Glossary 2 Flashcards
A public notice in a foreclosure proceeding that the mortgaged property may soon have a judgment issued against it. Enables other investors to join in the proceeding if they wish to collect their debts.
lis pendens
A legal contract that establishes and controls the dynamics of the agency relationship between principal and agent. The principal to the listing may be buyer, seller, landlord, or tenant.
A set of water rights defined by state law relating to properties abutting navigable bodies of water such as lakes and bays. Generally, a property owner enjoys usage rights but owns land only to the high water mark. See riparian rights and prior appropriation.
littoral rights
A trust established during one’s lifetime in which the trustor conveys legal title to property to a trustee and names another party as beneficiary. The trustee discharges management duties and the beneficiary receives all profit and gain net of the trustee’s fees.
living trust
A lender’s written pledge to lend funds under specific terms. May contain deadlines and conditions.
loan commitment
An underwriting ratio that relates the size of a loan to the market value of the collateral. The closer the loan value is to market value, the riskier the loan is for the lender , since the lender is less likely to recover the debt fully from the proceeds of a foreclosure sale.
loan-to-value ratio (LTV)
A method for legally describing property in a subdivision where lots are identified by block and number. A recorded metes and bounds or rectangular survey description of the subdivision underlies the lot and block system.
lot and block system
- Buyers and sellers exchanging goods and services through the price mechanism. 2. The totality of interactions between supply and demand for a specific set of products or services in a particular geographic area.
An opinion of the price at which a willing seller and buyer would trade a property at a given time, assuming a cash sale, reasonable exposure to the market, informed parties, marketable title, and no abnormal pressure to transact.
market value
A condition of title to a property where there are no claims, liens, or encumbrances clouding title or impeding the property’s transferability.
marketable title
An agent’s design for procuring a customer for a client, including selling and promotional activities.
marketing plan
A deed used to convey land to a condominium developer.
master deed
An amalgamated land use plan for a municipality, county, or region which incorporates community opinion, the results of intensive research, and the various land use guidelines and regulations of the state. Acts as a blueprint for subsequent zoning ordinances and rulings.
master plan
mechanic’s lien A junior lien enabling property builders, suppliers, and contractors to secure debt arising from labor and materials expended on a property. Distinguished by its order or priority, which is based on when the work was performed rather than when the lien was recorded.
mechanic’s lien
materialman’s lien
A north-south line used in the rectangular survey system of legal descriptions.
A method of legally describing property which utilizes physical boundary markers and compass directions for describing the perimeter boundaries of a parcel.
metes and bounds
The ad valorem tax rate of a taxing district, derived by dividing revenues required from taxpayers by the district’s tax base. If the millage rate is 30, the tax rate is 3%, or $3.00 per $100 of assessed valuation (net of exemptions).
millage rate
One one-thousandth of a dollar ($.001). Used to quantify the ad valorem tax rate in dollars.
Separable subsurface rights to mineral deposits; transferrable by sale or lease to other parties.
mineral rights
A statement or act, or failure to make a statement or act, that misleads a party in a transaction. May be intentional or unintentional. May warrant legal recourse or license revocation.
A fixed, artificial or natural landmark used as a reference point in a metes and bounds legal description.
A legal document wherein a mortgagor pledges ownership interests in a property to a lender, or mortgagee, as collateral against performance of the mortgage debt obligation.
Financing that uses mortgaged real property as security for borrowed funds.
mortgage financing
An organization of brokers who agree to cooperate in marketing the pooled listings of all members.
multiple listing service