Glossary Terms Pumping Apparatus Flashcards
Acceptance test
Proof test
Preservice test on fire apparatus or equipment performed at the factory or after delivery to assure the purchaser that the apparatus or equipment meet bid specifications.
Device usually in the form of a foot pedal, used to control the speed of a vehicle by regulating the fuel supply
Ability of fire apparatus to get close enough to a building to conduct emergency operations.
Unplanned uncontrolled event that results from unsafe acts of people and/or unsafe occupational conditions either of which can result in injury.
Fitting for connecting hose couplings with the dissimilar threads but with the same inside diameter
Adjustable flow nozzle
Nozzle design so that the amount of water flowing through the nozzle can be increased or decreased at the nozzle.
Aerial apparatus
Firefighting vehicle equipped with hydrostatically operated ladder or elevating platform for the purpose of placing personnel or water streams in elevated positions.
Aerial device
General term used to describe the hydrostatically operated ladder or elevated platform attached to specifically designed fire apparatus.
Aerial ladder platform
Power operated using hydrostatically latter mounted on a special truck chassis
Aerial ladder platform
Power operated usually (hydrostatically) ladder with a passenger – caring device attached to the end of the latter
Aqua yes film forming foam
Generic term used for materials that are used to extinguish fire
Air aspirating foam nozzle
Foam nozzle the specially designed to provide the area action required to make the highest quality foam possible ,most effective appliance for generation of low expansion foam
Air cascade system
Three or more large air cylinders, each usually with the capacity of 300 ft.³, from which STBA air bottles at the scene of an emergency may be filled
Gauge that indicates both the amount of electrical current being drawn from and provided to the vehicle’s battery.
Angle of approach
Angle formed by level ground and a line from the point where the front tires of a vehicle touch the ground to the lowest projection at the front of the apparatus
Angle of departure
Angle formed by level ground and a line from the point where the rear tires of a vehicle touch the ground to the lowest projection at the rear of apparatus
Anti-electrocution platform
Slide out platform mounted beneath the side Runningboard or rear step of an apparatus equipped with an aerial device designed to minimize chance of the driver operator been electrocuted should the device come in contact with energized electrical wires or equipment
Generic term applied to any nozzle, why, Siamese, delusion monitor, or other piece of hardware used in conjunction with fire hose for the purpose of delivering water.
Applicator pipe
Curved pipe attached to a nozzle for precisely applying water over a burning object.
Aqua this film forming foam
Synthetic foam concentrate that when combined with water is a highly effective extinguishing and blanketing agent on hydrocarbon fuels
Acronym for
Aircraft rescue and firefighting
Atmospheric pressure
Pressure created by the atmosphere at the surface of the earth due to the weight of air. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 14.7 psi and increases as elevation increases and decreases as elevation increases
Attach hose
Hose between the attack bumper and then I’ll also any hoes used in a Hanline to control and extinguish fire minimum size is 1 1/2 inches
Attack lines
Hose lines or fire streams used to attack, contain, or prevent the spread of fire.
Attack pumper
Pumper positioned at the fire scene and is directly supplying attack lines.
Automatic nozzle
Fog nozzle that automatically corrects itself to provide a good stream at the proper nozzle pressure
Average daily consumption
Average of the total amount of water used each day during a one year.
The cleaning of a fire pump and piping by flowing water through it in op. cit. direction of normal flow
Intermediate partial bulkhead that reduces the surgeon fact in a partially loaded liquid tank
Balanced pressure proportioner
A foam concentrate for sure that operates in tandem with a fire water pump to ensure a proper phone concentration to to water mixture
Booster pump
Fire pump used to boost the pressure of the existing water supply within a fixed fire protection system
Bourbon gauge
Most common device used to measure water system pressures
Bourdon tube
A part of a pressure gauge that has a curved flat tube that changes it’s curvature as pressure changes. This movement is then transferred mechanically to a pointer on the dial.
