GI Tract Flashcards
What stimulates and inhibits gastrin production?
Stimulates -> amino acids, ACh, Ca, EtOH, antral distention, pH > 3.0
Inhibits -> pH < 3.0, somatostatin, secretin, CCK
What stimulates somatostatin secretion?
Acid in duodenum
What is the effect of somatostatin?
Inhibits gastrin, HCl, insulin, glucagon, secretin, motilin, pancreatic and biliary output
Which cells secrete CCK?
I cells in the duodenum
What stimulates and inhibits secretin?
Stimulates: fat, bile, pH < 4.0
Inhibits: pH > 4.0, gastrin
What is the effect of secretin?
Increases pancreatic HCO3 release
Inhibits gastrin release (reversed in gastrinoma)
Inhibits HCl release
What is the action of VIP?
Increased GI secretions and motility
What is the effect of glucagon on motility and sphincter of Odi?
Decreases motility
Relaxes sphincter of Odi
What is the effect of Pancreatic Polypeptide?
Decreases pancreas and biliary output
What inhibits and stimulates motilin release?
Stimulates: duodenal acid, food, vagal input
Inhibits: somatostatin, secretin, pancreatic polypeptide, duodenal fat
What is the action of motilin?
Increased intestinal motility (Phase III peristalsis)
Erythromycin acts on this receptor
What is bombesin?
Gastrin releasing peptide. Increases motility, pancreas secretion, increases acid secretion
What is Peptide YY?
Released from TI in response to fat
Decreases HCl, stomach motility, GB and pancreatic secretions
What is the criminal nerve of Grassi?
Part of the right vagus which can cause persistently high acid levels if not divided during vagotomy
Where do the anterior and posterior vagus go?
Anterior -> liver/biliary tree
Posterior -> Celiac plexus
Where does thoracic duct cross from R to L?
What are the characteristics of the UES?
15 cm from incisors
Resting pressure 60 mmHg
Pressure with food 15 mmHg
What is the most common site of esophageal perforation?
At the cricopharynxgeus muscle (UES)
What are the characteristics of the LES?
40cm from the incisors
Normal pressure at rest 15 mmHg
Normal pressure with food 0 mmHg
What is the distance from incisors to carina?
24-26 cm
What is the treatment of Zenker’s diverticulum?
Cricopharyngeal myotomy
What is a traction diverticulum?
A true diverticulum lying laterally usually in the mid-esphagus
What is an epiphanic diverticulum?
usually associated with motility disorders
Tx: diverticulectomy, esophageal myotome on opposite side
What is the Tx of diffuse esophageal spasm?
Calcium channel blockers and nitrates
Heller myotomy if those fail (upper and lower esophagus)
What does scleroderma do to esophagus?
Loss of LES tone, dysphagia and severe reflux resulting in fibrosis
What is the phrenoesophageal membrane an extension of?
The transversals fascia
What is the key move in a fundoplication?
Identification of the left crus
What is a Collis gastroplasty?
Creation of new esophagus by stapling along the stomach cardia when not enough esophagus can be pulled into the abdomen
What are the four types of Hiatal Hernias?
I - Sliding (most common, GERD)
II - Paraesophageal (normal GE junction)
III - combined
IV - entire stomach in chest + other organ
Why does type II hiatal hernia often need repair?
High risk of incarceration
What do almost all patients with a Schatzki’s ring have?
Sliding hiatal hernia
What is treatment for a Schatzki’s ring?
Dilatation of the ring and PPI
What is the treatment for severe Barrett’s dysplasia?
Does a Nissen fix Barrett’s?
No, it will prevent further metaplasia but will not prevent malignancy. Need screening EGD for life
What are symptoms/signs that esophageal CA is unresectable?
Hoarseness (RLN invasion), Horner’s syndrome, Phrenic nerve, malignant pleural effusion, malignant fistula, airway invasion, vertebral body invasion
What is the blood supply for a colon interposition reconstruction?
