Globalisation - Theories Of Development Flashcards
An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange of wealth is owned by private individuals whose main aim is to make profits
Making judgements, often negative, about other cultures and places based on ones own cultural experience
Corrupt elites in the developing world who defraud their own people by pocketing aid, taking bribes etc
Tiger economies
A term used to describe fast growing economies in south east Asia
Global businesses that produce and market goods and brands across the developed and developing worlds
Achieved status
Refers to a social position that a person can acquire on the basis of merit
A political system and set of beliefs that stresses shared ownership of property by the group or community
Free market
A market free from state intervention plus low taxation and public spending
The notion that members of the tribal/family unit put the interests of the group before self interest
A system that rewards people on the basis of merit
Cultural imperialism
Global dominance of American culture e.g. McDonald’s and Disney
The core
A term used by dependency theorists to describe the centre of economic activity, profiting from an exploitative relationship with satellite states
Mass consumption
A social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in ever greater amounts
Neo liberalism
The view that the free market is the best way of organising societies against government intervention
An exploitative system in which European powers had direct political control over most of the developing world mainly through military power