves as a guide. Church government is not an end in itself. It is an instrument by which church’s life and ministry is most effectively attained.
Why are you a Presbyterian?
Reformed theology is biblical. Presbyterianism is also biblical.
How will you practice your Presbyterianism?
I will practice Presbyterianism by connecting relationships within church court’s structure, do it in service to God and the community, for the glory of God.
- Is the congregation a court of the church? What authority does a congregation possess?
Nominate officers to the session.
Elect officers and pastor
They can call a congregation meeting
Congregation can elect a pulpit committee if called by the session
- Who is King and Head of the church and how does this affect your work?
Christ is the King and Head of the church. I am not the head of the church. My work is to glory him and make him know through the Scriptures.
- What are the divisions (subtopics) of the BCO?
Form of government
Rules of disciplines
Book of worship.
- Are all parts of the BCO equally binding on the members of the PCA?
- What sections are not binding and why are they in the BCO if not binding?
Book of worship is not binding (except sections on the sacraments). It is advisory as long as regulative principle is applied on the elements of worship.
- What is required for church membership?
(1) Do you acknowledge yourself to be a sinner in the sight of God and justly should receive his displeasure?
(2) Do you believe in Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and the Savior of sinners?
(3) Do you promise, with human reliance upon the Holy Spirit, endeavor to live as a follower of Christ?
(4) Do you promise to support the church’s work and ministry to your best ability?
(5) Do you promise to submit under church’s government and rule and study its peace and purity?
- Why is church membership important?
Church member is a formal way of establishing relationship with a local church. It connects a member to the body of Christ. The visible church is made up with church members.
- Which offices of the church are spiritual in nature?
Deacons are also spiritual in nature
- What is a session - how does it function -name five responsibilities of a session (BCO 12-5)
Session is the court of a local church, consists of the TE (pastor and associate pastor) and RE. It oversees members, congregational meetings, and public worship. Session is responsible for church property, budget, affairs of presbytery and general assembly.
- What are the differences between an associate and an assistant pastor?
Associate pastor is called by the congregation, approved by the presbytery and is part of the session with the right to vote.
Assistant pastor is called by the sessions, approved by the presbytery, and is not a member of the session.
- What is your view of the office of deacon?
Ordination is an authoritative admission of one duly called the office of church. It is an ordained office, a position of authority (Acts 6). Deacons are appointed to budge, collect and distribute gifts.
Care [p]roperty of church
Minister to those who are in [n]need
Budget, collect and distribute [g]ifts
- What about deaconesses?
- Women should not be in an ordained role. They should not be placed in a position of authority over men (1 Tim 2.).
- The ministry being undertaken is primarily to women, the people who are selected to lead the ministry are all men. (Acts 6:1-7)
- Office of deacon to be one of service, not of rule.
- Members are to yield obedience in the Lord.
- BCO is clear that nomination of officers are to be an active male member.
- Is it appropriate for a church to substitute a “mercy ministry team” for deacons? Why or why not?
No. It creates categorical confusions. Office of deacon is an ordained position. If mercy ministry team is needed, it is better to appoint a committee or a commission.
- What is the role of women in the church?
Women are called to serve God in everyway they can, but not in a position of authority over men. The session should appoint and selection godly man and woman to assist deacons
- Please respond to this statement: “A woman can do whatever an un-ordained man can do.”
This statement is not true. A licentiate is an un-ordained preacher in the presbytery. A woman cannot be a licentiate because Paul says he does not permit a woman to teach over men (1 Tim. 2).
- What are the permanent committees of the General Assembly?
MTW, NMA, Publication, Administrative office, and RUF
- What is a committee of commissioners?
A committee made up of commissioners from each presbyteries.
- What is the process one must go through to accept a call to a particular ministry?
Pulpit committee must review and recommend a candidate.
Session calls for a congregation meeting.
Majority votes from the congregation.
Approval of the presbytery.
- What is the difference between the visible and invisible church?
Visible church is made up with members of the church: communicant and non-communicant.
Invisible church is made up with the elect.
- What vote is needed for approval of changing the BCO?
Majority from the GA (more than half)
Advice and consent of 2/3 of presbyteries
Majority from the subsequent GA
- What vote is needed for approval of changing the WCF?
¾ of votes from the GA.
Advice and consent of ¾ of the presbyteries
¾ of votes from the subsequent GA.
- Does the “slowness” of the Presbyterian church to “get things done” frustrate you? Why or Why not?
No. Church government and discipline must be done with order and carefulness.
- What does it mean to promise subjection to your brethren in the Lord?
(1) Presbyterian government is based on the plurality of elders. Each individual is accountable to the body as a whole.
(2) Promise submission to God’s law
(3) Promise to submit to the government and discipline of the church.
- Who owns local church property in the PCA? How may this provision be amended?
The local church. It can be amended through changing of the BCO through its proper manner and requirement.
- Who adopts and approves the church budget?
The session.
- Under what conditions may an associate or assistant pastor succeed a senior pastor?
1) When the senior pastor dissolves the formal relationship with the church.
2) A secret ballot with 80% majority vote from the congregation then 75% vote from the Presbytery.
3) Presbytery determine dissolution brought in love and good order.
4) Pastoral call.
- What is the process one must go through to accept a call to a particular ministry?
1) Pulpit committee must review and recommend a candidate.
2) Session calls for a congregation meeting.
3) Majority votes from the congregation.
4) Approval of the presbytery.
- What are the courts of the church - what is their jurisdiction?
