Glickstein -- Clinical Flashcards
My baby’s ear has a red lump on it.”
“My baby’s ear has a dimple.”
“My baby has a tag(s) in front of his ear.”
Preauricular Pits or Tags
Tags can be associated with hearing loss
“My newborn is having difficulty breathing and cannot breastfeed.”
“My daughter’s nose is always running; and she cannot breath through it”
Choanal Atresia
Choanae are the openings from the nasal passages into nasopharynx bilateral or unilaterally blocked by membrane
Babies obligate nasal breathers
“My baby cannot latch on to nipple”
Ankyloglossia; tongue is tethered down
Dental Issues
When in doubt, cut it out
Branchial Cleft Anomalies commonly occure in what developmental arch…
2nd Arch most common 90%
If you see a neck mass in a child, most likely BCA, and if you see it in an adult, it’s most likely neoplastic.
Midline cystic mass visible externally below tongue
Preceding URI
Mobile with tongue protrusion and swallow
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- Treat: Central portion of hyoid bone resected (50% Recurrence otherwise)