Glaciation Flashcards
How does the Milankovich cycle cause global climate change - eccentricity
Eccentricity - CIrcle maintains distance from sun, elliptical temp varies as distance does
How does the Milankovich cycle cause global climate change - wobble
Wobble - Earth wobbles on axis, effects earth’s seasonal pattern
How does the Milankovich cycle cause global climate change - tilt
Tilt - Changes how visible poles are to sun, temp differs
How does solar variation change global climate
‘Flares’ are on the sun, indicate suns radiation activity, Sunspots increase or decrease average temp
How do volcanic eruptions change global climate
Eruption produces ash and sulfur dioxide, spreads around stratosphere, temp on earth’s surface falls and cools
How do meteorological processes affect global climate
Intense cold leads to snow to accumulate in polar regions
What is the cyrosphere
Part of the earth’s crust and atmosphere which are subject to temp changes below 0 degrees
What is the hyrdological cycle
Process of water moving, being transfered and stored
How does ice affect the hydrological cycle
Ice is used as a substitute if there’s no percipitation
How might the cycle be affected by climate change
Temp rises, more glaciers melt, releasing more water. May disrupt ocean currents due to masses of fresh water released
What is an ice sheet
Masses of glacial ice, only 2 - Antartic ice sheet and Greenland ice sheet - unconstrained
What is an ice cap
A smaller ice sheet - unconstrained
Whats a valley glacier
Where the glacier was confined between the valley walls, formed by ice caps/sheets - constrained
What is a cirque glacier
A smaller glacier occupying a hollow on a mountain side - constrained
Whats an ice shelf
Large area of floating glacier ice - unconstrained
What affects present day ice cover
The altitude, latitude
What is periglacial
Areas at the edge of permanent ice, characterised by permafrost and tundra environment
What is permafrost
Where a layer of soil, sediment or rock below the surface remains permanently frozen
What is a warm based (temperate) glacier
Water present throughout the ice mass (lubricant), allows more movement - erosion, near the PMP (pressure melting point) so more melting
What is a cold based (polar) glacier
Occur in high latitudes, stay frozen so little movement - erosion, below PMP - so no meltwater/melting
What is the active layer
The top soil, freezes in winter and thaws in the summer
What is continuous permafrost
Affects (freezes) rock and soil up to 700m deep, temp ranges -5⁰c to -50⁰c
What is discontinuous permafrost
Affects rock and soil up to 20-30m deep, temp ranges -1.5⁰c to -5⁰c, there are breaks as the deep water doesn’t freeze
What is sporadic permafrost
Occurs in only isolated spots, temp ranges 0⁰c to -1.5⁰c
What is an ice lens
Moisture collects in the soil and freezes, expands and pushes land upwards
Whats a nivation hollow
Circular depressions in the ground. Created by a nivation, freeze thaw action and chemical weathering, these cause the rock to disintegrate. The weathered particles and snow moved downslope by meltwater, leads to formation of nivation hollow.
What are solifluction lobes
Tongue-shaped landforms. Created by solifluction, active layer thaws in summer, creates excessive lubricant, active layer moves downslope.
What is patterned ground
Symmetrical geometric shapes formed by ground material. Created by frost heave, active layer refreezes, causes upward expansion of soil - frost heave causes soil to expand unevenly, creates small domes on surface.
What’s a pingo
dome-shaped mound consisting of a layer of soil over a large core of ice. Created by groundwater freezing, in the core is an ice lens topped with soil.
What’s an open system pingo
Permafrost is discontinuous, water seeps in upper areas and freezes, groundwater seeps in and freezes creating a dome. Can break and becomes an ognip.
What’s a closed system pingo
Lakes from in depressions, water is trapped, sediment builds over top. Can break and becomes an ognip.
What’s an ice wedge
Crack in the ground formed by a narrow or thin piece of ice. Created by ground contraction, active layer refreezes, soil contracts, cracks open up, meltwater enters and process repeats. Process widens and deepens crack