Globalisation Flashcards
What is the Global Shift
movement of manufacturing from Europe and the USA to Asian countries
What is reverse colonialism
when people form once colonised countries migrate to the country that colonised it
What is an internal migrant
someone who moves within a country
What is an economic migrant
someone who moved for economic gain
What is a refugee
someone forced to leave a place due to an event
natural disaster, war, famine
What is natural increase
when birth rates are higher than death rates
What is an Asylum seeker
someone who moves to seek protection and shelter
What is a megacity
a city with a population greater than 10 million
What is a diaspora
when a population is scattered across regions separate from its place of origin
What are global hubs
‘World Cities’
highly connected cities where migration rates are increased
London, NYC, Beijing, Mumbai
What is soft power
the ability to attract people/countries to a particular aspect of culture instead of through force
What is xenophobia
the dislike or prejudice against people from other countries
What is cultural diffusion
the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group/country to another
What is cultural imperialism
the promotion of nations culture/language onto another
What is homogenization
the reduction of cultural diversity through popularisation and diffusion of a wide array of cultural symbols
physical objects, customs, ideas, values
What is cultural erosion
the wearing away of cultural traits which could lead to their disappearance
What is westernization
to adopt or be influenced by the cultural, economic, or political systems of Europe and North America
What is the development gap
the widening difference in levels of development between the worlds riches and the worlds poorest countries
What is the Lorenz Curve
a graph where the cumulative % of total national income/wealth is plotted against the cumulative % of population
The more curved the line is = greater degree of inequality distribution
What is the Gini Coefficient
measures the increasing inequality within countries
closer to 1 means greater income inequality
What is GDP
Gross national produce
single measure
the mean average income of a country
Why can GDP be misleading
- people woth high wages
- work in informal sectors aren’t accounted for
- unreliability that comes with currency exchange
What is GNI
Gross National Produce
single measure
the sum of GDP and overseas income
What is PPP
Purchasing power parity
single measure
how much (of the same products) you could purchase in different countries with the same amount of money
What is Economic Sector Balance
composite measure
the money generated from the 4 industries
What is HDI
Human Development Index
composite measure
a composite index that measures life expectancy, education, and income
What is GEI
Gender equality index
composite measure
measure relates to:
1. reproductive health (measure by maternal mortality rates and adolescent birth rates)
2. Empowerment (Parliamentary seats, proportion of adults over 25 with a secondary education)
3. Labour force participation over 15 years old
What is Environmental Quality
1. air pollution
2. particulate matter in air
3. soil quality
4. air quality
improves with development
What is hybridism
a positive view of cultural diversity as organic/hybrid, and adopts/absorbs new migrant values
What is pluralism
the toleration of equal rights for all migrants to practice their religious and cultural beliefs
What is assimilation
the belief that minority traits should disappear as immigrants asopt host values