Global migration Flashcards
What are the patterns of global migration?
*linked to globalisation
*volumes, scale, direction and demographics of flows are always changing
*impacts on host country and country of origin can be wide-ranging and demographic, economic, social, cultural, political and environmental in nature
Why do people migrate?
*wide range of reasons - largest group are economic migrants seeking work in another country and sending remittances home
What is a refugee and how have the number of these changed?
A person who has moved outside their country of nationality in order to escape war, persecution or natural hazards
increased number of refugees
What is an asylum seeker?
A person who enters another country seeking refugee status due to dear for their life in home country
Increasing numbers
What is net migration?
the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants for a particular country
* migration is part of the calculation of population change
International migration - flows and reasons for movement
UK - main origins are India, Pakistan and POLAND, main destinations Australia, US, Canada
Reason - employment opportunities, retirement and family
52% immigrants women 2019, 35% in London
Inter-regional migration - flows and reasons for movement
migration between regions
*Middle East and Africa to Europe often to escape persecution
*Mediterranean sea crossing 2019 1885 deaths
Intra-regional migration - flows and reasons for movement
migration within a region
*Europe 2019 1.4 million EU residents moved to another country (POLAND)
What are the 2 ways socio-economic factors cause patterns of international migration?
- migration can contribute to economic development - new workforce/skills, paid employees cause multiplier effects as their income causes growth
- inequalities in income levels generate migration - people seek better oppotunities
How do remittances affect development?
*In EDCs and LIDCs, remittance payments can contribute significantly to the GDP
*Boost the spending power of families who receive them to stimulate growth
*Remittances are affected by restrictive immigration policies of developed countries and cost of travel
*Remittances to counties with a higher HDI are a smaller percentage of the GDP, whereas countries with a low HDI are a higher proportion.
**USA 2019 $6.8bn 0.1% GDP, Haiti $3.27bn 37.1% GDP
How does global migration promote stability?
*Migrant remittances are a source of foreign exchange which can contribute to economic stability of the recipient country (constant flow of money)
*Where there is an ageing population, youthful migrant working populations contribute to a more balanced age structure and population growth
How does global migration promote growth?
*GDP and tax base of the host nation can be boosted by migrants
*Migrants as consumers can cause growth in host country or open new markets as demand for goods increases (increase in flow of ideas)
*Migrants can fill skills gaps and shortages in the labour market at local/national scales
*Remittances can supplement household income, stimulate consumption, provide funds for local investment and cause a local multiplier effect in the country of origin of the migrants (flow of money)
How does global migration encourage development?
*Skills and knowledge acquired by returning migrants can be of benefit to origin countries (new ideas and skills)
*Create networks that ease flows of skills, financial resources, values and ideas through their links to diaspora associations, including professional, business, social and religious networks (flow of ideas)
*UN ‘migration and development’ projects between partner countries are involving families, local authorities, public and private service providers in effective ‘bottom up’ approaches to development
*Flow of technology used to identify where most support is needed in crisis areas for refugees
How does global migration cause inequalities?
*Countries of origin can lose a proportion of the youngest, vibrant and fit element of the labour force. *Contribute to downward economic spiral at local/regional/national levels
*Often the better educated migrate - ‘brain drain’ and loss of human resources in the country of origin (flow of ideas)
*Remittances can increase inequality between families who receive them and those who don’t (flow of money)
How does global migration cause conflict?
*Social conflict can develop between host countries and ‘newcomers’, people of a particular culture or ethnic origin may find integration difficult (language)
*Immigrant populations can be perceived to place pressure on service provision e.g. healthcare, education and housing - caused tensions
*International borders can be places of conflict for border authorities, traffickers and illegal migrants - lack of technology exacerbates this
How does global migration cause injustices?
*Migrants are vulnerable to violation of their human rights as a result of forced labour, exploitation of women/kids and human trafficking
*Treatment of asylum seekers can include detention centres, not being allowed to work, and being allocated poor financial help for food, sanitation, clothing etc
*Refugees experience injustices in terms of food, shelter, water, medicines and safety including the possibility of them being deported back to their dangerous origins
How has globalisation affected global migration?
(inter-regional, intra-regional and internally)
It has increased the complexity of movement
emergence of new source and host areas:
1. Inter-regional - migration of highly skilled workers from China, India and Brazil to the US. Migration of workers from countries such as India, Pakistan etc to the oil producing gulf states has attracted a high demand for labour and flow of remittances
2. Intra-regional - Increase in the international migrant stock (number of people born in a country other than that in which they live now including refugees) among ASEAN states with flows of low-skilled workers from countries such as Cambodia to Thailand
Increased migration within South America to countries such as Argentina and Chile, which can offer more employment opportunities and higher wages
Return migration flows within the EU as workers who took low-level skills elsewhere return home with a higher level of skill
3. Internal - mostly occurs in EDCs such as India and Brazil where economic development is concentrated in core, urban areas
Which age groups are targeted?
Young workers and women, focus on young people seeking economic benefits and women seeking greater independence
Why do young workers move?
*Attracted by more employment opportunities, higher wages and a better quality of life
*Demand for labour in oil-producing Middle East caused young migrants
Why do women move?
*51% all migrants in developed countries women in 2019
*Partly result of greater independence, freedom and status
*Increasing number of highly skilled women are migrating (esp. Africa and LA)
*Increasing numbers from India and China to Canada, UK etc where discrimination is reduced
Why does south-south migration occur?
Interconnected global economies
2021 S-S migration greater than S-N
due to:
*Labour movement
*Refugees escaping conflict
*Restrictive administration barriers for S-N movement
*Fast-growing south economies
*Increase of awareness of opportunities in the south
*Increased costs of moving long distances
How has conflict and persecution caused more refugees?
*Effects of conflict (reduced personal safety and destruction of property)
*Political persecution
*Economic hardship
*Impact of natural hazard
How has national immigration and emigration policy changed?
*Put in place by individual countries to meet their specific requirements and political needs. *Motivations are different everywhere
ACs - protectionist measures/skills requirements e.g. UK points system favours skilled workers and those needed to fill gaps in the labour market
*Some EDC/LIDC countries have policies encouraging emigration. Pakistan promotes emigration and helps safeguard migrants - remittances are important as they increased spending power
What are development of distinct corridors of bilateral flows and what are they influenced by?
Movement of migrants between 2 countries
Influenced by:
*Ease of access
*Ease of sending remittances
*Employment opportunities and higher wages
*Push effects of conflict or persecution
*Cultural or historic factors such as language and colonial influences