Colon marginal vessels
What is the chemotherapy regimen for esophageal cancer?
5-FU and Cisplatin
What is the most common benign esophageal tumor?
What is the treatment of esophageal Leiomyoma?
Do NOT biopsy (scar)
>5 cm or symptoms -> enucleation via thoracotomy
What is the initial care of caustic esophageal injury?
No NG tube
Nothing to drink
Do Not induce vomiting
CT C/A -> assess for perforation
What are indications for esophagectomy in a 2nd degree caustic burn?
Sepsis, peritonitis, mediastinitis, free air, mediastinal/stomach wall air, contrast extravasation, PTx, effusion
What is the most common cause of esophageal perforation?
What is the most common site of esophageal perforation?
Cervical esophagus near cricopharynxgeus muscle
What are the initial diagnostic tests for esophageal perforation?
CXR then gastrografin swallow
What is the treatment for non-contained esophageal perforations if < 24 hours?
If no major contamination primary repair with longitudinal myotomy and muscle flap interposition
What is the treatment for non-contained esophageal perforation if > 48 hours?
Neck -> Drains only
Chest -> Resection or Exclusion + Diversion
Where is the most likely site of perforation in Boerhaave’s syndrome?
Left lateral wall 3-5 cm above GE junction
What is Hartmann’s sign?
Mediastinal crunching on auscultation -> esophageal perforation
What is Menetrier’s disease?
Mucosal cell hyperplasia, Increased rugal folds
What is the classic presentation of gastric volvulus?
Severe Pain
Nausea without vomiting
Where is the tear in Mallory Weiss usually located?
Lesser curvature near GE junction
Why does vagotomy increase liquid emptying?
Decreased receptive relaxation so increased gastric pressures
What is a truncal vagotomy?
Dividing at level of esophagus -> decreases emptying of solids
What is a proximal vagotomy?
Highly selective, divides individual fibers
Preserves “crow’s foot”,
Normal emptying of solids
What are other effects of a truncal vagotomy?
Decreased acid output, increased gastrin and G cell hyperplasia
Decreased exocrine pancreas function, bile flow, increased GB volumes
Diarrhea (40%) - > due to sustained MMCs forcing bile acids into colon
What is a Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty?
Longitudinal incision and transverse closure
What is the diagnostic test for slow bleeds with difficulty localizing source?
Tagged RBC scan
What are the biggest risk factors for re-bleeding on EGD?
Spurting blood vessel (60% chance) Visible blood vessel (40%) Diffuse oozing (30%)
What is triple therapy for H. Pylori?
+/- Bismuth Salts
What are surgical indications for duodenal ulcers?
Perforation Protracted bleeding Obstruction Intractability Inability to rule out cancer If on PPI -> need acid reducing procedure as well
What are surgical options for acid reducing surgery in order of recurrence risk?
Truncal vagotomy + Antrectomy (2% mortality) Truncal vagotomy + Pyloroplasty (1% mortality) Proximal vagotomy (lowest complications, 10-15% recurrence)
What are reconstruction options after antrectomy?
Roux-en-Y GJ (best, less dumping and reflux gastritis)
B1 (GD anastomosis)
B2 (GJ anastomosis)
What is definition of major duo ulcer bleeding?
> 6 u pRBC in 24 hours, or hypotension despite transfusion
What is the surgery for bleeding duodenal ulcers?
Duodenotomy and GDA ligation
Complication: CBD injury
If on PPI -> need acid reducing surgery as well
What is the treatment for an obstructing duodenal ulcer?
PPI and serial dilations
Surgery: antrectomy and truncal vagotomy (need Bx for cancer rule out)
What is the definition of intractability for a duodenal ulcer?
> 3 months without relief while on escalating doses of PPI
Based on EGD mucosal findings, not symptoms
Where are 80% of gastric ulcers located?
Lesser curvature of the stomach
What are the types of gastric ulcers?
