Globalisation EQ2 Flashcards
What are the reasons people are anti-globalisation?
Inequalities - switched off
Rules are rigged in favour of ruling elites
Rapid urbanisation may happen before countries can cope
Economic change creates environmental risks
What is cultural diffusion?
The exchange of ideas between different people as they mix and interact as a result of globalisation
What is an example of elite migration?
Russian oligarch are attracted to London because it is a key financial centre providing investment opportunities (inward flow of 250 billion between 2004 and 2013)
What are the environmental challenges from rapid growth?
Traffic flows increase: transport infrastructure cannot be built quickly enough –> congestion –> air pollution
Lack of planning and regulation: Industries and businesses appear quickly, without consideration of waste disposal so air,water and land pollution increase
Lack of waste disposal: sewage and industrial wastes are dumped
Give facts about Dharavi
slum housing area
buoyant economy
5000 people work in the plastic recycling economy
What are the benefits of the host region of migration?
Fills particular job shortages
Economic migrants may do labouring work that locals may be reluctant to (polish workers)
Variety of cultures and adds diversity to population
Some migrants are entrepreneurs
How has global shift been driven?
By TNCS seeking low cost locations for their manufacturing and refining operations - weak environmental governence has also been an attractive factor.
What are the social challenges from rapid growth?
Over crowding: lower qof, not enough services
Poor housing: people build their own
Poverty:migrants often enter the informal sector where incomes are extremely variable
What is global shift?
The relocating of the global economic centre of gravity to asia from europe and north america
-shift of service and administration jobs.
What does disney promote
American values including family values, traditional morals and consumerism
What are the environmental impacts in ivory coast because of global shift?
toxic waste alleged to produce hydrogen sulphide was dumped by a ship in the employ of trafigura
tens of thousands of ivorians suffered ill health
How is infrastructure a benefit of global shift?
attracting manufacturing FDI requires initial investment in basic infrastructure
Initially investment in a few coastal locations (SEZs) but this later expands to link up SEZs to cities inland.
China built 11,000 km of new motorways in 2015 alone.
What are the benefits of global shift?
-Waged work
-Poverty reduction
-Education and training
-Investment in infrastructure
How has western culture been spread by cultural diffusion?
Migrants move and spread their ideas and customs
Tourism brings people into contact with new cultures
TNCs spread their brands and products around the world.
Global media organisations like Disney, CNN and the BBC spread a western view of world events.
How is english the main global language?
Dominated internet communication from the offset
become a global language of commerce, technology and education
What are the benefits to a source county?
Migrant remittances can contribute to national earnings
Less public spending on housing and health
Migrants of their children may return,bringing new skills
Some government spending costs are transferred to the host region
How is a loss of productive land a disadvantage of global shift?
Lost agricultural land in the construction of factories, infrastructure…
floodplain land with highest fertility and productive potential is lost
Air and water pollution from industrial activity can render more agricultural land unusable.
What are examples of Low-waged international migrants?
Filipo female workers move to the middle east for low-wage jobs in rich households. They return 28 billion in remitannces
What is a global hub city
An urban area with lots of of connections to other world cores. Connections include transport, communications, industrial and financial.
How is poverty reduction a benefit of global shift?
Incomes rise (waged work or supplying commodities)
Since 1990, 1 billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty, primarily due to global shift
600 million Chinese were lifted out of poverty between 1992 and 2015.
What is cultural erosion
The loss of cultural values due to globalisation
What are other examples of environmental impacts because of global shift
Nigerias forest halfed in size
Togo (HDI 0.484) lost 60% of rainforest area to supply timber to manufacturing industries.
How much % of earning from remittances did nepal make
25% of national earnings
What is centripetal migration?
Movement of people directed towards the centre of urban areas
What is globish?
Basic english of 1500 words adopted by 60 ex-british colonies
What is the definition of diaspora
the spread of a people or culture from one country or region around the world
What % of urban growth is from natural increase
How is waged work a benefit of global shift?
-Factory work is reliable, regular (farming isnt)
-Low wages are still double/triple rural income
-conditions are better than farming
What % of urban growth is from rural-urban migration
What has globalisation done to cultural change
Accelerated it
What are some costs to the host region of migration?
Social tensions arise if citezens belive migration has lead to a lack of jobs or affordable housing
Political parties change their policies to address public concerns
Local shortages of primary school places due to natural increase increase
urban growth can increase pollution, urban poverty and urban sprawl
What are the positives to changing diets in Asia?
More varied diet and less time preparing food, allows more women to enter the workforce
What is an example of children returning with new skills to a source country?
Young british asians have relocated to india to open health clubs and restaurant chains
How has Chinas diet changed?
There has been a spread of western diet with the spread of mcdonalds KFC etc
What are the negatives of changing diets in asia?
Rising obesity
Fast food culture is wasteful in terms of recources - this can be linked to deforestation and air and water pollution
What is cultural imperialism?
The practice of promoting the culture of one nation in another - it is common that the former is a large militarily powerful nation and the latter is a less affluent one
Why has there been rapid urban growth?
Push out of rural areas (lack of job opportunities, lack of services such as healthcare)
Pull into urban areas (better quality of life)
Natural increase
What are some costs to the source region from migration?
Reduced economic growth as consumption falls
Increase in the proportion of aged dependents
Closure of university courses due to a lack of students aged (18-21)
The closure of urban services and entertainment with a young adult market, bringing decline and deriction to urban built areas
How many people live in megacities
10 million or more.
What is voluntary migration?
Where people choose to move e.g. labour, foreign students
What is Americanisation?
The cultural influence of the USA on other places
What are intervening obstacles for migrants?
Barriers to a migrant such as a political border or physical featire ( deserts, mountains and rivers).
How does disney build its brand globally
By redubbing
What is forced migration (asylum seeking)?
Where people involuntary have to leave their home region e.g. refugees, trafficking, human smuggling
How are global hubs morely recognised?
By its influence rather than its population size.
How many megacities were there in 1970 compared to 2020
3 in 1970, 30 in 2020
What are some examples of cultural traits?
What are elite migrants?
Socially affluent individuals
multiple homes in different countrys
encounter few obstacles when moving countrys
What are low waged international migrants?
Low income people
What does disney produce?
Films, animations, television, theme parks
What is international migration?
where people move from one country to another, crossing an international border.
What does rural-urban migration mean?
People moving from the countryside to cities
What is the result of the largest TNCS being american?
They are pushing american culture and values
What are the disadvantages of global shift?
Loss of productive land
Unplanned settlements
Environmental or resource pressure
How is education and training a benefit of global shift?
TNCs invest in training and skills development to improve workforce productivity
Economic growth used to finance investment in education and training
Higher income –> increased tax revenue –> fund state education
How is unplanned settlements a disadvantage of global shift?
rural-urban settlements
slums/shanty towns
How is Environmental or resource pressure a disadvantage of global shift?
air and water pollution
pressure on natural recourses (offices demand recourses)
Manufacturing creates demand for additional commidies as raw materials
What are the reasons for impacts on health and well being of people (environment)
over-exploition of recources
dumping of industrial waste
What is soft power?
Where countrys shape global culture through their disproportionaly large influence over global media and entertainment
What is westernisation?
The joint role of USA and european countries to bring about cultural change globally