GI Path Flashcards
Symptoms: Left lung hypoplasia, herniation of stomach and spleen into thorax. Pathophysiology: Failure of pleuroperitoneal fold fusion.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Symptoms: Failure of lateral body folds to fuse; extrusion of abdominal contents through abdominal folds. Not covered by peritoneum.
Symptoms: Persistence of herniation of abdominal contents into umbilical cord, covered by PERTIONEUM. Pathophysiology:
Symptoms: Most common subtype is blind upper esophagus with lower esophagus connected to trachea. Results in cyanosis, choking and vomiting with feeding, and polyhydramnios. Lab Values: Air in the stomach coming from the trachea.
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Symptoms: Hypertrophy of the pylorus causes obstruction. Palpable “olive” mass in epigsatric region and nonbilious projectile vomiting at ~2 weeks of age. Empties liquids not solids.Lab Values: Hypocholemic metabolic alkalosis. Pathophysiology: 1/600 live births; first born males.Treatment: Surgical incision.
Congenital pyloric stenosis
Symptoms: Damages ligamentum teres (fetal umbilical veins) Pathophysiology: Connects liver to anterior abdominal wall.
Damage to falciform ligament
Symptoms: Damages the portal triad (hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct). Pathophysiology: Connects liver to duodenum; greater and lesser sacs.
Damage to hepatoduodenal ligmaent
Symptoms: Damages gastric arteries. Pathophysiology: Connects liver to lesser curvature of stomach; seperates right greater and lesser sacs.
Damage to gastrohepatic ligament
Symptoms: Damages gastroepiploic arteries. Pathophysiology: Connects greater curvature and transverse colon.
Damage to gastrocolic ligament
Symptoms: Damages short gastric arteries. Pathophysiology: Connects greater curvature nad spleen.
Damage to gastrosplenic ligament
Symptoms: Damages splenic artery and vein. Pathophysiology: Connects spleen to posterior abdominal wall
Damage to spenorenal ligament
Symptoms: Viral hepatitis
Periportal hepatitis
Symptoms: Affected first by ischemia, has P-450 system, more sensitive to toxic injury and alcoholic hepatitis.
Centrilobular hepatitis
Lab Values: “Hourglass stomach.” Pathophysiology: Most common diaphragmatic hernia. GE junction is dipslaced. Abdominal structures enter thorax. Due to defect in pleuroperitoneal membrane.
Sliding hiatal hernia
Symptoms: Hypoplastic left lung. Lab Values: Bowl sounds in thorax. Pathophysiology: GE junction is normal; stomach cardia (near esophagus) moves into thorax.
Paraesophageal diaphragmatic hernia
Symptoms: Occurs in infants due to patent processus vaginalis. May result in hydrocele. More common in males. Lab Values: Herniated gut is covered in all 3 layers of spermatic fascia. Pathophysiology: Herniation throug hinternal (deep) inguinal ring, external (superficial) inguinal ring, and into the scrotum. Later to inferior epigastric artery.
Indirect inguinal hernia
Symptoms: Usually in older men. Lab Values: Herniated gut is only covered by external spermatic fascia. Pathophysiology: Herniation through the inguinal triangle. Medial to the inferior epigastric artery. Goes through only the external (superficial) inguinal ring.
Direct inguinal hernia
Symptoms: More common in women. Leading cause of bowel incarceration. Pathophysiology: Herniation below the inguinal ligament through the femoral canal; lateral to pubic tubercle.
Femoral hernia
Symptoms: Benign parotid tumor; hetertropic salivary tissue trapped in a lymph node, or surrounded by lymphatic tissue.
Warthin’s tumor
Symptoms: Most common parotid tumor, MOBILE, painless (no nerve invasion, and benign with high rate of recurrence due to irregular margins (hard to completely remove surgically).
Pleomorphic salivary adenoma
Symptoms: Most common malignant tumor of parotid gland. Will present with pain due to facial nerve invasion.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Symptoms: Globus hystericus or globus pharyngis; feeling of having a “lump” in one’s throat without clinical or radiographic evidence, often triggered by strong emotion (benign).
