Global climate Flashcards
Too much sugar troubles
A virtual vacuum, rise in absorbed energy due to energised SW radiation
Greenhouse effect
Short wave radiation (UV) passes directly through the greenhouse gases, coming from the sun to the earth
Some of this is absorbed by the earth’s surface, and heat is retained
The earth’s surface re-emits some of this radiation as long wave infrared radiation back into the atmosphere
Some of this is again re-radiated back to the earth’s surface
The rest of the long wave passes into the atmosphere.
Enhanced greenhouse effect
The increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of human activities trap an increasing proportion of long wave radiation from the earth, resulting in more warming
Impacts of global warming
Migration of animals
Increased sea levels
climate changes - unpredictability
Factors affecting insolation
Volcanic eruptions Cloud cover Ice-albedo effect Sun spots Earth's orbit Earth's tilt
Short wave radiation
Energy from the sun that penetrates the atmosphere and reaches the earth’s surface
Long wave radiation
Radiation that is reflected off the earth’s surface back into the atmosphere
transfer of heat by movement of a gas or liquid
Global dimming
Decrease in intensity of insolation reaching Earth as small droplets reflect more sunlight back into space, preventing sun’s heat getting through to earth’s surface
Cause of global dimming
Increased presence of aerosol particles in the atmosphere - human action. Aerosols and other particulates absorb solar energy and reflect sunlight back into space. The pollutants can also become nuclei for cloud droplets. Water droplets in clouds coalesce around the particles. Increased pollution causes more particulates and thereby creates clouds consisting of a greater number of smaller droplets. The smaller droplets make clouds more reflective, so that more incoming sunlight is reflected back into space and less reaches the Earth’s surface. This same effect also reflects radiation from below, trapping it in the lower atmosphere (positive feedback).
Greenhouse gas
Any gas that absorbs and emits radiation in the thermal infrared range. The gases include: Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, water vapour and Ozone
Effects of global warming
- Sea levels rise, causing flooding in low lying areas e.g: Maldives
- Storm activity will increase due to more atmospheric energy
- agricultural patterns will change e.g: USA’s grain belt will shrink, production decline, but Canada’s growing season will get longer + more productive
- Less rainfall over USA and Northern Europe
- up to 40% of wildlife species’ exctinction
- some areas might get colder, north west Europe if Gulf stream shuts down
- ecosystems damaged, change in biome distribution and species composition e.g: poleward and altitudinal migration
- water shortages - wars over supply
- agriculture - may shift towards poles
- relocation of people living on coast
- increased disease e.g: risk of malaria
Possible solutions to GW
Renewable energies Hybrid transport Reduce, reuse, recycling of resources Afforestation + Reforestation Carbon sequestration (trapping) International agreements (Kyoto protocol
Initiatives and measures to reduce vulnerability of human and natural systems to climate change
Attempts to reduce the causes of climate change
The degree to which people can cope with the impacts of climate change
The amount of incoming solar energy reflected back into the atmosphere by the earth’s surface
human related processes and /or impacts
Global warming
The increase in temperatures around the world that have been noticed since the 1960s
The degree to which a human or natural system is susceptible to the adverse impacts of climate change
Temp decreases due to decreasing density preventing absorption of energy
Lacks dust and water vapour
stable + thin
increase in temp with height is due to absorption of solar radiation
most weather processes take place here
fall in temp with height as atmosphere thins
Atmospheric energy balance
difference between incoming energy and outgoing energy, between insolation and re-radiation.
When it reaches the Earth, some is reflected back to space by clouds, some is absorbed by the atmosphere, and some is absorbed at the Earth’s surface.
The earth-atmosphere energy balance is achieved as the energy received from the Sun balances the energy lost by the Earth back into space. In this way, the Earth maintains a stable average temperature and therefore a stable climate.
Atmospheric energy budget
Balance is achieved in three main ways:
Radiation - emission of EM waves
Convection - transfer of heat by the movement of a gas
Conduction - transfer of heat by contact
transfer of heat by contact
Net radiation balance
difference between radiation of energy from the earth and the movement of LWR from particles in the atm
During the day, outgoing long wave radiation is greater than incoming so net loss of energy from earth’s surface
Greenhouse gases
Water vapour - accounts for 95% of greenhouse gases by volume
Co2 - levels risen from 315 to 400 ppm from 1950 to 2012 - due to human activities
Methane - second largest contributor. Presence in atm increasing by over 1% per year. cattle convert 10% of their food into methane. Natural wetlands and paddy fields are other sources of methane (emit 150 million tonnes per year)
CFCs - synthetic chemicals that destroy ozone as well as absorbing LWR - increasing at a rate of 6% per year and are up to 10,000 times more efficient at trapping heat than CO2
Changes in global energy balance
Variations in solar radiation:
- Changes in albedo, as ice melts and is replaced by darker coloured vegetation, amount of insolation absorbed increases causing temp rise
- change in output of energy from sun, 11 year solar cycle and longer periods of changes in the movement of the Earth occur. Variations in Earth’s orbit affect seasonal and latitudinal distribution of solar radiation
Positive feedback loops (increase in emissions)
- melting ice, less reflectivity
- increased Co2 emissions from increased biomass decomposition as more GHG added to atm
- increased forest cover in high latitudes decreasing albedo and increasing warming
Negative feedback (reduction in emissions)
Burning, leading to more aerosols and less solar radiation at surface, so cooling
Increased evaporation, more cooling, e.g: increased evaporation in tropical and temperature latitudes leading to increased snowfalls in polar areas (happened in Norway)
CASE STUDY: Negative feedback in Greenland
- Since 2002, large areas of Greenland ice shelf previously too high and cold to melt have been pouring billions of fresh water into northern atlantic
- greenland’s ice sheet max melt area increased by 16% from 1979 to 2002.
- In particular, northern part experienced melting up to an elevation of 2000 metres
- amount of melting ice = rise in sea levels
- also meaning threat of cold winters to britain as melting of greenland ice shut off currents of Gulf Stream
- allowing depressions to dump snow rather than rain on britain thus leading to colder continental rain
- Therefore uncertainty of whether global warming will lead to an increase or decrease in temp over britain