Apparatus Testing Chapter 16 Flashcards
Once fire engine is put into service it is tested __________ to ensure that it will continue to to perform properly under emergency conditions, or _________.
At least yearly, or whenever there is a repair to the engine or drivetrain
Fire apparatus is tested _______ after its construction, before the purchaser except it.
Immediately After its construction
Service test are conducted on at least a _______basis while the apparatus is in service.
Driver/operator will often be required to perform or at least assist in yearly pump testing.
True or false
Apparatus mounted foam systems must also be inspected on a ______basis.
NFPA _______requires that the driver/operator to be able to perform functional tests on foam systems.
Manufactures or certification tests are performed by __________ or ______.
Manufacture or underwriters laboratory
Acceptance testing is commonly performed after the apparatus has _________ to the purchaser but before _________.
Been delivered
Final acceptance
If the requirements of NFPA 1901 are included in the apparatus bid specifications, the manufacture is required to perform 2 specific tests in addition to the pump certification test. These two tests are the _______test and the ______ test .
Road test and hydrostatic test
During the Road test the apparatus should be fully loaded in the same manner as it would be once in service.
True or false
For the road test , The test surface should be a flat, dry, paved road surface that is in good condition.
True or false
At a minimum the apparatus must meet– The apparatus must Accelerate to ____mph from a standing start within ________This test must consist of _____ runs in opposite . directions over the same service.
35 mph in 25 seconds 2 runs in opposite . directions
Minimum apparatus must –
The apparatus must achieve a minimum top speed of _______. This requirement may be dropped for specialized wildland apparatus not designed to operate on public roadways.
50 mph
At a minimum
The apparatus must come to a. From _____ miles per hour within ______ feet.
20 mph within 35 feet
The hydrostatic test determines whether the pump and pump piping can withstand pressures normally encountered during firefighting ops.
True or false
Pumps are tested hydrostatically at ______PSI for______ minutes, intake valves should be closed and or capped .
250 psi for 3 minutes
Pump certification tests are performed to make sure that the fire pump operates in the manner for which it was designed _______ the pumping components are installed on a chassis.
The pump certification tests must be conducted by an ______testing organization such as _________.
Independent testing organization such as underwriters laboratory’s
NFPA 1901 requires the following pump certification test for apparatus that are equipped with a 750 GPM or larger fire pump. – Pump test – Pumping engine over load test – Pressure control system test – Priming device test – Vacuum test – Internal pressure relief valve test
Certification pumping test requires the pump to be operated for _______,while the service pumping test requires _______only of operation.
3 hrs /. 40 min
______ are conducted to assure the purchaser that apparatus meet bid specifications at the time of delivery.
Acceptance tests
The acceptance tests should include another pump test, even if a certification test was performed at the factory.
True or false
Requirements for fire department service testing are contained in______.
NFPA 1901 standard for service test a fire pump systems on fire apparatus
Service tests are performed at least________.
Once a year or when extensive pump or powertrain repairs
NFPA 1911 says that pumper service test may be conducted using either a fire hydrant or static body of water as a supply source.
True or false
When using static water supply source for pump service test the water must be at least ______deep.
4 feet deep
Service test
The surface of the water may be no more than _____feet below the centerline of the pump intake and ______ feet of hard intake hose should be used for drafting during testing.
10 feet below and 20 foot hard intake
The atmospheric air temperature during testing should be between ____F and_____°F.
0°F and 100°F
The water being used for testing should be between ___F and ____F because hotter water has less surface tension and could affect test results
35°F and 90°F
Pumpers are tested at ______feet of lived through ______feet of intake hose.
10 feet of left through 20 feet of hose
Pump service tests figures are good for tests that are performed at altitudes of up to _______feet above sea level.
2000 feet above sea level
Gasoline engines have _____% less efficiency per thousand foot increase in altitude.
It is also necessary to layout sufficient number of discharge hoses and nozzles to pump the rated capacity of fire pump, _______inch hose is the minimum size hose that may be used for this application.
2 1/2 inch
If the scribe Mark moves more than _______” away from the coupling, stop the test and replace the hose .
The pump service tests are to be conducted at _____, _____ and _____psi.
150 psi, 200 psi and 250 psi
________Pump discharge pressure is the total work done by the pump to get the water into, through, and out of the pump.
Net pump discharge
Pressure correction =
Lift (ft) + intake hose friction loss
NFPA 1911 requires all gauges must have been calibrated within _____of the testing.
60 days
________test gauges are used for the pump test.
A Pito tube and gauge are used to measure the ______pressure of the stream of water
Velocity pressure
A________,Which reads the flow directly in gallons per minute, maybe used instead of a Pitot gauge to determine the flow from the nozzles.
A flowmeter
Flowmeters allow much more flexibility and help complete the test more quickly?
During tests all personnel should wear protective headgear and hearing protection if exposed to noise in excess of ______dB.
90 dB
Check all ______ levels before the first test – the engine speed check
Fluid levels
The _____ test is performed to check the priming device, pump, and hard intake hose for air leaks.
Vacuum test
If _______gauge is not connected to the intake side, it will be your repairable he damaged.
If the apparatus is unable to reach _____inches of mercury, the apparatus should be removed from service and repaired as soon as possible.
22” of HG
It is desired that ______ of water should be around all sides of the strainer.
The ________ test checks the overall condition of the engine and the pump.
Pumping test
What test?________________
The pressure control device should be tested to make sure that they maintain a safe level of pressure on the pump when valves are closed at a variety of discharge pressures.
Pressure control test.
_________Checks the discharge pressure gauges and flowmeter to make sure that the driver operator is being given accurate discharge information when the pump is in operation.
Discharge pressure gauge and flowmeter operational test.
Testing the apparatus pressure discharge gauges is a relatively quick and simple process. Each of the discharges on the apparatus must be In working order to perform this test properly.
______________test must be conducted on all apparatus that are equipped with a water tank, regardless of size. The purpose of this test is to ensure that the piping between the water tank and pump is sufficient to support the minimum amount of water specified by NFPA 1901 and the design of manufacture
Tank to pump flow test.
NFPA 1901 states that piping should be size so that pumpers with the capacity of _____ GPM or Laske should be capable of flowing _____GPM’s from their booster tank. Pumpers with capacities greater than _____ GPM should be able to flow at least ______ GPM.
500 GPM
flowing 250 GPM
Greater than 500 GPM
at least 500 GPM
If the fire pump test to less than 90% of its capacities when it was new and underwear certification testing, two options are available
- ______
- ______
- Take the pump out of service and restore it to its design capacities and retest after repairs this is the preferable option.
- Give the pump a lower rating based on the test results of its actual performance.
Foam proportioning equipment must be tested for proper operation and accuracy before being placed in service and tested on a periodic basis thereafter
NFPA 1901 requires foam systems accuracy testing to be performed ______to the apparatus being delivered from the manufacture. It does not require foam system testing to be performed on a yearly basis.
Prior to
This method measures the accuracy of foam proportion equipment by checking the volume of foam concentrate that is drawn through the system while it is in operation.
From concentrate displacement method.
_______ testing is used to test the quality of a foam solution after has been created by a foam proportioning system recommended for protein in floral carbon protein-based phone solution not accurate for synthetic phone.
Foam solution refractivity
The amount of foam concentrate in the solution is measured using a device called a _________. This device operates on the principle of measuring the velocity of light that travels through a medium.
Refractor meter
Foam solution conductivity testing is used to check the quality of _____-based foams that are produced by proportioning equipment and systems.
Synthetic-based foam’s
____________ is the ability of a substance to________An electrical current.
Conductivity /