Break limiting valve
Valve that allows the vehicles breaks to be adjusted for the current road conditions
Braking distance
Distance vehicle travels from the time the brakes are applied until it comes to a complete stop
Break over angle
Angle formed by level ground and a line from the point where the rear tire of a vehicle touch the ground to the bottom of the frame at the wheelbase midpoint
British thermal unit
Amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F. 1 BTU equals 960°
Butterfly valve
Type of control valve that uses a flat baffle operated by a quarter turn handle
To standardize or adjust the increments on a measuring instrument
Maximum ability of a pump or water distribution system to deliver water
Centrifugal pump
Pump with one or more impellers that utilizes centrical force to move the water. Most modern-day pumps are of this type.
Certification test
Pre-service test for aerial device, ladder, pump, and other equipment conducted by an independent testing laboratory prior to do the delivery of an apparatus these tests in sure that the unit will perform as expected prior to being placed in service.
Certified shop test curves
Results that are plotted on a graph of the test performed by the manufacture on at the pump before shipping the pump
C – factor
Factor that indicate the roughness of the inner surface of piping or firehose.
Cubic feet per minute
Check valve
Automatic valve that permits a liquid flow in only one direction
Chemical foam
Foam formed when an alkaline solution and an acid solution unite to form a gas pump carbon monoxide is in the presence of a foaming agent that traps the gas in fire resistive bubbles
Chemical foam is not commonly used today
Circulating feed
Fire hydrant that receives water from two or more directions
Water storage receptacle that is usually underground and may be supplied by well or rainwater runoff
Clapper valve
Hinged fell that permits water to flow in one direction only
Class a foam
Foam specially designed for use on class a combustible. Class a foams are essentially wedding agency that reduce the surface tension of water and allow it to soak into combustible materials easier than plain water.
Coefficient of discharge
Correction factor relating to the shape of the hydrant discharge outlet; used when computing the flow from a hydrant
Combination nozzle
nozzle designed to provide a straight stream and a fog stream
Compound gauge
Pressure gauge capable of measuring positive or negative pressure, term used to describe the gate that measures the intake pressure on a fire pump
Constant pressure relay
Method of establishing a relay water supply utilizing two or more pumpers to supply the attack bumper. This method reduces the need for time-consuming and often confusing fire ground calculations of friction loss
discharge velocity
The rate at which water travels from an orifice
Volume or weight of a fluid displaced by floating body of equal weight. Amount of water forced into the pump the displacing air
Dual pumping
Operation were a strong hydra is used to supply to pumpers by connecting the pumpers intake to intake. The second pumper receive the excess water not being pumped by the first bumper which is directly connected to the water supply source
Proportioning device that injects foam concentrate into the water flowing through a hose line or pipe
Elevated master stream
Fire stream in excess of 350 GPM that is deployed from the tip of an aerial device
Fire department connection
Fill site
Location at which tankers/tenders will be loaded during a water shuttle operation
Finished foam
Completed product after the phone solution reaches the nozzle and air is introduced into the solution. Also simply called foam
Fire department connection the point at which the fire department can connect into a sprinkler or standpipe system to boost the water flow in the system this connection consists of a clapboard find me with two or more 2 1/2 inch intakes or one large diameter 4 inch or larger intake
Fire Department pumper
Apparatus have any permanently mounted fire pump with a rated capacity of 750 GPM or greater may also carry water hose and other portable equipment
Four-way hydrant valve
Device that permits a pumper to boost the pressure in a supply line connected to a hydra without interrupting the water flow
Friction loss
Loss of pressure created by the turbulence of water moving against the interior walls of the hose and pipe
Front mounted pump
Fire pump mounted in front of the radiator of a vehicle and powered off the crankshaft
Gate valve
Control valve with a solid player operated by handle and screw mechanism rotating to handle move the plate into or out of the waterway
Built in pressure regulating device to control pump discharge pressure by limiting engine RPM
Water pressure due to elevation for everyone foot increase in elevation .434 psi is gained also called head pressure
Veined circulating member of the centrifugal pump that transmit motion to the water
Impeller Eye
Intake orifice at the center of a centrifugal pump impeller
Adapter used to attach a larger hoseline to a smaller one that increase or has female threads on the smaller side and male threads on the larger side this can be found in our high-rise pack
Indicating valve
Water main valve that visually shows the open or close status of the valve
In-line eductor
Eductor that is placed along the length of a hoseline
In-line relay valve
Valve placed along the length of a supply hose that permits a pumper to connect to the valve to boost pressure in a hoseline
Inlet for water into the fire pump
Intake pressure
Pressure coming into the fire pump
Intake relief valve
Valve designed to prevent damage to a pump from water hammer or any sudden pressure served
Intake screen
Screen used to prevent foreign objects from entering a pump
Ladder pipe
Master stream nozzle mounted on the fly of an aerial ladder
Large diameter hose, relay supply hose of 3 1/2 to 6 inches, used to move large volume of water quickly with minimum number of pampers and personnel
Level one staging
Used on all multi company emergency responses. The first arriving vehicles of each type proceed directly to the scene, any others standby a block or two from the scene and away orders.
