GI System Flashcards
Gastroesophageal Reflux
overweight pt with burning retrosternal pain and heartburn from bending over, wearing tight clothes, lying flat in bed at night.
Relieved by antacids or OTC H2 blockers.
Dx: pH monitoring
May get Barrett esophagus or peptic esophagitis.
Dx: endoscopy and biopsies.
Tx: PPI, H2 blockers, antacids, surgery if meds can’t control it or get ulcers (radioablation or Nissen).
Motility Problems of Esophagus
crushing pain with swallowing = uncoordinated massive contraction
solids swallowed with less difficulty than liquids = achalasia.
usually women
Features: dysphagia worse with liquids, sit straight and wait to allow liquids past sphincter, regurgitation of undigested food.
Dx: x-ray shows megaesophagus, manometry
Tx: balloon dilation via endoscopy
Esophageal Cancer
squamous cell in men who smoke and drink.
adenocarcinoma in long-standing GERD.
Features: progression of dysphagia from meat to solids to soft food to liquids to saliva, significant weight loss.
Dx: endoscopy and biopsy, barium swallow to prevent inadvertent perforation, CT scan
Tx: surgery
Mallory-Weiss tear
Cause: prolonged forceful vomiting.
Features: hematemesis.
Dx: endoscopy
Tx: photocoagulation
Boerhaave Syndrome
Cause: prolonged forceful vomiting with esophageal perforation.
Features: sudden, continuous, severe, wrenching epigastric and low sternal pain followed by fever, leukocytosis, sick patient.
Dx: contrast swallow
Tx: surgery
Esophageal perforation
mostly from instrumental perforation.
Features: after endoscopy symptoms suddenly develop. Emphysema in lower neck.
Dx: contrast studies
Tx: surgery
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Features: anorexia, weight loss, vague epigastric distress or early satiety, hematemesis.
Dx: endoscopy and biopsy, CT scan
Tx: surgery
Gastric lymphoma
Features: anorexia, weight loss, vague epigastric distress or early satiety, hematemesis
Dx: endoscopy and biopsy
Tx: chemotherapy or radiotherapy, surgery if perforated.
Maltoma reversed if eradicate H pylori
Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction
cause: adhesions in those with prior laparotomy
Features: colicky abd pain, protracted vomiting, progressive abd distention, no passage of gas or feces. Early on have high pitched bowel sounds with colicky pain, then silence.
Dx: x-ray shows distended loops ofbowel with air-fluid levels
Tx: NPO, NG suction, IV fluids, watch for strangulation, surgery if necessary
Strangulated Obstruction
cause: compromised blood supply
Features: pt with mechanical intestinal obstruction symptoms develops fever, leukocytosis, constant pain, signs of peritoneal irritation, full-blown peritonitis and sepsis.
Tx: surgery
Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction from Incarcerated Hernia
Features: pt with mechanical intestinal obstruction symptoms and potential strangulation but on exam have irreducible hernia that was reducible before.
Tx: surgery (emergent if strangulated, elective if viable bowel and reducible).
Carcinoid Syndrome
cause: small bowel carcinoid tumor with liver metastases.
Features: diarrhea, facial flushing, wheezing, right sided heart valvular damage (increased JVD)
Dx: 24 hour urinary collection for 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
Acute Appendicitis
Features: anorexia, then vague periumbilical pain that becomes sharp, severe, constant, and moves to RLQ, tenderness, guarding, rebound in RLQ, fever, leukocytosis in 10,000-15,000, neutrophilia and immature forms.
Dx: CT
Tx: appendectomy
Right Colon Cancer
Features: anemia (hypochromic, iron deficiency) in elderly.
Dx: 4+ occult blood in stool, colonoscopy and biopsy
Tx: right hemicolectomy