GiI Disorders Flashcards
What are risk factors for GI disorders
Family History
Chronic Laxative Use/alcohol/tobacco use
Long term GI conditions (ulcerative colitis can predispose one to colorectal cancer)
Barium Swallow (upper GI)
examines upper GI under fluoroscopy performed after the client drinks barium sulfate
Abstain from foods and fluids prior to test
Post Procedure- laxative; 6-8 glasses of water a day for 2 days; monitor for passage of chalky white stool
**don’t want barium to stay in you; if it does it will get hard and stiffen and body can’t expel it
Barium enema (lower GI)
fluoroscopic and radiographic exam of the lg intestine
pre procedure - laxatives to get everything out of systems and a liquid diet 1 day in advance
post procedure - increased fluid intake for 2 days; mild laxatives to get rid of barium
insertion of a scope through the esophagus and into the stomach and upper portion of small intestine - looks at the lining to see if any bleeding, mass, tumors etc.
**must have gag reflex return before they can start eating agian
endoscopic visualization of the sigmoid colon (go in through the butt)
up through the rectum - examine the lining of the Large intestine
Want to make sure that it’s cleaned out (laxatives)
Best procedure because if they see a poll up they can remove them
Gall bladder Studies
CT scan
HIDA scan
radioactive material is injected into vein and taken up by the gallbladder (want to see if ti’s taken up to know how well it’s functioning)
percutaneous or endosopic
scope goes down through the esophagus and into the gall bladder rather than the stomach - shoot dye into it to show the bile ducts and can shoot dye into the pancreas to see pancreas and liver function
Liver Biopsy
a needle is inserted through the abdominal wall to the liver to obtain a tissue sample for microscopic examination
**make sure that the b4 the procedure is done that the person is able to clot; want to know this bc the liver produces coagulation factors
Can place client on right side for 1-2 hours to decrease risk of hemorrhage and to put pressure to stop the liver from bleeding
transabdominal removal of fluid from the peritoneal cavity
to examine electrolytes, RBCs, WBCs, bacteria and viruses
** Want to measure abdominal girth to make sure you didn’t puncture anything when you went in (look for hematuria)
Dry sterile dressing
Stool Specimens
examining stool for the presence of occult blood; take the tongue depressor and smash stool on 2 card; flip it over and put stool on other card (2 sep specimens); sent to the lab where they put hydrogen peroxide on it
Liver and Pancreas Tests include
Alkaline Phosphatase Prothrombin Time (PT) Serum Ammonia Liver Enzymes (AST and ALT) Cholesterol Bilirubin
Alkaline Phosphatase
released during liver damage or biliary obstruction (damage = increased value)
Prothrombin Time
time it takes body to clot; if liver damage = decreased PT
Serum Ammonia
Assesses the ability of the liver to dominate protein by products; if Liver failure = ammonium levels rise
Liver Enzymes
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
these are the 2 most common enzymes and they are important for liver function tests
Cholesterol tests
tell us whats going on with the pancreas - increase can indicate pancreatitis or biliary obstruction
Increase indicates liver damage or biliary obstruction Biliary Direct (conjugated) Biliary Indirect (unconjugated) ** 2 different stages in making bile
Amylase and Lipase
Elevations indicated pancreatitis
*** We will draw these two enzymes
What are some s/sx of common GI disorders
Anorexia and Nausea
Vomiting (protective function)
Hematemesis (blood vomit
Hematochezia (passage of red blood in stool)
Melena (black tarry fatty stool)
Occult - must be detected by chemical testing and usually caused by gastritis, ulcer, or lesions on the small intestine
vomiting up blood
may be red = person probably bleeding from stomach/esophagus
may be coffee color = old blood from below
Esophageal Diverticulum and it’s s/sx
out pouching of the esophageal wall leading to the retention of food
s/sx gurgling, belching, coughing, foul smelling breath
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
Longitudinal tears in the esophagus
Associated with chronic alcoholism or severe vomiting
Infection may lead to an ulcer or mediastinitis (inflammation of the tissues of the mid chest)
What is GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux)
Backward movement of gastric contents into the esophagus resulting in heartburn possibly d/t weak/incompetant lower esophageal sphincter
Pain can radiate to throat, shoulder, or back and can also produce respiratory problems (wheezing, cough, hoarseness)
What can Chronic GERD result in
strictures (from scarring = spasm, and edema) OR
Barrett’s esophagus (squamous epithelial cells replaced by columnar and high risk for esophageal cancer)
How do you treat GERD
Avoid large meals Decrease alcohol use and NO smoking Sit up while eating and don't resume the recumbent position until several hours after meals Sleep with head elevated If overweight - lose some weight
What are the 2 major causes of Gastric Irritation and Ulcer Formation
Aspirin or NSAIDS (irritate mucosal lining in stomach)
H. pylori infection (loves acid environments in the stomach)
What are the types of Gastritis and what do they do
Acute = TRANSIENT inflammation of the gastric mucosa
bacterial endotoxins, alcohol, and ASA) ex. too much alcohol or ate something that was bad
Chronic = CHANGES in inflammation that is characterized by the absence of grossly visible erosions; leads to atrophy of the glandular epithelium of the stomach (ex. H. pylori, chemical gastropathy) **This is lower level damage
What are 2 other names for Acute and Chronic Gastritis
How do you detect H. pylori infection
Measure the Carbon in the breath (C urea breath test)
Stool antigen test
Endoscopic biopsy for urease testing
Blood tests to obtain serologic titers of H. pylori antibodies
What is Peptic Ulcer Disease
ulceration of the stomach, pylorus, or duodenum (portions must be accessible to gastric secretions)
Erosion may extend through the muscle to the peritoneum
Most common peptic are GASTRIC and DUODENAL