Endocrine Review* Flashcards
Thyroid storm - when TH levels become very high!
One major sign of thyroid storm that differentiates it from hyperthyroidism is ?
marked elevation of body temp (105-106 degrees F)
Management of Thyroid Storm: (4)
- cooled IV crystalloids
- esmolol gtt
- potassium iodide
Preoperative Management of Hyperthyroidism/Grave’s Disease:
- Administer ?
- Avoid ??
- Anti-cholinergics!!
- anxiolytics, midazolam 2-5 mg
- hypercarbia and hypoxia
Hyperthyroidism-Choice of Induction Drugs:
- Ok = ____
- Good with appropriate dosing = ____
- May see increases in BP with ___
- NO ___!
- Propofol
- Etomidate
- Ketamine
Intubation Considerations with Hyperthyroidism:
-With possible difficult airway consider ___
-Non-depolarizers avoid ___ due to possible increase in HR
-PNS - assure complete relaxation to avoid ?
-Lidocaine gooood
Secure tube and tube connections, and PROTECT EYES and NOSE
- Depolarizers (succ 1 mg/kg)
- Pancuronium
- bucking
Preop Management of Hyperthyroidism:
Emergency surgery =
-Give ?
esmolol 100-300 mcg/kg/min
Maintenance of Hyperthyroidism/Grave’s Disease:
- Goal?
- Accelerated Drug Metabolism clinically relevant due to ___
- __ = __ increase in MAC when one degree increase in body temp > ?
- Avoid?
- Treat hypotension-exaggerated response to ___
- ___ = avoid SNS stimulation, prolonged response
- Avoid stimulation of SNS
- increased CO
- Hyperthermia, 5%
- 37 degrees celsius
- local with epi
- direct acting pressors
- Muscle relaxants
Emergence-Hyperthyroidism/Grave’s Disease:
- Thyroidectomy
- Concern with ___
- Damage to adductor fibers of ___ (if bilat = ___, unilat = ___)
- ___ possible, weak rings collapse
- awake BUT NO ___ (xylocaine helpful)
-Vocal cord paralysis
obstruction (need to reintubate)
hoarseness (oxygen and assure)
Anesthesia Management-Hypothyroidism:
- Cardiac = ___, decreased (3), increased ___, systemic HTN, narrow pulse pressure, decreased voltage and prolonged PR/QRS/QT interval, potential for ___ and conduction abnormalities
- Respiratory = Decreased response to ___ and ___
- These patients will have a ___ intolerance - peripheral ___ to ___
- Puffy face, macroglossia - issues with airway??
- Bradycardia
- CO, SV, contractility
- pericardial effusion
- hypoxia and hypercapnia
- cold intolerance - peripheral vasoconstriction to preserve heat
Preop Management of Hypothyroidism:
- Replacement therapy~postpone surgery?
- ___ = common for adrenal insufficiency
- Caution with ___ (avoid or 1/2 dose)
- fluid replacement
- delayed gastric emptying (Reflux? RSI?)
- Cortisol
- Benzos
- Keep warm and need to Avoid ___!
- PreO2 impaired vent. response to decreased O2 and increased CO2
- Meds = ___ good
- ___ low end of dosing
- ___ potential for hypotension esp. in fluid deficit
- prolonged response to ___ go on lower end of dosing
- Sedation
- Ketamine
- Thiopental
- Propofol
- Muscle relaxants
Maintenance of Hypothyroidism: -\_\_\_ alone or with \_\_\_, \_\_\_, \_\_\_ -Keep warm avoid hypothermia -Monitor for early recognition of ??? -Treat hypotension with \_\_\_ Emergence = recovery may be delayed-somnolent, hypothermia will ?
- N2O alone or with low dose benzos
- Opioids
- Ketamine
- Cardiac depression, CHF, hypothermia
- ephedrine 2.5-5 mg IV
- delay MR metabolism
Hyperparathyroidism = ___ is the hallmark of Primary Hyperparathyroidism.
- These patients will thus have ___
- Cardiac = (4)
- GI (___, pain, vomiting, ___) and Renal (polydipsia, polyuria, ___, ___)
- hypercalcemia
- SM weakness
- Prolonged PR, short QT, systemic HTN, anemia
- peptic ulcers, pancreatitis
- stones, decreased GFR
Preop Management of Hyperparathyroidism:
- Manage hypercalcemia for symptomatic hypercalcemia administer?
- Give ?
- Saline infusion 150 mL/hr
- Loop diuretics (lasix)
Anesthetic Management Hyperparathyroidism:
- Patient will be ___ = decrease induction meds, decreased pain sensation, may have personality changes if they do AVOID ?
- Maintain ___, no IV solution with ___.
- Monitor UOP
- Unpredictable responses with ___ due to increased sensitivity and muscle weakness. Need to ??
- somnolent
- Ketamine
- hydration
- Calcium (no LR)
- MRs
- decrease dose and use PNS