Glossary / key words Flashcards
What is annual appropriation?
Covers the current operating and maintenance expenses of the navy
What is an alb?
Full length white garment worn by catholic priests
What is the Aron Hakodesh?
“Holy ark” in which the Torah scroll is kept
What is antimension?
Orthodox piece of material 24” x 18” with a figure of Christ
What is appropriation?
Act of congress to incur obligations for a specific time and purpose
What is the artophorian?
The orthodox tabernacle, mini chrich or cathedral
What is the bimah?
Jewish raised platform for reading the Torah
What is Buddha?
An Indian Sanskrit word that means “the one who awakened”
What is the book of gospels?
Contains the four gospels and is used for gospel lessons
What is Buddhism?
The title given to Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism
What is the Byzantine system?
Eastern Orthodox, year begins with Easter and concludes with with the following years Easter vigil