Glossary of Terms Flashcards
highest dilution factor of a sample that still results a visible reaction (agglutination)
Antibody titer
sum total binding strength between an antigen & antibody
- antibody capable of causing agglutination with multivalent surface antigens
- belongs to IgM class
- a protein not normally present in human blood but is present in a wide variety of inflammatory reactions
- characterized by their ability to react with the C-polysaccharide component of pneumococci
C-reactive protein
- “secondary immune response”
- “booster response”
- a rapid rise in the immunoglobulin concentration following a subsequent exposure to antigen
anamnestic response
- an antibody produced against streptolysin O
- streptolysin O: hemolysin prodcued by group A streptococci
Antistreptolysin O (ASO)
an adjuvant commonly added to human vaccines
- process of attachment of one substance to the surface of another
- attachment of an antibody to a specific antigen receptors on a cell surface
aggregation or clumping of cellular or particulate antigens to its corresponding antisera containing antibodies
a particulate or cellular antigen involved in agglutination/aggregation
- “cluster of differentiation”
- cell surface markers that are employed for immunophenotyping of cells particularly lymphocytes
Cluster of designation (CD)
- agglutinins that belong to the IgM class
- active at 4º C but not at 37º C
Cold agglutinins
ability of a substance to react with immune products
- normal serum constituents that increase or decrease in the presence of infection, injury, or trauma to tissues
- associated with inflammatory reactions
Acute phase proteins
immunity that is dependent on T-cells and phagocytic cells
Cell mediated immunity
an antigen that triggers an allergic/hypersensitivity reaction
proximity or closeness of a value to the “true” value
an anti-sheep red blood cell antibody that causes hemolysis of sheep red blood cells in the presence of complement
former name of hepatitis B surface antigen
Australia antigen
process of binding of complement in a reaction with antigen & antibody
Complement fixation
incurred due to external factors and is not inherited
- accessory cells present in tissues that process antigen
- display fragment on the cell surface in association with a Class II major histocompatibility complex molecules
- dedritic cells
- macrophages
Antigen presenting cells (APC)
- a lymphocyte that originated from the BM
- cells of the adaptive immune response that possess surface antibodies that are specific to an epitope
a substance composed of fresh beef heart extract and combined with lecithin & cholesterol
number of antigenic determinants on an antigen
antigen valency
condition in which an immune response is initiated by “self” antigens
- an enzyme that liberates inorganic phosphates from phosphate esters
- used as an indicator label in immunoassays
Alkaline phosphatase
union of antibody with its homologous antigen
Antigen-antibody complex
any substance that when introduced into the body stimulates antibody production
binding strength between an antigenic determinant (epitope) and its complementary site (paratope) in the Fab region of the antibody
- substance added to vaccines to potentiate or enhance the immune response of the recipient
- Examples
- alum
- Freund’s adjuvant
movement of cells such as neutrophils towards a stimulus
- “reactive lymphocytes”
- suppressor and cytotoxic T-cells capable of recognizing and killing B -cells infected by viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus
Atypical lymphocytes
- an autoimmune antibody directed against a nuclear component
- seen in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)
- “alexin”
- humoral mechanism of non-specific immune response of at least 14 components that proceed is a cascading sequence of activation, resulting in cell lysis
- 3 complement pathways:
- classical
- alternative
- mannose binding lectin
a laboratory technique that involves the removal of antibodies by the use of a specific antigen
- specific antigen
- red blood cell surface
an immunoglobulin (Ig) formed in response to an antigen
absence of all immunoglobulins in serum
an alternative form of a gene at a particular locus or specific postion on a chromosome
a specific region of an antigen that is recognized by the B or T-cell receptors
Antigenic determinant