globalisation eq2 Flashcards
What are my two case studies for winners and losers of global shift?
China and Detroit, Michigan
What background information is there about China?
Global shift in China has mainly focused on manufacturing
China is the worlds largest recipient of FDI since 2000
Rapid industrialisation of China has been accomplished by rapid urbanisation
Rapid growth has brought costs and benefits
What are the benefits of growth and infrastructure in China?
High-speed rail link, major cities e.g Beijing, Shanghai etc
China has the worlds longest high net work improving access to remote areas and enhancing domestic change in it expands over 100,000 km
Expanded with 82 airport since 2000 overall 250 airports
Maglev worlds fastest commercial train speed of 268 mph
China’s rapid industrialisation resulted in a rise of middle class
China’s transportation is fast and more efficient promoting economic interrogation and allowing goods to move more freely
What are the benefits of reduction in poverty in China?
China’s rapid economic growth has reduced poverty
Between 1981 and 2010 the country lifted 680 million people out of poverty
20% of China’s population still lives in poverty however remittance payments (money sent home by family members working in urban areas or overseas) has helped many families
What are the benefits of an increase in income/better education and training in China?
Global shift led to higher education in China
The economy has become more diverse and sophisticated this means a growing demand for skilled workers.
Universities and educational institutions have expanded this result in young people having the skill to work
The literacy rate has increased 74% since 1950
What are the costs of loss of productive farmland/land degradation in China?
Over 3 million hectors of gravel farmland has been polluted with heavy metals
China’s industrialisation equals an increase in loss of farmland since 2000
Arise in black soil in the north eroding and in the south, the soil are suffering from acidification caused by industrial emissions
What are the costs of growing exploitation of resources in China?
Oil fields are underdevelopment in Venezuela orinoco belt equals for China to consume
Oil and coal resources that China cannot keep up with the demand so China has sought additional resources from Africa
What are the cost of loss of biodiversity in China?
Loss of habitats in China and degradation of natural environment
Blank clearance has led to deforestation and over intense glazing
In 2015 WWF found that China’s terrestrial vertebrates had declined 50% since 1970
What are the cost of growth in pollution and health problems in China?
100 cities suffered from extreme water shortages
In 2015 1US climate research organisation calculated that an average of 4400 people died of air pollution in China every year
Air pollution has got so bad in the capital Beijing that they have frequent pollution alerts
Around 70% or more of China’s rivers/lakes are now polluted and not fit for irrigation or drinking
What are the costs of increase in unplanned settlement in China?
Expanded housing in villages located on the edges of cities
Vilages add stories to the houses and renting out to migrant workers
Rapid industrialisation has in urgent need for more housing and increase in formal housing
Farmland is privately developed for housing without permission
What is global shift?
Is the movement of manufacturing work from Europe and the USA and Asian countries (shift of the economic centre of gravity to Asia)
What are factors that have led to global shift?
Trade liberalisation (free)
Large welfare/educated/English-speaking
Cheaper labour, lower standard of living equals less workers rights (sick/ maternity pay)
More relax ENV regulations
Reduce taxes to attract TNC FDI/special economic zones (low tax areas)
Cheaper land
What is the background information on Detroit, Michigan?
31% poverty rate
Used to be the hub of US
City of industries music
In 1920 they had the 4th largest city
Ford from Detroit, most people are employed there which push them into the middle class
They had a trade port.
What are the causes of global shift in Detroit, Michigan?
An issue with suburbanisation
Riots in 1967,, the wealthiest left first
Completion of the US in terstrate highway system
Mechanisation, resulted in a mass unemployment as it is cheaper
Competition with Japan and Germany
What were the social impacts of global shift on Detroit, Michigan?
Poverty rate increased from 15% in 1970 to 33.2% in 2021, 730,000 in 2010
In 2011 the literacy rate was 47%
Half the children are in poverty
1 in 3 every people live below poverty level
What are the economic impacts of global shift in Detroit, Michigan?
In 2009 Detroit was in $300 million in debt and got rid many public services E.G transport and street lighting
In 2009 the average house price in Detroit was only $7500 with many homes available for only a few hundred dollars
Less people less taxes
What were the environmental impacts of global shift on Detroit, Michigan?
