Glenohumeral Joint Flashcards
Type of Joint
Synovial, multiaxial ball and socket capable of 3 degrees of freedom:
- flex/ext
- add/abd
- med/lat rot
Between glenoid fossa and head of humerus
Articular Surfaces and Capsule
- Covered in hyaline cartilage
- Unstable as numeral head larger than glenoid fossa
- Shallow but deepened by Glenoid Labrum
Capsule loosely surrounds and has inf fold for help with abd, lined by synovial membrane which has communicating and free bursae
-strengthened/supported by ligt and tendons of rotator cuff muscles
Joint Line
Ant margin (lower part of jt)- 3cm long running just lat to tip of coracoid process
Upper margin- line just inf to acromion process
AP joint line- line passing through jt joining coracoid process anteriorly to acromion process posteriorly
Supporting Ligaments
Superior Glenohumeral- reinforces ant part of joint capsule
- from upper glenoid margin and labrum
- to upper surface of lesser humeral tubercle
Middle GH- reinforcers ant part of joint capsule
- from below sup ligt
- to front of lesser tubercle
Inferior GH(best developed)- reinforces ant part of joint capsule
- from glenoid margin
- to anteroinferior part of anatomical neck of humerus
Transverse Humeral- bridges gap between greater and lesser tubercles at upper end of intertubercular groove
Coracohumeral- strong flat band
- from lat border of coracoid process
- to TH ligt and adjacent part of anatomical neck
Coracoacromial- strong, triangular
-between coracoid and acromion processes above head of humerus
- shallow glenoid fossa
- large humeral head
- loose articular capsule
- deepened by glenoid labrum
- ligts hold humerus in place
- rotator cuff muscles increase control over joint
Common Pathologies
- Shoulder dislocation, humerus comes out of joint: ant (most common)/post (rare, most likely by electrocution)
- Fractured neck of humerus
- Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder): less mobile, pain/stiffness, inflammation of capsule
Accessory Movements
A->P movement
P->A movement
Longitudinal Caudad
Lateral Glide
Scapular Plane
In anatomical pos scapula is ~45deg between sagittal and frontal planes, referred to as scapular in analysis