GI Pharm Flashcards
Mech: Reversible block of histamine H2-receptors –> decreased H+ secretion by parietal cells
H2 Blockers
Mech: Bind to ulcer base, providing physical protection and allowing bicarb (HCO3-) secretion to reestablish pH gradient in the mucous layer.
Bismuth, Sucralfate
Mech: PGE1 analog. Increases production and secretion of gastric mucous barrier, decreases acid production
Mech: Irreversibly inhibits H+/K+ ATPase in stomach parietal cells.
Proton Pump Inhibitors
Mech: Long-acting somatostatin analog.
Can affect absorption, bioavailability, or urinary excretion of other drugs by altering gastric and urinary pH or by delaying gastric emptying.
H2 Blockers
- “Take H2 Blockers before you DINE.” Think “table for 2” to remember H2.
- Cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine
Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeparzole, pantoprazole, dexlansoprazole
Aluminum Hyrdoxide, Magnesium Hydroxide, Calcium Carbonate
Potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 with multiple drug interactions, antiandrogenic effects, and the ability to cross the BB barrier and placenta
Decrease renal excretion of creatinine.
Cimetidine and Ranitidine
Used for increased ulcer healing and traveler’s diarrhea.
Bismuth, Sucralfate
SE include nausea, cramps, and steatorrhea.
SE include diarrhea, hyporeflexia, hypotension, and cardiac arrest.
Magnesium Chloride (Mg = Must go to the bathroom)
SE include increased risk of C- difficult infection and pneumonia, Hip fractures, and decreased serum Mg2+ with long-term use.
Proton Pump Inhibitors
SE include Diarrhea. Is also contraindicated in women of childbearing potential due to it being an abrotifacient.
SE include Hypercalcemia and increased rebound acid. Can also chelate and decrease the effectiveness of other drugs like tetracycline.
Calcium Carbonate
SE include Constipation, hypophosphatemia, proximal muscle weakness, osteodystrophy, and seizures.
Aluminum Hydroxide (AluMINIMUM amount of Feces)
Used for Acute variceal bleeds, acromegaly, VIPoma, and carcinoid tumors.
All can cause hypokalemia.
Used for prevention of NSAID-induced peptic ulcers, maintenance of a PDA, and to induce labor (ripens cervix).
Mech: Monoclonal antibody to TNF-alpha
Mech: D2 receptor antagonist. Increases resting tone, contractility, LES tone, and motility. Does not influence colon transport time.
Mech: Combination of sulfapyridine (antibacterial) and 5-aminosalicyclic acid (anti-inflammatory) that is activated by colonic bacteria.
Mech: Provide osmotic load to draw water out.
Osmotic Laxatives
Osmotic Laxatives
Magnesium Hydroxide, Magnesium Citrate, polyethylene glycol, lactulose.
Used for Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis
Infliximab, and Sulfasalazine
Used for RA
Mech: 5-HT3 antagonist.
Used for diabetic and post-surgery gastroparesis, antiemetic.
Used to control vomiting postoperatively and in pts undergoing cancer chemo.
SE include Diarrhea, dehydration; may be abused by bulimics.
Osmotic Laxatives
SE include headache and constipation.
SE include increased Parksonian effects, restlessness, drowsiness, fatigue, depression, nausea, diarrhea, drug interaction with digoxin and diabetic agents.
Contraindicated in pts with small bowel obstruction or Parkinson’s disease
SE include Malaise, nausea, sulfonamide toxicity, reversible oligospermia
SE include Infection (including reactivation of TB), fever, and hypotension.