Session – local church
Presbytery – all the local churches within the district. The Presbytery consists of all the teaching elders and churches within its bounds that have been accepted by the Presbytery.
General assembly – all the locals in the PCA. The highest court of the Church
- Please respond to this statement: “The BCO is advisory…it just gives us some general guidelines.”
All of the BCO is binding except the Book of Worship (with the exception of BCO 58-60). One part of the membership covenant includes members promising to be subjected under the government and discipline of the church.
- What constitutes and offense?
A (un)repented and (un)resolved sin.
An offense, the proper object of judicial process, is anything in the doctrines or practice of a Church member professing faith in Christ which is contrary to the Word of God.
- Who are the parties in the case of process?
Accuser (PCA) and accused party, prosecutor
- What is the purpose of church discipline?
To reclaim and restore the sinner
To preserve the purity of the church
To glory God
- What are the steps of church discipline?
Instruct in the word
Individual’s responsibility to admonish the individual.
Calling of one or more witnesses
Formal judicial process if still unrepentant
- What are the censures that can be inflicted by a church court?
Censures are the formal reproof (admonition, suspense, excommunication, disposition) issued by a church court.
- What would be a potential reason for excommunicating a member of the church?
The member is unwilling to repent the grave sin or heresy and contumacious. The seriousness of sin leads to the need to exclude such person from the communion of the church (for peace and purity of the church or deliver church from the scandal of his offense, restoration of that individual, inspire all with fear with example of his discipline).
- May an accused person be represented by professional counsel?
- If a Session refuses to institute action, how can a presbytery assume jurisdiction?
Yes, this can be done through an appeal within 30 days of the court’s action.
- What special rules pertain to process against a minister (teaching elder)?
1) The minister shall be brought before the Presbytery, instead of the session.
2) If the accused minister is non-compliant, immediate suspension from sacraments and his office is applied. And 3) Records and censure shall be made public.
4) If the minister continues to be non-compliant, he shall be disposed AND excommunicated.
5) If the accused minister made confession, during the pending trial, immediate suspension or disposition should be applied.
- If a minister is excommunicated, what must take place for him to be restored to ministry?
Until he shall exhibit exemplary, humble and edifying life and testimony for a considerable time (in which wound made by his scandal is healed)
Until it shall appear that the general sentiment of the Church is strongly in his favor and demands his restoration.
Admission to sacraments.
Probation period of preaching to test the sincerity of repentance and prospect of his usefulness.
When satisfied, Presbytery shall restore him
Presbytery shall remove censure and restore him to office
If the censure includes excommunication, the penitent may be restored through a session
- What must be done if an accused member renounces jurisdiction and joins another church?
Leave the person on the roll if court wants to conduct the case.
Continues the judicial court process.
Report the finding to the minister of accused member’s church.
- What is a complaint and who can make it? How does it affect the lower court’s judgment?
It is a formal written statement written to express the court’s action to be erroneous or improper.
It is the right of any communing member in good standing of the court to whose jurisdiction he is subject to.
The decision of the lower court can be brought under the supervision of the higher court.
- What is an appeal and who can make it? How does it affect the lower court’s judgment?
An appeal transfers the jurisdiction of the case from the lower court to a higher court.
only to the party against whom the decision has been rendered.
Suspending the judgment of lower the lower court until the case has been finally decided in the higher court.
The higher court may affirm in whole or in part, to reverse in whole or in part, or to send the case back to the lower court for a new trial.
- What is a dissent? A protest? An objection?
A dissent is a declaration from the minority expressing different opinion to the action issued by the majority of the court.
A protest is a formal written statement that finds the court’s action to be erroneous and improper.
An objection is a declaration by one or more members of a court who did not have the right to vote on an appeal or complaint, expressing different opinion from the decision of the court
- What should a Session do when a member has moved beyond the bounds of the church?
The session should acknowledge this person’s new membership and issue a certificate of transfer.
- What should a Session do when a member has willfully neglected the church?
(1) (pastorally find out the reason for neglecting the church).
(2) Exercise church discipline in the spirit of Galatians 6:1.
(3) Remind the person of the membership covenant, possibly in person and in writing.
(4) Removal from the roll without process
(5) Session shall notify the person
- What is the telos (end) of public worship?
The end of public worship it to glorify God.
- What is the regulative principle?
The elements of worship should be grounded from the Scriptures. Worship should be guided by Scripture.
- Give an example of something you believe violates the regulative principle.
Bread and wine is to be replaced with rice and orange juice.
- What are the Biblical elements of worship?
Public reading of the Scriptures, singing of hymns and psalms, prayer of confession, preaching of God’s word, confession of faith, offering, observing sacraments, occasional taking of vows.
- How do you “fence the table” in communion?
It should be decided by the session beforehand. Communion should be given to (1) those who have professed faith and are communicants in good standing of an evangelical church or (2) those who have been admitted by the session.
- What chapters in the Directory for Worship have constitutional authority?
BOC 56-58
- What should the church require of those seeking permission to be married in the church?
They should be prepared for marriage
They should marry in the Lord (not unequally yoked)
They should be capable of making their own choices. If they are underage or still live at home with parents, they should receive parental consent.
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
- Who ought to read Scripture in the worship service?
Public reading of Scripture is a part of public worship and therefore should be read by minister or someone else.
- What does the Directory for Worship say about children participating in worship?
Church should participate in worship.
- What does the Directory for Worship teach about fasting?
Fasting is biblical and rational. Individual, families and the church should participate in fasting.