Gjennomgang til OPC Flashcards
Length S92? d-value
20.88 m
Hva MÅ fungere for å fly?
APU 2x DCU 4x MFD 2x AC gen All stby instruments PFD outboard, EICAS inboard
Minimum tid 360 hover turn?
12 sec
Hva er max PA for RIPS?
10 000 ft
Hva er max DA for enroute?
15000 ft
Hva er max crosswind for Cat A takeoff?
35 kts
Max bank angle with one primary flight control servo U/S
With low fuel light, avoid..
10´pitch up. 5´pitch down
Slope landing limits?
UP/DOWN: 10 degrees
Right/left: 13 degrees
Max airspeed for instruments approach above 90 KIAS?
4,0 degrees
165 KIAS
Max airspeed ldg gear down or in transit?
165 KIAS
Max airspeed with APU operating?
150 KIAS
VNE power off?
120 KIAS
Max airspeed one/both SAS inop?
120 KIAS
Max airspeed with one primary flight control servo inop?
120 KIAS
Max airspeed with hydraulic boost inop?
120 KIAS
Max airspeed for landing gear emergency blowdown?
Max airspeed with floats armed?
Max airspeed after inadvertent float deployment?
50 / 55 / 60 KIAS
Max groundspeed for normal landing and take off?
50 kts
Max groundspeed for emergency landing
65 kts
Max groundspeed taxi?
35 kts
Max groundspeed for brake application?
50 kts
Max airspeed windshield wipers?
100 kias
Max airspeed for sideward flight / or crosswind hover?
35 kts
Max airspeed for rearward flight / or tailwind hover?
35 kts
Hvilke limitations for coupled operations?
+ 120 kts : 200 ft AGL
Max takeoff and landing mass?
26500 lbs
Min operating mass?
16200 lbs
Max pressure fuel quantity?
5175 lbs
Rotor speed limits:
Precautionary range
OEI rotor speed:
Transient minimum:
Transient touchdown:
Normal: 100-106%
Precautionary: 95-100%
Transient minimum: 90%
Transient touchdown: 80%
Power off rotor speed
Min (low rotor):
Transient min:
Max: 110%
Min: 95%
Transient: 80%
Recommended rotor speed for normal and emergency rotor brake:
Baggage loading limits
300 + 700
NEW: 890
Low visibility take off brief
This will be a low visibility takeoff at rwy __
dep to follow
TDP at 45 kts
At TDP I will call committed or delay depending on visual references and remaining runway lenght
major mal………….
Innhold i en mayday
Mayday mayday mayday Station called Call sign Name of distress Pos/alt/hdg Intentions
Hva kvalifiserer til mayday i oma
1: Dual eng failure
2: Engine fire
3: fire smoke
4: Helicopter control problems due to loss of vital system
5: pilot incapasitation
6: low fuel/less than final reserve
7: unruly pax
8: Failure of systems that may turn critical
Statement of intent:
Continuing / Ditching
Landing / Going around
Minima offshore shuttle flight (less than 10nm)
Day: 300ft 2km -cloud base
Night: 500ft 5km
ARA visibility and height req.
Day: 600ft 4000m
Night: 1200ft 5000m
Day: deck+50ft / 200ft 800m
Night: deck+50ft / 300ft 1200m
Flare stack height
radius 150 m from the flare tip.
Vertical extent from 100 ft below the top of the flare boom up to 1,500 ft.
Special VFR
VFR departures/arrivals can be authorized by the appropriate ATS unit as Special VFR flights to operate within a Control Zone by day in meteorological conditions lower than ceiling 1500 feet and ground visibility less than 5000m.
A clearance for a Special VFR flight may be granted to helicopters when:
• The flight visibility is not less than 1500m when entering or leaving the CTR via an established or agreed route (otherwise 3km).
• The clouds - rags included – are not below 200ft.
• The VFR flight can be executed clear of clouds and in continuous sight of ground or water.
Performance class 2
A helicopter with performance such that, in the event of critical power-unit failure, performance is available to enable the helicopter to safely continue the flight, except when the failure occurs early during the take-off manoeuvre or late in the landing manoeuvre, in which case a forced landing may be required.
Requirements for performance class 2
- No night operations
o Sea state 5 or less
o Rescue services must be available within an acceptable timeframe
Deck edge clearance
helideck operations shall be planned upon a minimum horizontal deck edge clearance of 15 feet,
and vertical obstacle clearance of 35 feet, in case of OEI during take-off and landing