I - Lesser curvature low along body of stomach due to decreased mucosal protection
II - 2 ulcers (lesser curvature and duodenal) high acid
III - Pre-pyloric (high acid)
IV - lesser curvature high along cardia (decreased mucosal protection)
V - Associated with NSAIDs
Surgical indications for gastric ulcers?
Perforation, bleeding not controlled with EGD, obstruction, cannot exclude malignancy, intractability (based on EGD)
Why should you always resect gastric ulcers at the time of surgery?
High risk of malignancy
What are the two types of chronic gastritis?
Type A (funds) - Pernicious anemia, autoimmune dz Type B (astral) - Associated with H. Pylori
Where are the majority of gastric cancers located?
What is a Krukenberg tumor?
Metastases to ovaries
What is the intestinal-type gastric CA?
Seen in high risk populations (old Japanese men)
Tx: Subtotal gastrectomy (10 cm margin)
What is the most common type of gastric cancer in the US?
Diffuse (linitis plastica)
Diffuse lymphatic invasion
Less favorable prognosis
Tx: Total gastrectomy
What is the chemotherapy for gastric cancer?
5FU, doxorubicin, mitomycin C
What is the palliative procedure for obstructing gastric CA?
Stent proximal lesions
Bypass distal lesions with G-J
What is the most common benign gastric neoplasm?
What are the characteristics of GIST?
Hypoechoic on ultrasound with smooth edges
C-KIT positive
>5 cm or > 5 mitosis/50 HPF = MALIGNANT
What is the Tx for GIST?
Resection with 1 cm margins
Imatinib if malignant
What is the most common type of lymphoma in the stomach?
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (B cell)
What are the treatments for gastric lymphoma?
Chemo and XRT
Surgery possible for stage I disease (confined to stomach)
What are the criteria for bariatric surgery?
BMI > 40 or > 35 with comorbidities
Failure of nonsurgical methods
Psychological stability
No drug or EtOH abuse
What gets better after weight loss surgery?
DM, cholesterol, OSA, HTN, incontinence, GERD, venous ulcers, pseudotumor cerebri, joint pain, migraines, depression, PCOS, NAFLD
What are the risks of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass?
Marginal ulcers Leak Necrosis Fe and B12 deficiency Gallstones
What is the treatment for a leak after Roux-en-Y?
early (not contained) -> re-operation
Late (likely contained) -> perc drain, abx
What is the rate of marginal ulcer development?
What are symptoms of dilation of the excluded stomach after Roux-en-Y?
Hiccoughs, large stomach bubble
Tx: G-tube
Why is SBO a surgical emergency in bypass patients?
High risk of small bowel herniation, strangulation, infarction, necrosis
What are the two phases of dumping syndrome?
Hyporsomotic fluid shift (hypotension, diarrhea, dizziness)
Hypoglycemia from reactive insulin release (rare)
Tx: small, low-fat, low carb meals, no liquids with meals
What are surgical options for dumping syndrome?
Conversion to Roux-en-Y GJ
Operations to increase gastric reservoir (j-pouch)
Increase emptying time (reversed J loop)
What causes alkaline reflux gastritis? Tx?
Bile reflux into stomach
Tx: PPI, choleystramine, reglan
sTx: B1 or B2 to Roux-en-Y with afferent limb 60 cm distal to GJ
What is chronic gastric atony? Tx?
Delayed gastric emptying
Tx: reglan, prokinetics
sTx: roux-en-Y
What causes blind-loop syndrome?
Poor motility with B2 or Roux-en-Y
What are the symptoms of blind-loop syndrome?
Steattorehea (bacteria deconjugate bile)
B12 deficiency (used by bacteria)
What causes blind loop syndrome?
Bacterial overgrowth from stasis in afferent limb
How do you diagnose blind loop syndrome?
EGD of afferent limb with aspirate and cultures
What is the tx of blind loop syndrome?
