globalisation eq3 Flashcards
Why are some countries so rich and some poor?
Institutions- most corrupt are the poorest
Culture- the less people believe the richest they are some of the poorest countries have strong belief
Geography-poor countries results in bad soil climate so no agriculture, hot countries results in more diseases
How can social development of different countries be measured?
Life expectancy
Literacy right
Women and development
How can economic development in different countries be measure?
GDP per capita
Purchasing power parity create average earnings to local prices and what they will pay
How has economic inequality and globalisation caused extremism in Europe?
Globalisation has created winners and losers with some regions experiencing job losses due to outsourcing and industrialisation this fuels and a desire to protect local industries and jobs.
How has immigration and demographic change caused extremism in Europe?
Large scaleimmigration particularly from non-European countries has led to fears about cultural dilution social cohesion and economic competition driving nationalist rhetoric
How is erosion of multiculturalism a consequence of extremism in Europe?
Extreme nationalism often lead to xenophobia, hate crimes and rejection of diversity, threatening social cohesion and inclusivity in European society
Was is extreme nationalism
Extreme nationalism involves an intense focus on national identity often prioritising one group‘s culture, values and interest well excluding or marginalising others it is characteristics by anti-immigrants sentiments, protectionist and their rejection of globalisation
What are the drivers of extreme nationalism?
Economic uncertainty, such as job losses due to globalisation or deindustrialisation
Fear of cultural delusion from immigration or multiculturalism
Perceptions of national decline and the desire to ‘restore’ past glories
How have open borders, deregulation and encouragement of foreign direct investment create culturally mixed societies?
International countries-encouraging mixing and learning of cultures
Migration through open borders
Cultural exchange through FDI
Globalisation lifestyle
Urban growth and multicultural enclaves
Deregulation of labour markets
TNC presence encouraging workforces diversity
What is the gross domestic product per capita in Sweden, Haiti, Mexico?
Sweden: 35,392
Haiti:m 935 to 1805
Mexico : 8802 to 14,618
What is the environmental performance index in Mexico, Sweden, and Haiti?
Mexico: 0.4705
Sweden: 0.0312
Haiti: 0.4705
What is the GDP composition by sector in Sweden, Mexico, and Haiti?
Sweden: 100% services
Mexico : 20% services and 80% industries
Haiti: 60% services and 40% agriculture
What are the social impacts of culture exchange in Cuba?
Tourism has provided more employment opportunities leading to improvements in the standard of living.
What are the economic impacts of cultural exchange in Cuba?
Foreign investment, particularly from European countries and Canada helped revive certain sectors of the economy, e.g. mining
Environmental impacts of cultural exchange in Cuba
Infrastructure development has placed pressure on local ecosystems