Glossary - Michaelmas 2013 Flashcards
Activation energy, Q
in diffusion, this is related to the energy required to move an atom from one lattice site to another (Jmol^-1 or eVatom^-1)
the electrode at which oxidation occurs
having properties that vary according to the direction of measurement
A metallic substance that is composed of 2 or more elements
irregular; having no discernible order or shape. In the context of solids, the molecules are randomly arranged, as in glass, rather than periodically arranged, as in a crystalline material. A non-crystalline structure
Atomic form factor/Atomic scattering factor
Amplitude of radiation scattered by a single atom. It varies with atomic number and with the angle of scattering
opposition of adjacent magnetic dipoles causing zero net magnetisation
Arrhenius plot
Plot of ln(rate) for a process or reaction vs. 1/T. The slope is proportional to the activation energy
Atactic polymer
polymer with configurational base units in a random sequence
main structure of a polymer onto which substituents are attached
Birefringence, delta-n
difference in refractive index between 2 permitted vibration directions
Bloch walls
boundaries between magnetic domains
Body-centred unit cell
non-primitive unit cell that is described with a lattice point at the centre of each unit cell
Bragg equation
basic diffraction equation which relates interplanar spacings to the angle through which beams of radiation are diffracted, for a given wavelength of radiation
Bravais lattice/Lattice type
Classification of lattices based on symmetry, allowing for all possible lattices consistent with a given symmetry. There are 14 Bravais lattices
Centre of symmetry/Inversion centre
point through which an object can be inverted (i.e. all x,y,z transformed to -x,-y,-z) to bring the object into coincidence with itself
possessing a centre of symmetry
A compound of metallic and nonmetallic elements, in which the interatomic bonding is predominantly ionic
Compounds of metallic anions with non-metallic cations, which commonly have very high melting temperatures
Close packed structure
A structure in which the atoms are packed closely together. For structures made of only one atom type, the common close packed structures are ccp and hcp
Constructive interference
combination of rays which are in phase and give an intense beam
Coordination number
number of atoms forming a polyhedron around a central atom in a structure
Coordination polyhedron
polyhedron (commonly tetrahedron or octahedron) that can be constructed around a cation with the centres of the surrounding anions forming the vertices
Conventional unit cell
unit cell that is orientated in a specific way with respect to the symmetry elements of the crystal. The conventional cell may or may not be primitive
Critical radius ratio
ratio of cation radius to anion radius for the condition where the surrounding anions are touching each other as well as the central cation
Crossed polars
2 sheets of polaroid (polariser and analyser) orientated at 90 degrees to each other between which a sample is placed for optical examination
solid form of matter showing translational periodicity in 3d in its atomic arrangement
Crystal structure
arrangement of atoms in a single crystal
Crystal system
Classification based on the symmetry of the lattice. There are 7 crystal systems
charge per unit voltage (Farads or CV^-1)
electrical device consisting of alternating layers of dielectric and conductor, which is capable of storing charge
electrode at which reduction occurs
Chiral nematic (cholesteric)
molecules in adjacent layers are orientated at a slight angle relative to each other (rather than parallel as in nematic). Therefore the Director rotates helically, around an axis perpendicular to the layers.
sample of an optically anisotropic crystal with a known birefringence (often quartz)
Coercive field Ec/Hc
electric/magnetic field that is required to depolarise/demagnetise a ferroelectric/magnetic material (Vm^-1/Am^-1)
Concentration cell
electrochemical cell whose electromotive force is driven by differences in concentrations across the electrolyte
Concentration gradient
rate of change of composition with distance (m^-4)
structure of a polymer chain that arises from rotation about the single bonds
process in which bonds are formed joining adjacent molecules. At low density these bonds add to the elasticity of a polymer, at higher densities they produce rigidity
Curie temperature
temperature above which ferroelectric/ferromagnetic behaviour is lost (Celsius or K)
Current density, j
current flowing through unit cross-sectional area (Am^-2)
effect caused by the magnetic moment due to orbiting electrons which produces a slight opposition to the imposed magnetic field
an electrical insulator which is polarisable
Dielectric breakdown
the passage of current through a dielectric material upon application of a large electric field. The maximum field that a dielectric can sustain without breakdown is the dielectric strength
Dielectric constant, κ
a measure of the rate of change of polarisation with electric field; the ratio of the permittivity of a material to the permittivity of free space
transport of atoms in which the diffusing atom moves relative to its neighbours
Diffusion coefficient (diffusivity), D
a temperature dependent coefficient related to the rate at which atoms diffuse, which also depends on the activation energy (m^2s^-1)
2 equal charges of opposite sign, separated by a small distance
Dipole moment, μ
electric field generated by a spatial separation of positive and negative charges (Cm) or the magnetic moment generated by electron orbitals and spin
Director, D
the direction of preferred orientation of molecules in liquid crystals
point at which the Director in a liquid crystal undergoes an abrupt change in orientation
Displacement field, D
resultant total polarisation field created in a material by application of an electric field (Cm^-2)
regions within a material in which all the electric/magnetic dipoles are aligned
Domain wall
boundary between ferroelectric/magnetic domains
Drift velocity
average rate at which charge carriers move through a material under the application of an electric field (ms^-1)
spacing between lattice planes (hkl)
Destructive interference
combination of rays which are out of phase, giving zero intensity
Diffraction pattern
distribution of intensity of radiation scattered by an object
instrument used for recording intensities of diffracted X-rays as a function of diffraction angle and sample orientation. There are many different types of diffractometers
Disordered materials
In general this term is used to refer to materials that lack the 3d long-range periodicity of a crystalline substance (e.g. liquids, glasses, polymers, liquid crystals)
Exchange interaction/exchange energy
quantum mechanical electron - electron interaction which favours parallel alignment of magnetic moments. A negative exchange interaction favours anti-parallel alignment of moments.
Extinction positions
orientations in which an anisotropic material appears black between crossed polars. (They occur every 90 degrees, when the PVDs of the sample are parallel to the polariser/analyser)