Glossary Part 5 Flashcards
a herniation of small intestine int the cup-de-sac, usually accompanied by a rectocele
an incision made in to the perineum at the time of vaginal delivery
the exogenous administration of estrogen or estrogenic substances to overcome a deficiency or absence of the natural hormone
estrogen replacement
the continuous and prolonged effect of estrogen on the endometrium, resulting from alack of progesterone
unopposed strogen
removal of all pelvic viscera, including the urinary bladder, the rectum, or both usually in the setting of advanced cervical malignancy
pelvic exenteration
the microscopic pattern of sodium chloride crystals as seen in estrogen stimulated cervical mucus or amnionic fluid
fern (ferning)
the conceptus from 8 weeks until birth
mammary changes characterized by fibrosis and formation of cysts in the fibrous stroma
fibrocystic changes (breast)
the preliminary stages of sexual relations, in which the partners usually stimulate each other by kissing, touching, and caressing
a physiological cyst arising from the Graafian follicle or the corpus luteum
functional ovarian cyst
a hormone producing ovarian tumor
functional ovarian tumor
spontaneous flow of breast milk in the absence of recent pregnancy
an individual’s understanding and feeling of the activity and behavior appropriate to the male or female sex
gender (sex) role
the congenital absence o ovarian tissue or tis presence only as a rudimentary streak
gonadal agenesis
the congenitally defective development of the donads
gonadal dysgenesis