Glossary Terms 121-149: Called by the Gospel, An Intro to the New Testament Flashcards
the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible done in Egypt c. 200 B.C. supposedly by seventy scholars; it was the Bible of early Gentile Christianity.
Sermon on the Mount
a Matthean collection of the teachings of Jesus.
“Listen!”; first Hebrew word in Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear, 0 Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one”; eventually became a title for that foundational statement of the Old Testament faith.
seven mighty deeds of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel, written that “you might believe.”
Sinless perfectionism
the teaching that believers, by indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit, are able to achieve moral perfection or holiness here this life.
Son of God
the central identification of Jesus in Mark’s Gospel; however, no human character so recognizes Jesus until he has been crucified; other writers also employ this phrase to speak of the divine nature of Jesus.
Son of Man
euphemism for a human being in the Old Testament, especially the book of Ezekiel; in Daniel, one “like a son of man” is a divinely appointed future ruler of Israel; in the Pseudepigrapha, the title is used for one who serves as the agent of God at the time of judgment; Jesus uses the title as a self-designation.
related to salvation; the study or teachings about salvation.
Suffering Servant
“servant” is used as a technical term in parts Isaiah called “the Servant Songs”; at times “Servant” refers to the whole nation of Israel but the Suffering Servant more narrowly describes an individual who suffers to atone for the sins of the nations.
an assembly of at least ten men; dedicated buildings for such assemblies came into prominence after the destruction of the temple.
literally “with one perspective”; used to describe the common story line and oft-times verbal agreement in the first three gospels.
a record of rabbinic teaching comprised of the Mishnah and the Gemara.
Ten Commandments
the “Ten Words” given on Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:1-17; Decalogue; various traditions number the ten in different ways.
Textual criticism
the study that deals with discrepancies between copies of New Testament texts.
resolving the problem of evil by showing that God is all-powerful and just, despite evil’s existence.