Glossectomy Flashcards
The tongue is a _______
muscular hydrostat
What is a muscular hydrostat?
A muscular structure without a skeleton used to move to organism or manipulate objects. Make use of the fact that muscle tissue is incompressible at physiological pressures.
T or F: Oral and pharyngeal cancers are the larger group of cancers
T or F: Taste buds are distributed relatively evenly across the tongue
True - sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami
List 2 methods of screening for oral cancer:
- Fluorescence testing
- Blue dye testing
________ is passive movability while _______ is active ability to move
List 4 approaches to reconstruction of lingual deficits:
1) Primary wound healing
2) Local closure
3) Local flap/ pedicle flap closure
4) Free flap closure
In __________ the defect is left open to heal
primary wound healing
In ___________ surrounding tissue is closed over the defect.
local closure
In _____________ a tissue flap is lifted close to the defect but retains its original blood supply.
In local flap/ pedicle flap closure
In ______________ tissue is lifted somewhere else on the body and transplanted into the defect site (requires reconnection of tiny local blood vessels - anastomosis))
free flap closure
In a study of 22 patients with partial glossectomy the sound ______was most frequently distorted post surgery. Other post-surgery distorted sounds were:
/d/ - 11
/k/, /r/, /s/ - 6
T or F: In the study looking at distorted sounds the same sounds were distorted pre and post surgery
False- /g/ - 5 and /s/ -4 were most distoted pre surgery while /d/-11 and /k/, /r/, /s/ - 6 were most distorted post
The Effect of Defect Size:
The cut-off for poorer speech acceptability is estimated as __% resection of tongue surface.
Describe the compensation effect found after glossectomy as it relates to velocity
There was an increase in average tongue velocity in glossectomy patients post surgery
Describe loss of lingual grooving:
After surgery tongue is no longer grooved
Why is the radial forearm a good place to take a free flap
the skin is soft and there are relatively few hair follicles
Following a mandibuloectomy, mandibular reconstruction can be completed using what?
scapula free flap
fibula transplant
T or F: In a study looking at social perception of glossectomees speech, there were significant differences pre and post surgery on attributes such as scary, annoying and clever
T or F: there is an abundance of literature for therapy for glossectomees
False - the only comprehensive book was written in 1973
What are 4 secondary compensatory strategies aimed at increasing speech intelligibility in glossectomees?
- lengthening of vowel duration
- reduction or increase of vocal intensity
- reduction of rate and intentional use of meaningful pauses
- widening of pitch range and variability
what are the recommendations for the therapy of partial glossectomees?
- maximize mobility and motility of residual tissue
- Re-establish articulatory targets consistent with the movement capabilities of the structures
- Improve the speaker’s ability to achieve speech sound differentiation
Describe the palatal augmentation prosthesis. What are its pros and cons?
- prosthesis that sits underneath the palate and brings the palate towards the tongue since tongue has decreased motility
- typically makes speech sound worse
- can help with food manipulation and bolus transport in some patients
List the swallowing interventions in H&N
- Review nutrional mode (e. g., supplementary tube)
- Diet modification
- Swallow maneuvers
- Clearance enhancement
- Postural adjustment
- Increase sensory awareness
- Preparations: e.g. dryness relief, oral hygiene
- Upright posture after the meal
- More calories per portion in multiple small meals
- Oral exercises
What is the purpose of an obturator?
-fills a hard palate defect
What is the purpose of a speech bulb
fills a velopharyngeal deficit (structural)
What is the purpose of a palatal lift prosthesis?
elevates a sufficiently long velum to improve VP function
If someone has a defect from nasopharynx cancer, this defect may lead to extra ________ in the voice