GLOBE Flashcards
Power distance
the degree to which people expect power distributed equally
Uncertainty avoidance
the extent to which people relie on social norms, rules and procedures to allocate the unpredictability of future events
humane orientation
degree to which people encourage and reward individuals for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring and kind to others
institutional collectivism
degree to which institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective action (individual VS group)
in-group collectivism
degree to which individuals express pride loyalty and cohesiveness in their organizations or families
Gender egalitarianism
degree to which a collective minimizes gender inequality
future orientation
individuals engage in future orientated behaviours such as delaying gratification, planning and investing in the future
performance orientation
degree to which collective encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement
degree to which individuals are assertive confrontational and aggressive in their relationship with others; collaborative or dominant leadership