Globus sensation
Symptoms: Failure of relaxation of the LES due to loss of myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexus. Uncoordinated peristalsis leading to progressive dysphagia (firist solids, later liquids). Lab Values: High LES opening pressure. Barium swallow shows dilated esophagus with an area of distal stenosis. “Bird’s beak” sign.* Pathophysiology: Associated with increase risk of esophageal squamosu cell carcinoma. Secondary achalasia may arise from Chagas’ disease. Scleroderma has esophageal dysmotility with pressure proximal to LES.
Symptoms: Heart burn and regurgitation upon lying down. May also present with noctural cough and dyspnea. ADULT ONSET ASTHMA Lab Values: Esosinophilia. Pathophysiology: Leads to Barrett’s esophagus (columnar metaplasia).
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Symptoms: Massive hematemesis of submucosal veins of lower 1/3rd of esophagus. Worse prognosis and more bleeding than Mallory-Weiss syndrome. Pathophysiology: History of alcoholism; portal hypertension. Due to flow via left gastric vein. Treatment: Balloon tamponade.
Esophageal varices
Symptoms: Mucosal lacerations at the gastroesophageal junction due to severe vomiting. Leads to PAINFUL hematemesis (vs painless = esophageal varices). Found in alcoholics and bulimics.
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Symptoms: Transmural esophageal rupture due to violent retching.
Boerhaave syndroem
Symptoms: Associated with lye (sodium hydroxide) and acid reflux.
Esophageal strictures
Symptoms: Associated with GERD, infection (HSV-1: punched-out ulcers; CMV: linear ulcers; Candida: white speudomembrane), or chemical ingestion (radiation). Lab Values: Must see eosinophils on biopsy for reflux esophagitis. Pathophysiology: Leads to Barrett’s esophagus (columnar metaplasia).
ymptoms: Female with triad of dysphagia (due to esophageal webs), glossitis, iron deficiency anemia. Pathophysiology: Increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus.
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Pathophysiology: Glandular metaplasia; replacement of stratified squamous epithelium with columnar epithelium in distal esophagus. Due to GERD. Associated with esophagitis, ulcers, and increased risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Barrett’s esophagus
Symptoms: Lower 1/3rd of the esophagus. Pathophysiology: Requires Barrett’s esophagus metaplasia. Due to esophageal web/esophagitis, Zenker’s diverticula. Usually white male.
Esophageal adenocarcinoma
Symptoms: Upper 2/3rds of the esophagus. (usually mid) Pathophysiology: Due to alcohol, achalasia, cigarettes/tobacco, prior lye (sodium hydroxide) ingestion. Usually African-American.
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Symptoms: Diarrhea, steatorrhea, weight loss, weakness, dermatitis herpetiformis (vesicular lesions on elbows). Commonly seen in patients on a high fiber diet for first time. Lab Values: HLA-B8, DR, and DQ. IgA antibodies to gliadin and tissue tansglutaminase. Blunting of villi, lymphocytes in lamina propria, crypt hyperplasia. Screen by serum transglutaminase Ab. Pathophysiology: Affects proximal small bowel. Autoimmune mediated hypersensitivity to gliadin leading to steatorrhea. Decreased absorption in jejunum. Moderate increase of T-cell lymphoma risk.
Celiac sprue
Symptoms: Diarrhea, steatorrhea, weigth loss, weakness. Lab Values: Blunting of villi, crypt hyperplasia. Pathophysiology: Due to bacterial overgrowth. Can affect entire small bowel. Treatment: Antibiotics.
Tropical sprue
Symptoms: Diarrhea, arthralgias, cardiac and neurological (altered mental status, peripheral neuropathy)symptoms. Occurs in older men.* Lab Values: PAS-positive macrophages in intestinal lamina propia, mesenteric nodes. Pathophysiology: Infection with Tropheryma whippeli (gram positive). Treatment: Antibiotics.
Whipple’s disease
Symptoms: Osmotic diarrhea. Self-limited lactase deficiency following injury (e.g. viral gastroentritis). Lab Values: Normal-appearing villi. Absence of blood glucose elevation with administration indicates deficiency.
Lactase deficiency
- Symptoms: Malabsorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK). Lab Values: Increase neutral fat in stool. Pathophysiology: Due to CF, obstructing cancer, and chronic pancreatitis. Treatment: *
Pancreatic insufficiency
Symptoms: Presents in early childhood with malabsorption and neurological manifestations. Lab Values: Fat accumulation in enterocytes. Pathophysiology: Decreased synthesis of apo B; inability to generate chylomycrions. Low blood cholesterol, VLDL.