Level II staging
Used on large-scale incidents where greater alarm companies are responding these companies are sent to a specified location to wait assignment
Condition that occurs when the throttle application is greater than necessary for a given set of conditions. It results in an excessive amount of carbon particles issuing from the exhaust, logging can be illuminated by using a lower gear and proper shifting techniques
Keeping equipment or apparatus in a state of usefulness or readiness
How was appliance that delivers one large hoseline into three or more small hose lines also called portable hydrants, hose appliance that combines three or more smaller hose lines into one large hoseline, top portion of the pump casing
Manufactures test
Fire pump or aerial device test performed by the manufacture prior to delivery of the apparatus
Master stream
Any of writing of heavy, large caliber water streams, visually supplied by Siamesing two or more hose lines into a manifold device delivering 350 GPM or more also called heavy stream
Master stream nozzle
Nozzle capable of flowing in excess of 350 GPM
Midship pump
Fire pumps mounted at the center of the fire apparatus
Mobile water supply apparatus
Fire apparatus with a water tank of 1000 GPM or greater whose primary purpose is transporting water may also carry a pump some hoes and other equipment also referred to as tenders or tankers
Master stream appliance who stream direction can be changed while water is being discharged they can be fixed portable or combination of both
National fire protection Association
Nonprofit educational and technical Association located in Quincy Massachusetts devoted to protect in life and property from fire by developing fire protection standards and educating the public
Nozzle pressure
Velocity pressure at which water is discharged from the nozzle
Nozzle reaction
Counterforce directed against a person holding a nozzle or a device holding a novel by the velocity of water being discharged
Nurse tender
Very large mobile water supply apparatus that is station at the fire scene and serves as a portable reservoir rather than as a shuttle tender
Over throttling
Process of injecting or supplying the diesel engine with more fuel than can be burned
Pump discharge pressure
Preservice tests
Test performed on fire pumps or aerial devices before they placed into service. These tests are broken down into manufacture status, certification test, and acceptance tests.
Pressure governor
Pressure control device that controls engine speed and therefore a lemonades hazardous conditions that result from excessive pressures
Pressure relief device
Automatic device designed to release excess pressure from a fire pump
To remove all air from a pump intake hose in preparation for receiving water under pressure
Pump capacity rating
Maximum out of water pump will deliver at the indicated pressure
Use of two or more pumpers to move water distances that would require excessive pressure if only one pumper was deployed
Road test
Preservice apparatus maneuverability test designed to determine the roadworthiness of a new vehicle
Service test
Series of tests were performed on apparatus and equipment in order to ensure operational readiness of the unit. These test should be performed at least yearly or whenever a piece of apparatus or equipment has undergone extensive repair
Process by which noncommitted units responding to a fire or other emergency incident are stopped at a location away from the fire scene to await their assignments
Staging area
Location away from the emergency scene where units assemble and wait until they are assigned a position on the emergency scene, location on the emergency scene where tools and personnel are assembled before being used or sign
Stortz coupling
Sexless coupling commonly found on large diameter hose
Wire or other Metal guards used to prevent debris from clogging the intake hose of fire pumps