Glossary Flashcards
What is Attachment or its opposite detachment ?
As senses come in touch with external world objects, it produces rewards (likes and dislikes). These rewards then get stored as memories (karmas). These drive our actions to maximise rewards and minimise punishment.
Soul realisation frees one from senses and leads to ultimate liberation and true happiness.
You can still live in this world but not become slave of senses.
Dusty’s example is a classic example. How we all got extremely attached to him and even forgot Love. Mind is thus blinding.
How to practice God’s presence
To practice his presence learn about God and then start living according to God qualities. Keep the feeling of God all the time around you like aura/light.
What is consciousness ?
Think of consciousness as soul vibration that can communicate with any soul and cosmic consciousness. Our ability to realize ourselves this soul vibration and awareness of presence of supreme consciouness everywhere is consciousness. Its oneness with the universe.
Why (or why not) Charity ?
Real charity is when you make a person grow (spiritually, mentally or physically). Spoon feeding can be counter productive.
What is maya ?
Delusion. Force that makes us mis-identify with this body, mind its sensations amd the physical world around. It keeps us away from realizing that we are a never changing ever blissful soul.
What is Surrender to God ? Who surrender to whom ?
Surrendering mind (intelligence) to soul reality, omniscience and perfect wisdom is surrender. When you surrender to God you don’t worry about the results. You perform the righteous duties.
What is difference between intelligence and wisdom ?
Intelligence is function of mind and senses. Your ability to differentiate between colors, shapes, sounds, fragrances and so on and building factual understanding of physical world. Wisdom is knowing the very principal behind the whole creation. Happiness is the hint if you are going towards this principal (God) or not.
What is God ?
God is SumTotal of all creation and principal behind whole creation. Its one that presents itself as many in the form of different beings and entities. So you are God as well provided you realize it.
What is discrimination ?
Discrimination is above sense likes, dislikes that produce worldly desires. Discrimination guides you towards soul happiness and united you with God and cosmic consciousness. When you are drowned in waters of senses you lose your discrimination. So stay away from senses.
What is Humility ?
Thinking of ourselves as different from others and not better not worse is humility. Identifying and respecting capabilities others have harnessed is humilty. Knowing that all powers knowledge success comes to us by God following his principals is humility. Not aggrandizing senses and mind is humilty.
3 levels of communication / relationships
Physical: information exchange
Mental: likes and dislikes. Normal friendships
Soul: what uou are as a soul. At this level if you connect these connections are permanent. You will ignore all other limitations in other person.
What is Karma ?
Karma is like soul-memory. Desires are created in mind and then deep unfulfilled desires are stored back in consciousness. These seeds of desires drive journey of the soul post this physical life.
What is experience ?
In deep learning its defined as current state, action, reward and next state.
In life its exactly same. In a particular situation or environment you take certain action and reap certain rewards and your environment changes. These rewards then drive you to continue future actions that becomes your behaviour.
Experiences are stored in memory in this form.
What is living in the moment ?
There is a time to plan and then there is time to action. Like in a cricket game. When you are playing you only think of that moment. That very next ball that is going to happen. So in life while in midst of action you think how to live this moment very best. It does not mean you never plan. but once plans in place you forget the results and focus only on the process.
What are emotions / feelings ?
Emotions are at a level next to likes and dislikes. Mind starts operating with likes and dislikes. These likes and dislikes repeated over a long period of time produce craving or hatred towards the objects. These cravings or hunger are intense feelings in mind wanting to repeat these enjoyments. When these are intense then these become emotions severely dictating our actions to the extent that it blinds all form of logic and even produces as if these are feelings of love.
Is it possible to avoid attachments in life ?
Mind is constantly hunting for these likes and dislikes and creating behaviours optimal for maximising likes and minimising dislikes. In order to avoid attachments we need to become aware of this subtle aspect of every action we perform. Between action and response there is a choice. Will power given to us. To either accept / confirm the response or reject it. It is very hard and require absolute self-awareness at all moments. So if we inculcate this habit we can minimise attachments but still continue to love everyone around us. Love is at the level of soul. Attachments are physical level.