Globalisation Flashcards
1995 Only in UK Now over 300 routes through Europe.
Protectionism of shoe industry from cheap Chinese and Vietnemese imports. 2004, 10 new EU countries meant Tesco gained access to 75 million new customers.
Tanzania Water privatisation
WB and IMF loan lead to privatisation of water industry. Biwater, TNC, failed to make profit so water bills rose. Tanzanian government cancelled contract in 2005 and Biwater taking them to court.
Bretton Woods
Set up in 1944 as a response to view that German and Austrian preotectionism caused WW2. Global financial crisis which originated in EU and US money markets undermined markets.
China Open Door Policy
In 1978 following the Death of Mao Zedong China transitioned from a centrally planned economy to a market economy.
This pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty.125 million jobs created. Rural businesses up 35%. FDI increased with $68 billion invested into China in 1990.
During Mao regime China was isolated and poor with many dying of famine.
After Open Door Policy, China industrialized and TNCs established low wage factories. SEZs established which contributed 50% of China’s GDP by 1990s.
Asia Global Shift
Wealth, improved education. Exploited labour force with bad labour conditions. Pollution leading to health effects. Political Power. Poverty levels down leading to growing middle class and mass consumption leading to more pollution/waste.
Rapid Urbanisation.
3 billion working class by 2030.
Detroit Good Days
Big Car industry with vertically integrated production lines. Henry Ford became very wealthy however he invested a lot of his profits into social welfare and paid a reasonably high wage.
Created a growing middle class and consumerist culture increasing quality of life. Mass production leads to Mass employment Leading to Mass Consumerism.
Population grew from less that 80,000 in 1870 to over 1.5 million in 1930.
Decline of Detroit
Late 1960s growth in industry from abroad and social and ethnic tensions led to a cycle of decline. 5 day riot in 1967 in black neighbourhood led to 7000 arrests.
White flight occurred to suburbs 80,000 left in 1968. Left Detroit with mass unemployment and high crime rates.
Offshoring increased poverty. As worker left tax revenue decreased and city became divided by wealthy suburbs and declining city centre with social problems.
Racial inequality Livingstone County 96% white median income $73,000 Detroit City 82% black median income $26,000 40% live in poverty. Unemployment rate 23%. High murder rate and low education rate.
Globalisation Environmental Impacts
Containerisation increases pollution. Habitats are destroyed due to economic specialisation and roads. Deforestation in Brazil, Overfishing etc… Biodiversity loss and population size of all species has dropped 68% since 1970.
BP oil spill 2010
Deepwater Horizon exploded killing 11 people. Leaked 40,000 barrels per day. Cost $40 billion. Leak killed thousands of marine animals
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Large patch of microplastics caused by human waste.
2006 Ivory Coast Toxic waste dumping
Ship dumped 500,000 tonnes of toxic waste in Ivory Coast. 15 Dead 100,00 seeking medical attention. As they wouldn’t pay $500,000 to safely dispose of waste.
China workshop of the world
Air pollution in cities reduces life expectancy by 5 years. Car Ownership has grown from 1 in 100 families to 1 in 5 since 2000. Chinese banks are now some of the largest TNCs in the world.
Indonesia land degradation and loss of biodiversity
Rainforests and peatland being taken down for palm oil and paper plantations making Indonesia the 3rd largest greenhouse gas emitter. Biofuels leading to monoculture farming as a replacement for grenhouse gases increasing. 50% of Indonesia’s peatland already cleared.
China and poisoned i phones
Poor working conditions in apple factories. 62 workers required medical attention after poisonous cleaining product used in one factory. 54% of apple manufacturers break 60 hour weekly working limit. 35% did not meet wage requirements.