Tetracycline and flatly, reglan
sTx: re-anastomosis with shorter (< 40 cm) afferent limb)
What causes afferent loop obstruction?
Mechanical obstruction of afferent limb
Sx: RUQ pain, steatorrhea, nonbilios vomiting, pain relief with bilious emesis
What is the treatment of afferent loop obstruction?
Baloon dilation
sTx: re-anastomosis with shorter (40 cm) afferent limb)
What causes post-vagotomy diarrhea?
Non-conjugated bile salts in colon
Casued by sustained postprandial organized MMCs
Tx: cholestyramine, octrotide
sTx: reversed interposition jejunal graft
What is the treatment of duodenal stump blow out?
Place lateral duodenostomy tube and drains
What is the transition point of the 3rd and 4th portion of duodenum?
What is maximally absorbed in the TI?
Conjugated bile acids (only site of absorption)
How long are the jejunum and ileum?
Jejunum: 100 cm
Ileum: 100 cm
How can you identify the jejunum from the outside?
Long vasa recta
Circular muscle folds
What are the four phases of migrating motor complexes?
I - Rest
II - Acceleration and GB contraction
III - Peristalsis
IV - Deceleration
What does a Sudan red stain show?
Fecal fat
What is the Schilling test?
Checks for B12 absorption
How much intestine do you need to survive off of TPN?
75 cm
Maybe 50 with a competent ileocecal valve
What are the causes of non-healing fistulas?
F - Foreign Body R - Radiation I - Inflammation E - Epithelialization N - Neoplasm D - Distal obstruction S - Sepsis/infection
How do you assess for abscess in fistula with persistent fever?
Abdominal CT
UGI with SB follow through
What are surgical indications for SBO?
Progressing pain Peritoneal signs Fever Increasing WBCs Failure to resolve
What is classic finding of gallstone ileus?
Air in biliary tree with SBO
What is the most common tissue found in a Meckel’s?
Pancreatic tissue
What type of mucosa is most likely to be symptomatic in a Meckel’s?
When do you need a segmental bowel resection for Meckel’s?
Complicated Diveticulitis (perforation)
neck > 1/3 diameter of normal bowel
Diveritculitis involving the base
What is the frequency of diverticula in the small bowel?
Duodenum > Jejunum > Ileum
What must be ruled out with a duodenal diverticulum?
GB-Duodenal fistula
How do you treat a juxta-ampullary duodenal diverticulum?
Choledocchojejunostomy for biliary sx
ERCP with stent for pancreas sx
What is the medical treatment for Crohn’s?
5-ASA and Loperamide (maintenance)
Steroids (flairs)
Remicade -> fistulas or steroid resistance
TPN may induce remission and fistula closure
What are indications for surgery in Crohn’s disease?
Obstruction (conservative first) Abscess (perc drainage) Megacolon (perforation in 15%) Hemorrhage Blind loop obstruction Fissures (NO LIS) EC fistula (conservative first) Perineal fistula (unroof to r/o abscess, then let heal) Anorectovaginal fistulas (rectal advancement flap) Get 2 cm from gross disease with surgery
What is the procedure for those with diffuse colonic Crohn’s?
Total proctocolectomy with ileostomy
What do you do with incidental IBD found on appendectomy?
Remova normal appendix if cecum not involved to r/o future confounding
When should you do a stricturoplasty?
If you are trying to save bowel length
What type of kidney stones do you get with TI resection?
Calcium oxalate (increased oxalate absorption 2/2 decreased fat absorption and fat binding calcium)
What are the hallmark symptoms of carcinoid syndrome?
Intermittent flushing (from bradykinin) Diarrhea (from serotonin)
What are the diagnostic tests for carcinoid?
Chromogranin A level (highest sensitivity) Octreotide scan (localizing tumor)
What are the most common sites for carcinoid?
Appendix > ileum > rectum
What is the treatment for appendices carcinoid?
