Glaciation Flashcards
Explain how an igneous rock is formed and give examples
Igneous rocks form when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies. The melt originates deep within the Earth near active plate boudaries or hot spots. Examples: Granite, Basalt
Explain how a sedimentary rock is formed and give examples
Sedimentary rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks or pieces of once living organisms. They form from deposits that accumulate on the Earth’s surface. Examples: Sandstone, limestone
What is a metamorphic rock
Metamorphic rocks started out as another type of rock but have been substantially changed from their original form. They form due to high heat, pressure and hot mineral-rich fluids. Examples: Marble, quartzite
What is a ‘glacial’ period?
A glacial period is an interval of time within an ice age that is marked by colder temperatures and glacier advances
What is an ‘interglacial’ period?
An interglacial period is a period of warmer global average temperature lasting thousands of years.
When did the last Ice Age begin and end in the UK?
The last ice age started around 110,000 years ago and ended around 10,000 years ago
What might have caused the last ice age?
The Earth’s orbit around the sun and the tilt of the Earth.
Describe the rocks types in Scotland
The lowlands are mainly sedimentary rock, the highlands are mainly Igneous and the majority of Scotland, and the islands are metamorphic
What parts of the UK were glaciated?
The ice sheet reached southern England
How does snow turn into ice?
Over time snow falls and becomes compact into a denser layer. After at least one year it is called firn. After another 25-40 years the firn turns into ice and the process repeats
What is ‘abrasion’?
As a glacier flows downslope, it drags the rock, sediment, and debris in its base over the rock beneath it creating striations and other features.
What is ‘plucking’
As the glacier moves down the slope of mountains the ice at the bottom plucks away loose rocks from the surface of slopes
What is ‘freeze thaw’
Freeze-thaw is when water fills a crack in the rock and freezes to make the crack wider. The process repeats until the rock completely breaks apart.
How does a corrie form
A corrie is an armchair-shaped hollow high on a mountain with steep back and side walls. Snow gathers in north-facing mountain hollows. This snow builds up and compacts to ice and the ice move downhill due to gravity leaving a hollow called a corrie.
How does an arete form
An arete forms when two corries form back to back or side by side. The rock between them was plucked away to form a narrow ridge called an arete.