Acute Abdomen Flashcards
Caused by perforation
Cause: usually peptic ulcer
Features: sudden onset, constant, generalized, severe pain, reluctant to move, protective of abdomen, tenderness, muscle guarding, rebound, silent abdomen.
Dx: free air under diaphragm on x-ray.
Tx: surgery
Caused by obstruction
Cause: obstructed narrow duct (ureter, cystic, common)
Features: sudden onset colicky pain, typical radiation and location from source, moving constantly to find comfort.
Caused by inflammatory process
Features: gradual onset, slow build, constant, ill-defined then localizes with typical radiation patterns, peritoneal irritation in affected area, fever, leukocytosis.
Ischemic Processes
severe abd pain and blood in lumen of gut
Primary Peritonitis
in kid with nephrosis and ascites
in adult with ascites and mild generalized acute abd, equivocal findings, fever, leukocytosis
Dx: ascites culture with one organism
Tx: abx
Generalized Acute Abdomen
rule out primary peritonitis, MI, lower lobe pneumonia, PE, pancreatitis, urinary stones
Dx: EKG, troponins, CXR, spiral CT, amylase/lipase, CT abd
Tx: exploratory laparotomy
Acute Pancreatitis
alcoholic with upper acute abd
Features: rapid onset, pain is constant, epigastric, radiates to back, nausea, vomiting, retching.
Dx: serum or urinary amylase or lipase (serum 12-48hr, urine 3-6 day), CT
Tx: NPO, NG suction, IV fluids
Biliary Tract Disease
in fat woman in 40’s who is fertile with RUQ pain
Ureteral Stones
Features: sudden onset colicky pain radiating to inner thigh or scrotum/labia, with urgency/frequency, microhematuria on UA.
Dx: CT
Acute Diverticulitis
acute abd pain in LLQ
middle aged pt
Features: LLQ pain, fever, leukocytosis, peritoneal irritation in LLQ, palpable tender mass.
Dx: CT
Tx: NPO, IV fluids, abx, surgery if doesn’t get better or more than 2 attacks
Volvulus of Sigmoid
Features: signs of intestinal obstruction, severe abd distention.
Dx: x-ray with air-fluid level in small bowel, distended colon, air-filled loop in RUQ that tapers to LLQ in shape of “parrot’s beak”.
Tx: proctosigmoidoscopic exam with rigid instrument leaving rectal tube in, recurrence => elective sigmoid resection.
Mesenteric Ischemia
Features: acute abd in pt with a fib or recent MI, blood in bowel lumen, acidosis, sepsis.
Tx: when caught early: arteriogram and embolectomy