< 2 cm = Appendectomy
> 2 cm or involving base = right hemicolectomy
What is the treatment for small bowel carcinoid?
Segmental resection with lymphadenectomy
What ist he chemotherapy for carcinoid?
Streptozocin and 5-FU
What are the treatments for carcinoid syndrome symptoms?
Octreotide (global)
Aprotinin - for bronchospasm
alpha blockers - for flushing
What is a the presentation of a small bowel adenoma?
Bleeding, obstruction
Tx: resection (often endoscopic)
What is the most common extra-intestinal malignancy in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome?
Breast cancer
What are risk factors for duodenal cancer?
Gardner’s syndrome
Polyps and adenomas
von Recklinghausen’s disease (NF1)
What is the most common site of small bowel adenocarcinoma?
Where are leiomyosarcomas found in the small bowel?
Jejunum and ileum, extraluminal
Where is lymphoma usually found in the small bowel?
What is small bowel lymphoma usually associated with?
Wegner's SLE AIDS Crohn's Celiac dz Post-transplantation
What is the treatment for small bowel lymphoma?
Wide en-bloc resection (including nodes)
1st or 2nd portion of Duo -> XRT (no whipple)
What is the most common stoma infection?
What is diversion colitis caused by?
Lack of short-chain fatty acids (tx SCFA enemas)
What is the most common cause of stenosis of stoma?
What types of stones are increased with ileostomy?
Uric acid kidney stones
What are CT findings of appendicitis?
Diameter > 7 mm
Wall thickness > 2 mm (bulls eye)
Fat stranding
No contrast in lumen
What area of the appendix is most likely to perforate?
Midpoint of the anti-mesenteric border
What should you consider in an elderly person with perforated appendicitis?
Perforated cecal colon cancer
What is different about appendicitis in pregnancy?
Need to make incision where the pain is as appendix is displaced cephalad
What is the fetal mortality with appendices rupture?
What must be tested on women with suspected appendicitis?
HcG and abdominal U/S to rule out appendicitis
What is treatment for appendix mucocele?
Open appendectomy to avoid spillage
Right hemicolectomy if malignant
What is the most common cause of death with appendix mucocele?
SBO from peritoneal tumor spread
What can mimic appendicitis?
Regional ileitis -> 10% go on to get Crohn’s
What if you operate and do not find appendicitis?
Generally remove appendix except of there is cecal enteritis
What is the defining radiographic feature of ileus?
Uniform dilatation of stomach, small bowel, colon and rectum without decompression
What are the signs of typhoid enteritis (salmonella)?
RLQ pain, diarrhea, fever, headaches
Maculopapular rash
Tx; Bactrim
What happens to the Taenia at the rectosigmoid junction?
They become broad and completely encircle bowel
How far is the dentate line from the anal verge?
2 cm
Where does the inferior rectal artery branch from?
Internal Pudendal
What is lymphatic and venous drainage of the rectum?
Superior and middle -> IMV and IMA nodes
Lower rectum -> Internal Iliac Vein, IMA nodes and iliac nodes
What are the two watershed areas?
Griffith’s Point at the splenic flexure
Sudan’s point in the rectum
What innervates the external sphincter?
Inferior rectal branch of the internal pudendal nerve
What are some important distances from the anal verge?
0-5 cm - Anal Canal
5-15 cm - Rectum
15-18 cm - Rectosigmoid Junction
What are Denonvilliers and Waldeyer’s fascia?
Denonvilliers -> rectovaginal or rectovesicular
Waldeyer’s -> rectosacral
What increases cancer risk in a polyp?
> 2 cm
What is intramucosal cancer?
Still in situ, has gone into muscularis mucosa but not basement membrane
When is a polypectomy adequate for a T1 lesion?
If margins are clear (2 mm), well differentiated, no vascular/lymphatic invasion
What is the tx for low rectal villous adenomas with atypic?
Transanal excision
APR only if true cancer is present
What if pathology shows T1 or T2 lesion after transanal excision?
