Glossary Of NHS Pathways Terminology Flashcards
NHS Pathways assessment
The process of assessing a persons symptoms using the NHS pathways system and arranging an appropriate clinical response in a suitable time frame to meet their needs.
Depending on the circumstances the assessment may be performed bu a trained call handler, clinician or combo of both skill sets
Module 0
The part of the system that focusses primarily on immediately life threatening problems
Module 1
The part of the system that assesses a wide range of symptoms
Module 2
The part of the system used my clinicians
Injury within the last 7 days
A problem due to illness rather than injury
A pathway
A flow chart used to assess a patients problem which is presented in a clear, user friendly way to the system user
Presented by the system to be answered by the caller
Question rationale
Brief explanation of why a question is being asked
Answer stem
Division of each question to be answered
Supporting information
Explanation of what is meant by each answer stem
The body map
Division between module 0 and 1 and where the user selects a symptom based pathway
The body map areas
Areas of the body to be clicked to access pathways
Key points
Instructions for when/when not to use the pathways
Call summary
Contains details of questions which have significant answer
Call report
Contains details of all questions and advice given
The clinical outcome of the call once system has collected sufficient information
Disposition instructions
Information to help the caller follow the disposition safely
Directory of services that can facilitate local delivery of the recommended disposition
Interim care advice
Advice to help the caller/patient manage the problem until further assessment and or care is received
Care advice
Advice to help the caller/patient manage the problem themselves when further assessment and care is not required
Early exit
Function within the pathways system for when its impossible or inappropriate to triage
Change answer
Used to go back to a specific answer to change it
Restart triage
Used to delete all triage answers and start triage again from the beginning or to change from 1st to 3rd party or vice versa
Presented when additional information is required
Worsening advice
Instructions about what to do if problem worsens
“Speak to”
Telephone consultation
“To Contact”
Face to face consultation
Up to one hour old
1 hour - 12 hours
1-5. Years
5-16 years
16 years and over
1st Party
When someone is called about themselves
3rd party
When a person is calling on behalf of someone else
Primary care services
This could include Gp practice, walk- in centre , minor injury units etc