Symptoms: Erosive gastritis. Lab Values: PMNs. Pathophysiology: Disruption of mucosal barrier leads to inflammation. Can be caused by physiological stress, NSAIDS (decreased PGE2), alcohol, uremia, burns (Curling’s ulcer), and brain injury (Cushing’s ulcer).
Acute gastritis
Symptoms: Burn resulting in acute erosive gasttritis. Pathophysiology: Low plasma volume leads to sloughing of gastric mucosa.
Curling’s ulcer
Symptoms: Brain injury resulting in acute erosive gastritis. Lab Values: Elevated ICP. Pathophysiology: Increased vagal stimulation leads to elevated ACh and higher H+ production.
Cushing’s ulcer
Symptoms: Nonerosive gastritis of the fundus/body. Lab Values: Lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages. Hypochlorhydria. Pathophysiology: Due to autoimmune disorders characterized by autoantibodies to parietal cells, pernicious anemia, and achlorhydria. Increased risk of gastric adenocarcinoma.
Chronic gastritis type A
Symptoms: Nonerosive gastritis of the antrum. Lab Values: Chronic “active” gastritis; PMNs present. Pathophysiology: Most common type; due to H. hyplori infection. Increased risk of MALToma and gastric adenocarcinoma.
Chronic gastritis type B
Symptoms: Protein losing enteropathy (peripheral edema) and diarrhea. Lab Values: Cerebriform appearance of rugae. Pathophysiology: Gastric hypertrophy with protein loss, parietal cell atrophy, and increased mucous cells. Precancerous. Rugae of stomach are so hypertrophied that they look like brain gyri.
M_n_trier’s disease
Symptoms: Often presents with acanthosis nigricans. Early satiety (due to mass in the stomach). Weight loss and anorexia. Lab Values: Resembles colonic adenocarcimona with malignant ulcers on lesser curvature of the stomach (heaped, irregular borders with necrotic base). Pathophysiology: Liver and nodal metastasis. Due to nitrosamines (smoked food), pickled vegetables, achlorhydria, chronic gastritis, type A blood.
Gastric adenocarcinoma intestinal type
Symptoms: Often presents with acanthosis nigricans. Weight loss and anorexia. Krukenberg’s tumor on metastasis. Lab Values: Signet ring cells; grossly thickened and leathery stomach (linitis plastica).
Gastric adenocarcinoma diffuse type
Symptoms: Sudden appearance of multipe seborrheic keratosis indicating an underlying malignancy (GI especially gastric adenocarcinoma or lymphoid).
Sign of Leser-Trelat
Symptoms: Nontender enlarged left supraclavicular lymph node. Pathophysiology: Sign of gastric adenocarcinoma metastasis.
Virchow’s node
Symptoms: Subcutaneous periumbilical metastasis. Pathophysiology: Sign of gastric adenocarcinoma metastasis.
Sister Mary Joseph’s nodule
Symptoms: Bilateral metastasis to ovaries. Abundant mucus, signet ring cells. Pathophysiology: Diffuse type gastric adenocarcinoma metastasis.
Krukenberg’s tumor
Symptoms: Pain GREATER with meals. Weight loss. Older patients. Risk of hemorrage (posterior>anterior). Most common cause of upper GI bleeds. Lab Values: Positive urease breath test. Goes down to the muscular layer (irreversible unlike stress ulcers). Well defined ulcer borders and radiating folds (vs carcinoma). Pathophysiology: 70% caused by H. pylori infection. Chronic NSAID use also implicated. Due to decreased mucosal protection against gastric acid. Increased risk of gastric carcinoma. Treatment: PPI, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin (or metronidazole).
Gastric ulcer
Symptoms: Pain DECREASES with meals. Weight gain. Risk of hemorrhage (posterior > anterior) and perforation ( anterior > posterior). Lab Values: Hypertrophy of Brunner’s glands. Clean, “punched-out” margins unlike raised/irregular margins of carcinoma. No increased risk of carcinoma.* Pathophysiology: 100% caused by H.pylori infection. Due to elevated gastric acid secretion (Zollinger-Ellison sndrome) or decreased mucosal protection. Associated with blood group O. More common than gastric ulcers. Treatment: PPI, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin (or metronidazole).