T1 -> if 2 mm, well differentiated, no invasion, nothing further
T2 -> APR or LAR
How does rectal CA metastasize to the spine?
Directly via Batson’s plexus (venous)
What histologic features of colon CA have a better and worse prognosis?
Lymphocytic -> improved
Mucoepidermoid -> worst prognosis
What is the implication of rectal pain with a rectal CA?
Needs APR
What margins are needed with colon cancer?
2 cm
What is the best method for assessing hepatic mets?
Intraoperative U/S (resolution 3-5 mm vs. 10 mm for transabdominal)
What is the role of pre-op Chemo/XRT in rectal cancer?
Can produce response and preserve sphincter function in some
What is the N staging for colorectal cancer?
N1: 1-3 nodes
N2: >4 nodes
N3: central nodes
When is chemo/XRT used in colorectal cancer?
Stage III and IV colon CA -> post-op chemo only
Stage II and III rectal -> Preop chemo+XRT
Stage IV rectal -> chemo/xrt +/- surgery
What is the chemotherapy for colorectal cancer?
FOLFOX = 5FU, leucovorin, oxaliplatin
What is recurrence rate on colorectal cancer?
5% get a second primary (follow up colonoscopy at 1 year)
What is the surveillance for FAP?
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Where else do those with FAP get polyps?
What is Gardner’s syndrome?
Colon CA and Desmoid Tumors/Osteoms
What is Turcot’s syndrome?
Colon cancer and brain tumors
What are the two types of Lynch syndrome?
Lynch I -> just colon cancer
Lynch II -> also increased ovarian, endometrial, bladder, gastric cancers
What are the Amsterdam Criteria for Lynch syndrome?
3 first degree relatives over two generations with one cancer prior to age 50
What is the treatment for HNCC?
Total proctocolectomy with the first cancer diagnosis
What are risk factors for sigmoid volvulus?
High fiber diets (middle east)
Psychiatric patients
Neurologic dysfunction
Laxative abuse
What are the findings for sigmoid volvulus on AXR?
Bent inner tube sign
Bird’s beak with gastrograffin enema
What is the Tx for sigmoid volvulus?
Peritoneal signs -> Sigmoidectomy
Decompression with colonoscopy (80% reduce, 50% recur) -> sigmoid colectomy during same admission
What are the characteristics of cecal volvulus?
younger patients in 20s-30s
see a dilated cecum in the RLQ
What are the findings of the mucosa with UC?
Mucosal friability
Pseudopolyps and collar-button ulcers
What is definition of toxic colitis?
> 6 blood stools/d Fever Tachycardia Drop in Hgb Leukocytosis
What is toxic megacolon?
Toxic colitis + distention, abd pain, tenderness
What is the initial treatment of toxic colitis and toxic megacolon?
NG tube, IVF, steroids, bowel rest, abx
Treats 50%
Avoid: barium enemas, narcotics, anti-diarrheal agents, anti-cholinergics
What are absolute indications for surgery with toxic colitis/megacolon?
Pneumoperitoneum Diffuse peritonitis Localied peritonitis with increased pain/distention Uncontrolled sepsis Major hemorrhage
What are relative indictions for surgery with toxic megacolon/colitis?
Inability to promptly control sepsis Increasing Failure to improve in 24-48 hours Increasing toxicity or signs of deterioration Continued transfusion requirements
What are the common sites of perforation for UC and Crohn’s?
UC - T colon
Crohn’s - TI
What are surgical indications fur UC?
Massive hemorrhage Refractory toxic megacolon Acute fulminant UC Obstruction Any dysplasia or cancer Intractability and systemic complications FTT Long-standing disease
What is done for elective resections for UC?
Ileoanal anastomosis with rectal mucosectomy and J-pouch with temporary diverting ileostomy
What is the cancer risk with UC?
1% per year starting 10 years after initial diagnosis
What manifestations of UC do and do not get better with colectomy?
