GI System Meds Flashcards
G promethazine
B Phenergan
Phenothiazine; antiemetc, also tx of motion sickness; antihistamine, anesthesia & analgesia adjunct
SE: sedation, anticholiner-gic effects (dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention); orthostatic hypotension
G metoclopramide
B Reglan
Antiemetic and GI stimulant (reduces gastric stasis)
SE: generally well tolerated; drowsiness; limit use to 12 wks to decrease risk of EPS, NMS (w/increased fever, muscle rigidity)
G diphenoxylate w/atropine
B Lomotil
Schedule V drug due to opioid composition; limit to 4 doses (1-2 tabs/dose) in 24 hr period
SE: drowsiness, rash; anticholinergic effects
G biscodyl
B Dulcolax
Laxative, stimulant cathartic
Available in PO and suppository form
SE: anorexia; poss GI cramping, diarrhea
G magnesium hydroxide
B Milk of Magnesia
Laxative, osmotic cathartic
Antacid in smaller dose
Due to Mg+ content, not recommended for renal pt; increase fluids to prevent dehydration
SE: loose BMs
G psyllium
B Metamucil
Bulk forming laxative
Take w/full cup of water or juice
SE: poss GI cramping; esoph or intestinal obstruction (use w/plenty of fluid); loose BMs, flatus
G docusate sodium
B Colace
Stool softener, surfactant laxative
May take 2 days for effect
G aluminum hydroxide
B Amphojel, AlternaGEL
Give 1 hr before or 2 hrs after other meds, between meals and hs
SE: constipation esp w/long term use; hypophostatemia
G simethicone
B Gas-X, Mylicon
Not recommended for infant colic;
no known significant SE
G ranitidine
B Zantac
H2 inhibitor; anti-ulcer; for tx of PU, GERD; prevention of stress ulcers
SE: generally well tolerated; may increase risk of pneumonia as decreased gastric acid causes increased risk of gastric bacterial colonization, spread
G lansoprazole
B Prevacid
Proton pump inhibitor; anti-ulcer; preferred for tx of PU, GERD; prevention of stress ulcers
SE: H/A, nausea, diarrhea; may increase risk of pneumonia as decreased gastric acid causes increased risk of gastric bacterial colonization, spread
G lansoprazole, clarithromycin, & amoxicillin
B Prevpac
Proton pump inhibitor and anti-infective combination for tx of Helicobacter pylori
Tx course usually 2 wks
SE: nausea & diarrhea from the antibiotics
G sulcrafate
B Carafate
GI mucosal protectorant; for tx of ulcers, IBD
Give on empty stomach 1 hr ac and at hs; may give tablet dissolved in 1 oz water as “slurry”
SE: constipation
G misoprostol
B Cytotec
Prostaglandin analogue, antiulcer, cytoprotective agent; helps prevent NSAID-induced gastric ulcer
SE: N&V, gastric upset, diarrhea, menstrual spotting; contraindicated in pregnancy
G pancrelipase
B Pancrease, Viokase
Pancreatic enzyme
Taken w/meals, snacks
SE: generally well tolerated; possible allergic reaction