Duodenal ulcer
Symptoms: Mucoid diarrhea. Migratory polyarthritis, erythema nodosum, immunologic disorders, kidney stones. May also have strictures, perianal fistulas and fissures, malabsorption and nutritional depletion (B12). Lab Values: Transmural inflammation. COBBELSTONE MUCOSA (linear ulcers), creeping fat, bowel wall thickening. String sign. Noncaseating granulomas and lymphoid aggregates (TH1). Pathophysiology: Disorder response to intestinal bacteria. Affects terminal ileum and colon but can occur anywhere in the GI tract. Skip lesion, rectal sparing. Increased risk of colorectal cancer. Treatment: Corticosteroids, infliximab.
Crohn’s disease
Symptoms: Blood diarrhea. Malnutrition, toxic megacolon, colorectal carcinoma (worse with right-sided or pancolitis). Assocaited with pyoderma gangrenosum, ankylosing spondylitis, uveitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis. Lab Values: Mucosal and submucosal inflammation only. Friable mucosal pseudopolyps with freely hanging mesentary. Loss of haustra; “lead pipe” appearance on imaging. NO GRANULOMAS! Pathophysiology: Autoimmune (HLA-B27). Continuous colonic lesions, always with rectal involvement. Treatment: Sulfasalazine, 6-mercaptopurine, infliximab, colectomy.
Ulcerative colitis
Symptoms: Recurrent abdominal pain asosciated with paint hat improves with defection, change in stool frequency, change in apperance of stool. May present with diarrhea, constipation, or alternating. Lab Values: No structural abnormalites. Chronic symptoms. Pathophysiology: Generally caused by stress (or infection). Treatment: Treat symptoms.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Symptoms: All age groups. Initial difuse periumbilical pain (T10) that localized at McBurney’s point (1/3rd distance from ASIS to ubilicus). Nausea, fever; may perforate and cause pertionitis. Lab Values: Must see PMNs in the muscularis mucosa. Pathophysiology: In kids: lymphoid hyperpalsia after viral infection, enterobius vermicularis. Adults: obstruction, fecalith.
Symptoms: Blind pouch protruding from alimentary tract that communicates with the lumen of the gut. Most often in signmoid colon. Lab Values: True has all 3 gut wall layers (Meckel’s); false have only mucosa and submucosa. * Pathophysiology: Most diverticula (esophagus, stomach, duodenum colon) are acquired and termed “false” in that they lack or have an attenuated muscularis externa. Occurs especially where vasa recta perforate muscularis externa.
Symptoms: Many false diverticula. Common (>50%) in 60+ years of age. Often asymptomatic or assoocitaed with vague discomfort and/or painless rectal bleeding. Pathophysiology: Caused by increased intraluminal pressure and focal wekaness in colonic wall. Assocaited with low-fiber diet. Most common in sigmoid colon.
Colonic diverticulosis
Symptoms: Elderly. Inflammation of diverticula cuasing LLQ pain, fever, leukocytosis. May perforate and cause peritonitis, abscess formation, or bowel stenosis. May cause bright red rectal bleeding. May also cause colovesical fistula => pneumaturia. Pathophysiology: “Left-sided appendicitis.” Treatment: Antibiotics.
Symptoms: False diverticulum. Herniation of mucosal tissue at junction of pharynx and esophagus. Presneting symptoms are halitosis, dysphagia, obstruction. Lab Values: Only mucosa and submucosa.
Zenker’s diverticulum
Symptoms: True diverticulum. Causes melena, RLQ pain, intussusception, volvulus, or obstruction near the terminal ileum. Lab Values: Ectopic acid-secreitng gastric mucosa and/or pancreatic tissue. 2 inchs long, 2 feet from ileocecal valve, 2% of the population, first 2 years of life, 2 types of epithelia. Dx by pertechnetate study ectopic uptake. Pathophysiology: Persistence of the vitelline duct or yolk stalk. Most common congenital anomaly of the GI tract.
Meckel’s diverticulum
Symptoms: Cystic dilation of vitelline duct.
Omphalomesenteric cyst