Gloassay of Terms 201-300 Flashcards
A technique used to gain project requirements from current document valuation.
Document Analysis
Amount of time needed to complete an activity/task or work package.
Used in a networking diagram, this represents the earliest date that the activity can finish.
Early Finish
Used in a networking diagram, this represents the earliest date that the activity can start.
Early Start
A measure of work performed expressed in terms of the budget authorized for that work.
Earned Value (EV)
A methodology that combines scope, schedule, and resource measurements to assess project performance and progress.
Earned Value Management (EVM)
Any or all environmental factors either internal or external to the project that can influence the project’s success. Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEFs) include culture, weather conditions, government regulations, political situation, market conditions, and so on.
A way of analyzing the major risks inherent to a project that could have an impact on its success. These major risks include time, cost, quality, and scope.
Effect-Based Risk Classification
The number of labor units required to complete a scheduled activity or WBS component, often expressed in hours, days, or weeks.
The actual calendar time required for an activity from start to finish.
Elapsed Time
The ability to identify, assess, and manage the personal emotions of oneself and other people, as well as the collective emotions of groups of people. EQ (emotional quotient) is also a commonly used abbreviation.
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Part of emotional intelligence (EQ or EI). The ability to understand others’ viewpoints and be a team player. It enables us to connect with others and understand what moves them.
An essential attribute of agile teams to enable localized decision-making capabilities. The quality of granting or being granted, nurturing, or motivating a team member or team to exercise one’s own knowledge, skill, and ability—or that of a team.
Another name for “stakeholder engagement roadmap” - a guideline based on the stakeholder analysis that sets forth processes for engaging with stakeholders at current and all future states of the project.
Engagement Roadmap
A strategy for managing positive risks or opportunities that involves increasing the probability that the opportunity will happen, or the impact it will have by identifying and maximizing enablers of these opportunities.
A block of work with one common objective, such as a feature, customer request or business requirement. A helpful way to organize work and create a hierarchy, epic helps teams break their work down, while continuing to work towards a bigger goal.
The act of seeking helpful intervention in response to a threat that is outside the scope of the project or beyond the project manager’s authority.
A number, figure, or representation that denotes cost or time.
A planning process that determines the estimate time needed to complete a work package and/or activity.
Estimate Activity Durations Process
Part of the Planning Process Group, this process estimates the materials and human resources needed to perform the project activities.
Estimate Activity Resources Process
The expected total cost of completing all work expressed as the sum of the actual cost to date and the estimate to complete.
Estimate at Completion (EAC)
Part of the Planning Process Group, this process determines the financial estimate for each work package and/or activity.
Estimate Costs Process
The expected cost of finishing all the remaining project work.
Estimate to Complete (ETC)
One of the five Project Management Process Groups. It consists of those processes performed to complete the work defined in the project management plan to satisfy the project requirements.
Executing Process Group
Logical point at the end of a project phase at which an independent party and/or relevant stakeholders reviews that phase’s deliverables to determine whether or not they were completed successfully, and the subsequent project phase should be initiated. Used in predictive or traditional projects. See also “Kill Point”.
Exit Gate
Motivational theory which proposes that the team makes choices based on the expected outcome.
Expectancy Theory
A quantitative method of calculating the average outcome when the future is uncertain. The calculation of EMV is a component of decision tree analysis. Opportunities will have positive values and threats will have negative values.
Expected Monetary Value (EMV)
Judgment provided based upon expertise in an application area, knowledge area, discipline, industry, etc., as appropriate for the activity being performed. Such expertise may be provided by any group or person with specialized education, knowledge, skill, experience, or training.
Expert Judgment
Knowledge that can be codified using symbols such as words, numbers, and pictures. This type of knowledge can be easily documented and shared with others.
Explicit Knowledge
A strategy for managing positive risks or opportunities that involves attempting to make sure that the opportunity happens.
Types of activity dependencies that exist between project activities and non-project activities and can be out of the project’s control.
External Dependency
Agile methodology in which iterations last for one week and programmers work in pairs.
Extreme Programming (XP)
Organized working sessions held by project managers to determine a project’s requirements and to get all stakeholders together to agree on the project’s outcomes.
Facilitated Workshops
A skill used to lead or guide an assembled group toward a successful conclusion such as making a decision or finding a solution.
A schedule compression technique in which activities or phases normally done in sequence are performed in parallel for at least a portion of their duration. See also “Crashing”.
Fast Tracking
A group of stories that delivers value to the customer.
A mathematical sequence in which the value of each number is derived from the sum of the two preceding numbers. Used in agile estimating or relative estimating techniques, such as planning poker. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144… Simplified sequence: 0,1,2,35,8,13,20,40,100.
Fibonacci Sequence
A summary of the project’s information on performance, scope, schedule, quality, cost, and risks.
Final Report
A logical relationship in which a successor activity cannot finish until a predecessor activity has finished.
Finish-to-Finish (FF)
A logical relationship in which a successor activity cannot start until a predecessor activity has finished.
Finish-to-Start (FS)