Global governance: economic Flashcards
Can you explain why the IMF was created and what its role is now?
The IMF was established in 1945 following the Bretton Woods.
It functions include:
- Surveillance- monitoring economic performance.
- Encouraging free trade, free markets and also ensure global financial security.
–> By providing short term loans to countries facing a balance of payment crisis.
What are the weaknesses of the IMF?
- Some claim that the IMF undermines economic sovereignty. This is because some desperate states have no other option other than the IMF so they must accept the conditions of their loans.
- Some claim the IMF is an agent of US power. This is because the US has a 16.7% of the vote and the IMF requires 85% to change its constitution, meaning the US can have an effective veto.
- Some claim the IMF puts profits over people because some SAPs include policies that include things such as cuts in welfare spending, putting profits over the benefit of people.
Strengths of the IMF
- The IMF has been successful in preventing “financial contagion” because they do try to contain the financial crisis by providing stability at times of economic crisis.
- The IMF has been successful in improving the level of development in particular states, including, India, Chad (provided 1.1 billion in debt relief) and South Korea (provided 5,5 billion aid package)
Can you explain why the World Bank was created and what is its role now?
The World Bank was established in 1945 after the Bretton Woods conference. It provides long term loans and support, training at advice to developing countries.
Weaknesses of the World Bank
- Its contributions are tiny compared to private investors, so it can only focus on the poorest, most conflict-ridden states which are unattractive to investors.
- Imbalance in voting power is increasingly globalised (the USA carries 16% of the voting power, no other state has more than 5%)
- The World Bank is too slow at processing loans, and it is loosing many potential clients.
Can you explain why the WTO was created an what is its role now?
The WTO was established in 1995, it is the successor to the General Agreement on trade and tariffs.
It is designed to increase world trade by encouraging member states to reduce tariffs and settle trade disputes.
What are the similarities between the World Bank and the IMF?
States need to be a member of the IMF before joining the World Bank.
Both are part of the UN family.
Both attach conditions to loans.
Both support Neo-liberalism.
Strengths of the WTO?
By discouraging tariffs the WTO had expanded global trade, helping reduce poverty.
Despite the 2008 crash, the WTO did not resort to protectionism which would have extended the recession.
According to democratic peace theorists by encouraging trade the WTO reduces the risk of conflict.
Weaknesses of the WTO?
Failure of the Doha round to reach an agreement.
Political power resides in the West.
Decisions are biased towards those with high representation in Geneva
Can you explain the role of the G7
The G7 is a group of the 7 most powerful economies in the Global North who meet on a regular basis to discuss global issues. It has no headquarters and is essentially a meeting.
Strengths of the G7
- Encourages trust and cooperation.
- Allows members to coordinate on collective measures such as climate change.
Weaknesses of the G7
- Reinforces North/South divide.
- Unnecessary since the G20 was established.
- Agreements are not binding
- Exclusive membership undermines notion of inclusive economic governance.
What is the G20?
The G20 is an international forum for the leaders of the worlds biggest economies both in the Global North and South.
Strengths of the G20
Provides states with a forum to discuss global issues.
Encourages global trust and cooperation.
G20 agreed not to adapt protectionist measures during the 2009 financial crisis.
Criticisms of the G20
Random membership, Argentina is a member, but Spain is not even though Spain has a larger economy.
Agreements aren’t binding