Fitz--hearing Flashcards
Inner ear receptors are divided into two types
Both convert mechanical energy into receptor potentials.
** TYPE I (INNER HAIR CELLS)** are the true sensory receptors that convey information to the brainstem. Afferent innervation
TYPE II (OUTER HAIR CELLS) function as biological amplifiers, essentially acting as motor units. Efferent innervation
Depolarization of hair cells is accomplished by what ion?
The __________ detect head rotation (angular acceleration). The ________ detect gravity (linear acceleration). The ___________ is involved in balance and posture, co-ordination of head and body movements and in fixating the visual image on the fovea.
OTOLITH ORGANS (utricle and saccule)
vestibular system
Semicircular canals work in pairsSEMICIRCULAR CANALS WORK IN PAIRS (six of them), with depolarization occuring in the SAME direction as the head rotation
(HORIZONTAL CANALS: head left → depolarization left, hyperpolarization right). The natural pairing is of LEFT ANTERIOR with RIGHT POSTERIOR CANAL (and vice versa).
normal patient: what do you see?
loss of cortical function: ?
brainstem death: ?
def: rhythmical oscillation of the eyeballs. slow drift of eyes in one direction (pursuit) followed by rapid recovery in opposite direction (succade)
Normal: NYSTAGMUS (PURSUIT [vestibulo-ocular reflex] + SACCADE [higher centers (e.g., cortex)])\
pursuit only
neither pursuit nor saccade
Electro-oculogram (EOG)