GI Review* Flashcards
This case is usually about 30 minutes to 2 hours long. Want a deeper anesthetic - use IAs. Also have Glucagon drawn up and ready to go. But if you have a diabetic patient remember to monitor blood glucose levels
Usually done laporoscopically. Treatment for chronic peptic esophagitis.
- gas insufflation, diaphragm displacement, reverse trendelenburg better but surgeons love trendelenburg
- Need them to have lower tidal volumes and increased rate
- With insufflation usually using CO2 (or N2O) anticipate ETCO2 going up (high 40s ok for a while, if gets up to 50/60s need to adjust).
Nissen Fundoplication
Co-exists with chronic peptic esophagitis?
One of the most common. Ask every patient if they have this. Increased risk of Aspiration in these patients - will do RSI!
Ask patient if they have reflux, heartburn, do they sleep sitting up/need pillows to elevate themselves to sleep.
Hiatal hernia
Anesthesia Considerations for the Patient with IBD:
Avoid increases in intraluminal pressure with ___.
-Use in conjunction with an ___ drug, may go on upper end of dosing.
-Go on lower end of dosing with ____.
reversals aka anticholinesterase
___ and ___ patients tend to be on steroids to suppress inflammation may need steroid stress dose.
Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
Treatment of Carcinoid Tumors:
-Somatostatin analogue for hypotension and bronchospasm? (careful interferes with ___ release)
~also for treatment of vaso/bronchoconstriction (SQ 50-150 mcg)
-Resection of tumor by surgery
**Carcinoid Syndrome will see (4)
-___ release serotonin, should avoid them also Avoid (4)!!
-Treat HTN with?
- Octreotide 100-200 mcg IV
- insulin (exacerbates diabetes)
- *cutaneous flushing, bronchospasm, hypotension, diarrhea
- catecholamines
- sympathomimetic agents, ketamine, histamine releasing drugs, N2O
- labetalol
Reverse SOO with (3)
Upper Endoscopy:
- ___ is to prevent patient from biting down on scope - they are very expensive. Place so tongue is in down position. The only way to place appropriately is to put it in before the patient is sedated.
- Have a portable system available = ___ system (bag, valve, mask)
- Need to have this available so you can breathe for the patient
- Bite block
- Jackson-Reese
PUD treatment: (2) and pyloroplasty and/or vagotomy.
- NG suctioning
H2 antagonists and anticholinergics
H2 may inhibit CYP450
Gastric outlet obstruction (duodenal)
retain greater than ___ 30 minutes after drinking ___ saline
300 cc
750 cc
Cholecystitis Patient:
Increased intra-abdominal pressure with insufflation (CO2) interferes with ventilation - ___ will help this.
(also impacts venous return and reflux concern - place OGT)
-___ ok, don’t use ___
-Reverse SOO spasm with (3)
Reverse Trendelenburg
- fentanyl
- morphine
- NTG, naloxone, glucagon