Glantz 3 markers Flashcards
Briefly explain why Aristotle thinks that pleasure is not the only good.
- Pleasure is not the only thing we aim at (students might phrase this as ‘pleasure is not our only
end’). - There are other things – such as knowing and being virtuous – which we do, as a matter of fact,
seek out. - We seek out these things even if they bring us no pleasure.
- The pleasure they bring us is not why we seek them.
- Therefore they are final ends (in themselves) and not means to pleasure.
- Therefore pleasure cannot be the only good.
What does Kant mean by ‘hypothetical imperative’?
- An imperaive is a statement commanding a course of action
- Hypothetical imperatives are ‘If… then’…’ statements that tell us what we ought to do to achieve our
goals - A hypothetical imperative takes the form ‘if you want X then you should do Y’
- For example “If you want to catch the 3 o’clock clock train then you should leave now’