What is a internal migrant?
Someone who moves from place to place (usually rural to urban) within the borders of a country creating urbanisation.
What is an economic migrant?
A migrant whose primary motivation is to see employment or an improved job/pay/condition/chance of promotion/new skills, etc
What is natural increase?
The difference between a society’s birth and death rate
What are the social challenges caused by rapid growth?
Increase in people needing healthcare, they are more sick people due to bad pollution
Sprawling Shanty towns is common in LICs
Overcrowded schools, more people need education
Increase in squatter settlements/slums, bad living areas creating people sick or to die
Even wealthy cities, e.g. London homelessness is on the rise
What are the environmental challenges caused by rapid growth?
Prosperity equals an increase in number of vehicles, increase in air pollution
Fuel spillages from poorly maintained vehicles results in n increase in forest fires result in a loss of biodiversity
An increase in flooding results in agriculture being flooded
Water pollution is caused by factories oil spills and chemical dumpings from factories
What are the social challenges in Mumbai caused by globalisation?
96% of Mumbai homeless families have been on the streets for over five years
450 new vehicles are registered every day
700,000 cars on rides
What are the environmental challenges in Mumbai caused by globalisation
Air pollution from traffic is more than three times the safe limit for nitric oxide and nitrogen oxide levels
Particulate air pollution levels are high air quality index score of over 300 and often over 350
Mithi River in Mumbai is polluted with industrial waste as well as household waste
7000 metric tons of rubbish produced each day
A pull factor of Mumbai?
The growth rate is 3.5%
What are push factors from the countryside to Lagos?
In the 1970s Nigerian oil boom resulted in rural urban migration
What are pull factors too Lagos?
Has become the largest city in Nigeria
Centre of communications and industry
Best harbour facilities on West Coast of Africa
Advanced rail, road and air transportation system equals an increasing job opportunities
What are social challenges in Legos caused by globalisation?
Crime rate of 79 offence is put 100,000 population-disparities in wealth-conflict and crime
10,000 residents of slummed like Makoko were made homeless after the government demolished them
What are Environmental challenges in Lagos caused by globalisation?
The claim water supply is 81% so 19% haven’t got access to water
Just over half of the population gets water, which is safe to drink
Legos lagoon is polluted with industrial and household waste which has ruined the lovely hood of those dependent on fishing
What are challenges facing megacities?
Water pollution
Provision of healthcare and education
Food and water supply
Air pollution
Provision of adequate urban housing
Urban Employment
What is elite international migrants?
A highly skilled professionals or influential people. The wealth has come from their profession or inheritance. They are highly desirable.
What is low wage international migrants?
Legal or illegal immigrants that work in jobs with low wages E.G construction/Cleaning
What is a source location?
Places from which migrants move
What is a house location?
Places which migrants moved to
What result has elite migrants had on London?
London’s economy knowledge has risen
In 2013 the financial times were parked that 82% of property deals made in London were paid for by foreigners
Flows of skilled wealthy migrants have moved more and the demand for property has caused the price grouping forcing landlords out
What impact has low wage migrant had on UAE?
UAE has had labour shortages due to low population so they were cute many manual workers from overseas
Migrants make up 90% of the work force
Will wage migrants often working less than $1 a day have led to rapid building infrastructure for high-end tourism and services
Workplace accidents are common
What is cultural diffusion?
The spread of cultural ideas and the way of life between individuals and cultures
What is cultural erosion?
The lost or delusion of a specific culture due to cultural diffusion resulting in a change in ideas and traditions
What is hyper globalisation?
The spread of West Indies global culture emerging as a result of cultural erosion
How has TNCs helped create a global culture?
More jobs
More product
Some cooperations.Nike have rolled out uniforms this brings cultural changes
Global dispersal food clothes and other good
How has global media helped create global culture?
Social media e.g. Twitter spreads culture within a matter of seconds
The BBC helps maintain UK culture overseas
Disney have festivals, e.g. Western Christmas and Halloween feature in many shows
How has migration and tourism helped create global culture?
Migration results in different cultures all over the world as that are different cultures living in other places
Many Europeans travel around the world