Globalisation Flashcards
What are the aspects of globalisation
Economic, cultural and political
What does Globalisation result in
Increased interdependence of economies around the globe
Changes in economic conditions in one country have a larger impact on other economies in a highly globalised world
Define Globalisation
The economic integration of different countries through growing freedom of movement across borders of goods, services, capital and people
Factors contributing to Globalisation over the past 50 years
Trade Liberalisation Transport Communications Technology Economic and Political Transitions Global Companies Containerisation
How does Trade Liberalisation contribute to Globalisation
Trade becomes easier
Define Bilateral
Involving two parties
Define Consensus
A general agreement
Define Multilateral
Involving several parties
Define Orthodoxy
Authorised or generally accepted theory, doctrine or practice
What is Trade Liberalisation
Removal or reduction of restrictions on trade
Who has been responsible for negotiating reductions in tariffs and other barriers to trade
The WTO (World Trade Organisation)
Define Aviation
The flying or operating of aircraft
Why has the cost of transport declined over the past 50 years
Technological advancements in aerospace and shipping
Leads to firms being able to sell goods and services on a global basis easier
What are Trans-national corporation / Multi-national corporation
A business that is based or registered in one country but has outlets/affiliates or does business in other countries
What do TNCs rely on
Communications technology developed within the last 50 years
What is operating on a global scale only possible due to
Advancements in communications technology
Quality of communications has improved immensely over the last 50 years
Cost of communications has fallen significantly
How does Economic and Political Transitions affect Globalisation
Changes in types of economies