Get better: ocular problems, arthritis, anemia
Do not: PSC, ankylosing spondolytis
50% get better: Pyoderma gangrenosum
What is the treatment for low rectal carcinoids?
< 2 cm -> WLE with negative margins
> 2 cm or invasion of muscular -> APR
Where is colonic perforation most likely to occur in setting of obstruction?
In the cecum
What is the treatment for Ogilvie’s syndrome?
Electrolyte repletion
Discontinue drugs that slow colon
If colon > 10 cm -> decompression with colonoscopy and neostigmine
Where is the most common colonic site of actinomycetes infection?
Yellow-White sulfur granules
Tx: penicillin or tetracycline
Where are bleeding diverticula most likely to be located?
On the right side
What is the limit of detection for for LGIB for arteriography and tRBC scans?
Arteriography > 0.5 cc/min
tRBC > 0.1 cc/min
What do you need after an episode of diverticulitis?
Follow up colonoscopy to r/o cancer
What are signs of complicated diverticulitis?
Obstruction Fluctuant mass Peritoneal signs Temp > 39 WBCs > 20
What is treatment for R sided diverticulitis?
Right hemicolectomy
What is the Dx algorithm for LGIB?
NGT to r/o UGI
Angio first if massive bleed
OR if hypotensive and not responding to resuscitation (colectomy vs subtotal colectomy if site is localized)
What are the characteristics of angiodysplasia bleeds?
Less severe than diverticular but more likely to recur
What cardiac finding is associated with colonic angiodysplasia?
Aortic stenosis
What are the key findings in C. Diff colitis?
PMH inflammation of mucosa and submucosa
What is the treatment for neutropenic typhlitis?
surgery ONLY for free perforation
What is the venous drainage of the anus?
Above dentate -> internal hemorrhoid plexus
Below dentate -> external hemorrhoid plexus
What are the grades of hemorrhoids?
I - Slides below dentate with strain
II - prolapse and spontaneous reduction
III - manual reduction required
IV - incarcerated
What causes rectal prolapse?
Pudendal neuropathy and laxity of sphincters
What are the treatments for rectal prolapse?
Medical: High fiber diet
Surgical: Perineal rectosigmoid resection (Altemeir) or LAR and pexy of residual colon
What do you worry about with lateral or recurrent fissures?
Which perianal abscesses can be drained through the skin?
All are below levators
When are antibiotics needed for anorectal abscess?
Prosthetic hardware
What is Goodsall’s rule?
Anterior fistulas connect with anus/rectum in a straight line
Posterior go towards the midline internal opening in the anus
What is the treatment for rectovaginal fistula?
Simple - trans-anal rectal mucosa advancement flap
Complex -> abdominal approach with resection, closure, interposition and temporary ileostomy
What is the tx for anal incontinence from abdominoperinal descent?
high-fiber diet, reduced BMs
2/2 chronic damage to levator and pudendal nerves
What is the treatment for anal incontinence from obstetrical trauma?
Anterior Anal Sphincteroplasty
What are the various anorectal findings in AIDS?
Nodule with ulceration = Kaposi’s
Shallow ulcers = CMV (presents like appendicitis)
Rectal Ulcer = HSV
Abscess/ulcer = B cell lymphoma
What is the treatment for Squamous CA of the anal canal?
Nigro Protocol (chemo-XRT with 5FU and mitomycin) APR for treatment failures
What is the treatment for adenocarcinoma of the anal canal?
WLE if < 3 cm and < 1/3 circumference and T1 and no invasion. Needs 1 cm margin
What is the characteristics of anal melanoma?
3rd most common site
Sx: rectal bleeding
Most not pigmented at all
What is the treatment for Squamous cell CA of anal margin (below dentate line)
WLE < 5 cm
Chemo-XRT (5FU and cisplatin) for > 5 cm if involving sphincter or positive nodes
Need inguinal node dissection if clinically positive