GI system Flashcards
What is achalasia?
Derangement of the myenteric motor plexus (coordinates motility)
S/s of achalasia
- Dysphagia for BOTH solids and liquids
- Regurgitation of food
- Severe halitosis
Similar between achalasia and GERD and different?
BOTH have regurgitation
GERD produces a sour taste but not achalasia
Tests for diagnosing achalasia
- CXR lateral upright: absence of gastric bubble, bird beak sign and air-fluid levels in posterior mediastinum
- Barium swallow- distal bird’s beak sign
- Esophageal motility (aka manometry) study- nonperistaltic contractions, incomplete LES relaxation after swallowing, inc LES resting tone
- SCOPE to rule out mass lesions or strictures, biopsy
- Nitrates or CCBs- relax the LES
- Local botox
- Surgery: esophagomyotomy with incision of the DISTAL tunica muscularis (DON’T completely divide the LES)
- Endoscopic dilatation an option but less success and more complications (perf)
Complications of achalasia?
Risk of SCC is up to 10% in ppl w/ long-standing achalasia
-Reflux/aspiration can cause PNA, bronchiectasis, asthma
Diffuse esophageal spasm?
Myenteric plexus dysfunction.
Distal 2/3 of esophagus and is caused by uncoordinated large-amplitude contractions of smooth muscle
Secondary causes of DES?
Diabetes neuropathy, collagen vascular dz, reflux esophagitis, obstruction
S/s of esophageal spasm? Associated illnesses?
- Dysphagia for both solids/liquids (like achalasia)
- CHEST PAIN similar to MI! Acute onset, retrosternal, may be radiating to arms/jaw/back
INTESTINAL DISORDERS like IBS and spastic colon
Key about esophageal spasm vs. achalasia?
Diagnosing DES?
Barium swallow- corkscrew appearance; may be TOTALLY NORMAL if it’s not catching the spasm at the time. LES normal diameter
-Esophageal manometry- swallow-induced LARGE uncoordinated contractions
DES treatment?
Nitrates or CCBs
NOT usually esophagomyotomy
Esophageal varicies s/s?
- Bleeding stops spontaneously in 50% of cases
- Rebleeding risk is high
Treatment of unruptured esoph varicies?
Medical: drugs that decrease portal blood flow- vasopressin, octreotide, somatostatin.
Beta-blockers decrease portal pressure
Rx for ruptured esoph varicies?
pRBCs, NS NG suction Endoscopic sclerotherapy Endoscopic band ligation (these have 90% success)
Balloon tamponade can cause perf
TIPS/portocaval shunt, liver transplant
Ddx of esoph rupture?
Aortic dissection/MI
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Perforated peptic ulcer
How to diagnose esophageal rupture?
CXR: L-sided pleural effusion, mediastinal or subcutaneous emphysema
Esophagogram w/ water-soluble contrast (shows extravasation of contrast)
S/s esophageal cancer
GRADUAL dysphagia first solids then liquids (it takes 60% occlusion to have sx)
Wt loss, fatigability, weakness
- Barium swallow showing mass
- CXR w/ hilar LAD
- EGD to look at mass/biopsy it
- CT scan of thorax for spread
Usually caught after widespread/metastasis so <40% candidates for surgery; many post-op complications
Epiphrenic/pharyngoesophageal (Zenker’s) cause?
Elevated pressure
Both are FALSE
Zenker’s is the one most likely to be symptomatic
Treatment of Zenker’s?
Cervical esophagomyotomy with resection of diverticulum
Esophageal stricture s/s?
Small may be asx, otherwise progressive dysphagia
Esophageal stricture dx?
SCOPE bc it MUST BE EVALUATED for malignancy