Global risks and cost of Capital Flashcards
Two assumptions to use the domestic CAPM re-written in terms of the world CAPM
- investors throughout the world have identical consumption baskets
- Real prices of consumption goods are identical in every country, that is, PPP holds
Asset i Beta in country j is Bij
Country j’s beta with the world is Bjw
What is asset i’s beta with the world?
Biw= Bij*Bjw
What do The world beta and Capm assumptions imply, are they realistic, what happens in reality?
- they imply that exchange rates mirror the inflation differential between any pair of countries
In reality: - consumption preferences differ across countries
- deviation from PPP is the major source of exchange rate variations
Explain The ICAPM
- investors determine their demands for each assets by a mean-variance optimization using their home currency as base currency
- investors hold a combination of two portfolios:
-» a risky portfolio common to all investors
–»a personalized hedge portfolio to reduce purchasing power risks (under no-inflation risks it reduces to the national risk-free asset)
Explain the ICAPM of Solnik
regular capm world plus a series of sigma i,k and cp i,k.
Sigma i,k: the sensitivities of asset i to currencies from 1 to k
cp i,k: the risk premiums on currencies 1 to k (changes in exchange rates)
What’s the intuition behind currency premiums
- currency risks cannot be eliminated by simple diversification since they generally apply to all assets
- world market portfolio may be sensitive to currency risks depending on the composition of its assets
When do traditional CAPM work in the ICAPM model?
- if an asset is uncorrelated with various exchange rates or is optimally hedges against currency risk, the sigmas are 0
- this implies that asset return is only a function of the world market risk and the traditional CAPM applies
Describe the two factor model of ICAPM
- if exchange rates are taken separately, then there are as many exchange rate risks as there are currencies
- they can be combined into a basket, then there will be two factors: world market portfolio and exchange rate basket
What are the problems with ICAPM
- market and currency risks are unstable over time
- market imperfections are much more severe at the international than domestic lvl
- the definition of world market portfolio is very complicated
Go see the APT model slide, too complicated to write here
Each national market is quite efficient, but..
- how efficient is the global market?
- can active allocation among countries consistently outperform the world market index?
Fundamental issues with international market efficiency
- integration or segmentation of global markets
- in an integrated international market prices of all assets reflect their relative investment values
The ICAPM and IAPT imply that the world is perfectly integrated, what if it’s not?
Then prices of assets in a given country will depend on their sensitivity not only to the world risk factors but also to the domestic market risk
Impediments to capital mobility
- psychological mobility
- legal restrictions
- transaction costs
- discriminatory taxation
- political risks
Name 3 examples of psychological barriers
all examples:
-geographic (distance reduces info)
- economic (no economic links hurt info)
- cultural and ethnical
- industrial
- political
what defines integration
- two countries are integrated if:
- access to both capital markets of the countries is unrestricted
- two assets belonging to the two countries have the same risk then they have the same expected return
If two countries are not integrated, what are they?
Partially or fully segmented
Are integrated markets often correlated?
Yes, but one does not IMPLY the other, no proof of causal link
A country is thought to be relatively integrated if
- ratio of market cap to GDP is high
- the proportion of exports and imports to GDP is high
a country is relatively less integrated if
-ratio market cap to gdp is low
-ratio exports and imports to gdp is low
Go read and study slide 28-29 by yourself, too complicated for a flashcard
conclusions of the chapter
- domestic asset pricing models do not work in global framework
- world market integration is not perfect
- degree of integration varies from country to country
- in semi-integrated markets, asset returns can be driven by world, country, currency and possibly industry risk factors