Glaucoma PCOL Flashcards
Based on the picture of the ciliary body what effect will be seen when blocking the B1 receptor?
A. Increased Aqueous humor production
B. Decreased Aqueous humor production
C. Increased Accomidation
D. Decreased accomidation
Which of the following statments bout Aqueous humor is true? (Select All)
A. Nourishes the lens and cornea
B. Lubricates lens and cornea
C. Has no effect on IOP
D. Produced from the ciliary processes on the ciliary body
E. Production is decreased by stimulating B1 receptors
F. Production is increased by stimulating A2 receptors
A, B, D
E is not correct since stimulating B1 receptors increases aqueous humor production
F is not correct since stimulating A2 receptors will decrease aqueous humor production
Which of these statements is true regarding how aqueous humor leaves the eye? (Select All)
A. Can leave the eye via the trabecular meshwork and suprachorodial space (Uveoscleral outflow)
B. Primarily leaves the eye through the trabecular meshwork (Conventional outflow)
C. Primarily leaves the eye through the suprachorodial space (uveoscleral outflow)
D. Altered outflow of aqueous humor will have no effect one IOP
E. Increased outflow of aqueous humor will decrease IOP
A, B, E
All of the following are B1 selective Beta Blockers EXCEPT:
A. Timolol (Timoptic/ XE)
B. Carteolol (Ocupres)
C. Metipranolol (Optipranolol)
D. Betaxolol (Betoptic S)
E. Levobunolol (Betagan)
Which of the following effects will be seen when using Beta Blockers? (Select All)
A. Decreased aqueous humor production
B. Will decrease accomidation of the eye
C. Work equally well in ALL colored eyes
D. Will only work well in certain colored eyes
E. Have no effect on accomidation
A, C, E
What types of systemic side effects can you possibly see with topical timolol (timoptic)? Try explaining each to yourself.
A. Hypotension
B. Bradycardia
C. Heart failure
D. All of the above
Hypotension- Timolol is a selective B1 antagonist. Blocking B1 at the heart will decrease the force of contraction and lower blood pressure.
Bradycardia- There are B1 receptors in the heart on the SA node as well as the muscle of the heart. Blocking the B1 receptors on the SA node will lower sympathetic activity and decrease heart rate.
Heart failure- Patients with weak heart contractions and low heart rate can suddenly experience more obvious signs of heart failure with the use of timolol in the eye. This will depend on the extent of the patients heart failure, risk factors of heart failure and if the patient is already taking a prescribed beta blocker (or Calcium channel blocker such as diazepam).
What are the local side effects that are seen with usuing ocular betablockers such as timolol?
A. Stinging and burning
B. Decreased corneal sensitivity
C. Diplopia (double vision) and decreased night vision
D. Blurry vision
E. Conjunctivial hyperemia (red eye) and ptosis (drooping eyelid)
F. All of the above
Mydriatic medications mimic the ____ and cause ____ of the pupils.
A. PNS, Dilation
B. SNS, Constriction
C. PNS, Constriction
D. SNS, Dilation
Which of these drugs is an example of an A2 selective agonist? (Select All)
A. Apraclonidine (Iopidine)
B. Epinephrine (Epifrin)
C. Dipivefrin (Propine)
D. Brimonidine (Alphagan P)
A, D
However, Apraclonidine (Iopidine) is not used anymore since it is a derivative of clonidine and can affect blood pressure
Which of the following drugs will block BOTH Alpha and Beta receptors in the eye? (Select All)
A. Apraclonidine (Iopidine)
B. Brimonidine (Alphagan)
C. Epinephrine (Epifrin)
D. Dipivefrin (Propine)
C, D
What pharmacologic effects will you see when using Brimonidine (Alphagan P)? (Select All)
A. Increased accomidation
B. Decreased Accomidation
C. Increased aqueous humor production
D. Decreased aqueous humor production
E. Increased Uveoscleral outflow
D, E
There are Alpha 2 receptors on the uveulosclera and stimulating them with an alpha 2 agonist such as brimonidine will cause them to relax and allow more aqueous humor to drain from the eye
Where are Alpha 1 receptors located in the eye? (Select all)
A. Ciliary blood vessels
B. Cornea
C. Radial muscle in Iris
D. Surface of ciliary body
A, C
T/ F Stimulating Alpha 1 receptors on the radial muscle of the Iris will cause the muscle to constrict and widen the pupil (mydriasis)
When the radial muscle constricts it dilates the pupil. Imagine a curtain that is circular in shape and when you pull on the string it pulls up the bottom of the curtain into a tight circle
What receptors in the eye will be affected when giving an ocular medication such as Dipivefrin (Propine) or Epinephrine (Epifrin)?
A. Stimulation of the A2 receptor, causing decreased aqueous humor production and increased Uveoscleral outflow.
B. Stimulation of the B1 receptor causing an increase in aqueous humor production
C. Stimulation of the A1 receptors of the ciliary blood vessels, decreasing bloodflow to the ciliary body
D. Mydriasis
E. Overall net effect of decreased IOP
F. All of the above
Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of Dipivefrin (Propine) and Epinephrine (Epifrin)? (select all)
A. Stimulates the B2 receptor on the ciliary muscle (relaxation) and increasing aqueous humor outflow.
B. Stimulates the A1 receptors of the radial msucle which will cause pupil dilation (Mydriasis)
C. Stimulates the A2 receptors of the ciliary body and cause increased aqueous humor production
D. Stimulates the B1 Receptors of the ciliary body and cause decreased aqueous humor production
E. Stimulates the A1 receptors of the ciliary blood vessels, decreasing Aqueous humor production
A, B, E