glaciers, deserts, and climate change Flashcards
Smoothing of surfaces by rock particles in ice.
Alluvial Fan
Fan-shaped deposit formed by sediment from streams.
Alpine glacier
Glacier formed in mountainous regions.
Antarctic ice sheet
Contains 80% of the world’s ice.
Merged alluvial fans forming a larger deposit.
Basal slip
Glacier sliding over the ground beneath it.
Biological productivity
Rate of generation of biomass in ecosystems.
Breaking off of ice chunks from glaciers.
Long-term atmospheric conditions in a region.
Climate proxies
Indicators used to infer past climate conditions.
Climatic changes
Alterations in climate due to glacial activity.
Crustal rebound
Uplift of Earth’s crust after ice removal.
Erosion process removing loose material from surface.
Arid climate with less than 30% rainfall.
Transformation of land into desert-like conditions.
Drumlin field
Cluster of drumlins indicating glacier movement.
Smooth, elongated hills formed by glacial till.
Dry Regions
Cover 34% of Earth’s land surface.
Mounds of sand shaped by wind action.
Dust Storm
Strong winds lifting dust over large areas.
Shape of Earth’s orbit varies over time.
El Niño
Cyclic climate pattern affecting global weather.
Ephemeral Streams
Desert streams that flow only during rain.
Large rocks transported and deposited by glaciers.
Winding ridges formed by subglacial meltwater.
Freshwater source
Glaciers store 75% of Earth’s fresh water.
Glacial budget
Balance between glacier accumulation and loss.
Glacial erosion
Wearing away of land by moving glaciers.
Glacial erratics
Large boulders transported by glaciers.
Glacial striations
Grooves carved into bedrock by glacier movement.
Glacial trough
U-shaped valley formed by glacial erosion.
Thick ice mass formed from accumulated snow.